Saturday 29 April 2023



Why read from writing displayed on a screen in front? That is deception. Rather read directly from a notepad in view of the camera. That is simplicity, practice of spiritual rectitude.

Sri Ramakrishna's great saying 'Taka mati, mati taka' you for obvious reasons forgot to mention. Also, 'Satya kathai kalir tapasya.'

Swamiji had cautioned the Mission monks against advertising their achievements. His motto was silent work. Today, in the name of communication of news of welfare activities to the public, the executive authority is much given to that very advertising and self-proclamation that was forbidden by Swamiji.

Truth in perfection of observance has been forsaken in the Ramakrishna Mission ever since the day Tulsi Maharaj's (Swami Nirmalananda's) name was erased from its publications and public discourse by a systematic design. This has not been in keeping with the principle 'Satya kathai kalir tapasya.' The Mission mentions only 16 direct monastic male disciples of Thakur, leaving the 17th one, Tulsi Maharaj, out, when the truth is that Thakur had 17 direct disciples. This is amply evident from the earlier publications of the Mission. Read Brahma Gopal Dutt's book 'Swami Nirmalananda---A Disciple of Sri Ramakrishna---A Focus on Facts and Facets' to come to a comprehensive understanding of the actual truth as opposed to the projected untruth.

Politics? There is no active involvement of the Mission in actual politics, true, but there is an increasing hobnobbing of the highest executive authority in the corridors of political power which is an eyesore. Political speeches have been given from the Belur Math precincts twice, once by the Chief Minister and once by the Prime Minister with the Mission remaining mute over the spectacle on grounds of fabled Indian hospitality.

Swamiji wanted democracy in time in the Mission but overtime it is being perceived even by the public that there is an increasing concentration of power in the hands of a select few of the trustees with absolute paramountcy of the Chief Executive, the General Secretary, who is unduly eulogised by all and sundry within the Math's monastic brotherhood openly to the shame of the Mission's glorious tradition. Such sycophancy is contradisposed to genuine spirituality. 

There is a tightening of executive control today, true, but a slackening of spiritual values and a deflection from original ideals and intent which form the bedrock of Thakur's Order. This is a dangerous trend which, if unchecked and not rectified forthwith, could derail the Mission's movement despite pompous proclamations about Swamiji's prophecy of the Mission surviving 1500 years of glorious growth that will inundate the world with a spiritual tsunami resurrecting humanity and setting it on a divine evolutionary track.

The Mission's growth and welfare activities have been glorious over the last decade, true, but the payment given to its employees, from what one gathers, is exploitatively low. This needs redress as well. The Mission should set standards of non-exploitation of labour rather than give in to capitalist culture despite it being overwhelmingly well-funded today.

These are well-meaning observations made by one who genuinely deems the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission to be the kohinoor in the country's crown and fervently hopes that the dazzling diamond is not lost to marauders like the one in history which now adorns the plunderer's crown. All glories ahead to the deeds of the Holy Trinity of Thakur-Ma-Swamiji who for sure will salvage the situation and set their organisation right. At least one hopes so unless, of course, as prophesied by Thakur, he reappears on earth to set up a new Mission yet again whose life will last the remaining term of 1500 years.

P.S. When Swami Atmasthananda, the 15th President of the Ramakrishna Order, died, the West Bengal Government characteristically honoured him with a 21 round gun salute from 9.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. within the Belur Math precincts near Swamiji's Temple which broke the silence of Thakur's hour in repose after his dinner and sullied the sanctity of the hallowed grounds trodden by Holy Mother, Swamiji, Raja Maharaj, Mahapurush Maharaj and a host of other spiritual luminaries. Why was permission given for such a violent tribute that broke the silence of the night, disturbed the birds sleeping in their nests, causing them perhaps in fright to suddenly take to flight, thereby losing track in the deep dark night and coming to grief? The gun is an instrument of violence and certainly not a holy tool used to honour spiritually illumined souls in memoriam. Why then this sacrilege of the Belur Math in May, 2017? Will this be the order of the day then even in the Order? These are ruminations worthwhile one hopes the misdirected authority today deems worthy of attention. 🕉

Written by Sugata Bose

P.S. : Why delete comments that you find critical of your unspiritual stance like you have deleted mine? This is why religion becomes static and an agency of control by the ruling dispensation. Let criticism flourish. Otherwise, where will you get another Vivekananda? How would you have got the original Vivekananda, your founder, were he not constructively critical of the dispensation then that inspired him to found the Order whose 126th anniversary you are about to celebrate tomorrow ?

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