Sunday 9 April 2023



Bileh bore a marked resemblance to his grandfather Durgaprasad. His love of monks, charitable disposition towards them which resulted in his confinement in the attic, and proclivity towards meditation marked out his future features of renunciation. Boisterous in play, given to playing pranks on his elder sisters, a high energy sweeping through his system that engaged him in adventurous sports with his playmates in the Datta courtyard, all these kept Bileh busy and a host of servants busy too in keeping them in check. The afternoons, when the servants had retired for their siesta, became rife with such pandemonium as the boys played 'King and Court' that the servants woke up with a start to catch thieves who had descended upon the Datta household, they reckoned. Then Bileh and his fleeing courtiers would get a good vocal tonic, perhaps a light thrashing here and there too from the servants in hot pursuit of them before peace reigned, only to be upset by a fresh assault on it soon. The Datta household was buzzing with boyish boisterousness and these were early tidings of the inundation of spiritual energy by the future Vivekananda across the Peninsula, the Continent and the New Land. Vivekananda in Bileh had duly arrived.

Written by Sugata Bose

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