Saturday 15 April 2023



The sum of the parts is always less than the Whole. The parts never can quite add up to the Whole even as the Whole can never be fractured into umpteen fractions. The parts and the Whole are not in the same plane as they are often thought to be. Hence, such mathematical operations are simply inoperable in regard to them. 

Perception of the 'Whole' is perception of the part, the perceiver being the other part and the act of perception yet another. The trinity are inseparable and do not add up ever to wholeness while retaining entity. Only when the trinity dissolve, the transcendent is self-evident, not as part or whole but to itself as itself, as the Whole without parts, as the indivisible, superconscious, solitary existence. Words fail to describe it for no words can reach it. From its Self-abode words and thoughts reflect back, held unto relativity by their essential partitioned gravity. Either the Absolute Self or manifold Maya.

Who can explain Maya without falling prey to it? Touch it and you are entangled. Objectively you cannot analyse it for analysis itself is subject to Maya. Subjectively Brahman alone abides without a trace of Maya. This part truth, part untruth, mixed in ever-shifting variable proportions is Maya and is beyond comprehension. Neither analysis nor synthesis nor their marriage can explain Maya. Duality means multiplicity. The singularity of existence implicit in it eludes observation. Like the axis about which celestial bodies rotate. Brahman and Maya are wedded thus in divorced wedlock.

Written by Sugata Bose

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