Sunday 16 April 2023



Be absolutely devoted to the cause. Total submission alone can build up a movement centring a nucleus. We have to unite power, accumulate it to a focus. That is called combination of forces, coordination of effort which is the seal and sanction of effective work.

Take regular lessons from me. Build up your spiritual self, your intellectual self, your heart and head both so that the gospel of the divinity of man may be propagated, its fire kindled in susceptible souls.

Ours is the task of charging up the world, awakening consciousness, instilling hope into drooping souls, inspiring all with the message of the freedom of the Self which at base mortal man is. It is death we must overcome and help people overcome, fear and bondage to the senses which constitute the lot of humanity toiling on earth in ignorance.

Come on, come over, come up and help me in fulfilling this grand mission. No selfishness, no self-centeredness, no crookedness of the soul will do. All these will have to be rooted out, the soul straightened and sent careering along the royal avenue of God for our work of redemption of fallen humanity to be made good.

You must commit yourself wholly to the cause. How long must I work alone?

Written by Sugata Bose 

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