Friday 28 April 2023



Swami Nirvedananda, formerly Surendranath Mukherjee, popular in Ramakrishna lore as Anadi Maharaj, was the founder of the Ramakrishna Mission Calcutta Students' Home, Belgharia. Born on 19 July, 1893 when Swami Vivekananda was being reborn in a different setting in America, Anadi grew up to be a brilliant student, graduating in Physics from Presidency College in 1913 and achieving his Master's degree in English in 1916. By then he was presumably well-versed in the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda literature, erudite as he was otherwise, and inspired by the ideal of 'renunciation and service' as upheld before the day's youth by Swamiji, quit home to start a coaching class and a shelter for bright and needy students, offering them a spiritual ambience to pursue education in a city that was rocked by feverish political turmoil.

Soon he came into close contact with five of the direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna, namely, Swami Brahmananda who spiritually initiated him with the Ishtamantra (sacred sound symbol of one's Chosen Deity), Swami Shivananda who later ordained him into sannyas (monasticism), Swami Saradananda who he promised lifelong association with the Calcutta Students' Home which he fulfilled to the letter till his earthly demise, Swami Premananda and Swami Turiyananda. Such holy association set aflame his innate spiritual tendencies and what remained as the ashes of the blaze was the realised soul, Swami Nirvedananda, whose very memory is hallowed today and serves as a perennial source of spiritual inspiration amidst the general decadence of the times. John Keats had penned that immortal line 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever.' Indeed, Anadi Maharaj lives on in the hearts of so many as such a divine act of beauty, a masterpiece by the Master himself in his hour of beauteous repose. 'Satyam Shivam Sundaram' was hardly ever better exemplified in a human as in Swami Nirvedananda who in spirit had become one with his divine Master.

Anadi had started his first coaching centre soon after graduation in 1913 at a rented house on Jeliapara Lane in Boubazar, Kolkata, with just two students, shifting residence multiple times through Corporation Street, Banka Rai Street, Halder Lane, Abhay Halder Lane, Gouripur, Hasnabad, Garpar Road, Upper Circular Road and Harinath Dey Road before finding permanent residential roots in Belgharia in 1954. His motto 'Maximum freedom, minimum restraint' drew on the best resources of the students in his care whose academic and spiritual lives he nourished in a manner that they not only matured into fine citizens but quite a few felt inspired to embrace monastic vows in the Ramakrishna Order to perpetuate the legacy of the mission they had in their days at the Students' Home been imbued with almost imperceptibly. Several such come to mind immediately---Swamis Vagishananda and Shivamayananda who grew up to become Vice Presidents of the Ramakrishna Order and Swami Atmasthananda who adorned the seat of the 15th President of the Order. Swami Gambhirananda had also arrived one day at Belur Math from Burma to join the Order there with a baggage of books, only to be redirected to the comforting care of Swami Nirvedananda at the Calcutta Students' Home from where he embarked on his remarkable spiritual journey, scholarly erudition and pathbreaking authorship on the history of the Ramakrishna Movement till he had sublimated his self unto surrender at Sri Ramakrishna's lotus feet as the 11th Abbott of the Order.

Swami Nirvedananda expanded the activities of the Students' Home in diverse directions with meticulous care and precision, and a perfection in execution that was innate to him. He was a remarkable scholar and left behind his thoughts on education in several books penned by him that bespeak not only of his erudition but of his innovative deep ideas as well. Anadi Maharaj had initiated the 'Vidyarthi Vrata Homa Ceremony' in the academic institutions run by the Ramakrishna Mission. He was an active participant in the establishment of the Ramakrishna Mission Deoghar Vidyapeeth and much later in 1954 the Sarada Math at Dakshineshwar which is the women's monastic organisation centring the Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi. For his stainless character, actualisation in glowing deeds the Math's motto 'Atmano mokshartham jagaddhitayacha' ('For one's own liberation and the welfare of the world'), tireless service to humanity in the fledgling youth of the day, his unblemished monastic life, his invigorating inspirational leadership to the youth, innovative contributions to the Order and for a host of other saintly virtues, Swami Nirvedananda was made a trustee of the Ramakrishna Math and  member of the Governing Body of the Ramakrishna Mission. His seminal thinking on education and policymaking thereof paved the way for the birth and growth of golden academic projects of the Mission which have ever since transformed the face of emerging India.

Swami Brahmananda visited the Calcutta Students' Home on 24 December, 1920. Holy Mother had passed away barely five months earlier and it was Raja Maharaj who was in all respects at the helm of the Order. His visit sanctified the Home and secured for it the perennial blessings of the Holy Trinity of Thakur-Ma-Swamiji whose presence there as the guardian of the institution had been prophesied by Swami Turiyananda. Nirvedanandaji jotted down that night in his diary, "As if the Son of God descended and 'baptised' this infant Students' Home."

Mahapurush Maharaj was so endeared to Nirvedanandaji that he in a lofty mood of inspiration once said to him, "You have become one with us." What greater laurel may mortal man aspire for than such an averment in divine love, a benediction in immortality?

Like the gentle water that flows on, giving life and nourishment to all till it finds its sanctuary in the sea, Anadi Maharaj's life flowed on in rippling streams of benediction to students whose lives he moulded en route to his destination in the Divine whence there is no return. On 15 November, 1958, at the age of 65, Swami Nirvedananda's spirit rose from its earthly habitat to unite with his beloved Master Sri Ramakrishna who he had in living form served thus far in his terrestrial abode. Belur Math became poorer that day for never has such a one been born again to grace the gardens of the Divine Gardener.

Anadi Maharaj lives on in lushgreen memory as fresh aspirants are inspired into contemplative life and fruitful action, tracing the footprints laid on the sands of time by this solitary pilgrim of the soul.

Written by Sugata Bose


Indibar Gurdas Mukherjee @Sugata Bose  : He is my grandmother's youngest maternal uncle,the other day I uploaded a photo of his in the Facebook. And your tribute is priceless.Very familiar,as from my childhood days I heard these things about him.

Sugata Bose @Indibar Gurdas Mukherjee : I am moved to know about your familial relation to this heavenly soul, verily a blossom of the fabled Garden of Eden brought home on earthy earth. We have all been sanctified by the perennial presence of this perfected soul in our meditations, in our dreams and in our idealised actions.

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