Sunday 16 April 2023

IN ASTONISHED RESPONSE TO PUERILE OBSERVATIONS MADE BY READERS ON AN INNOCUOUS POST OF MINE IN DEFENCE OF THE HINDUS AGAINST MARAUDING AGGRESSORS WHICH READ AS FOLLOWS: ''মানুষ বাঘকে নারায়ণ ভাবতে পারে কিন্তু বাঘ মানুষকে খাদ্যই ভাববে | 'যত মত তত পথ' তত্ত্ব হিসেবে সুন্দর বটে কিন্তু তথ্যগতভাবে ভ্রান্ত | তাই তা কার্যত বিফল |''


''মানুষ বাঘকে নারায়ণ ভাবতে পারে কিন্তু বাঘ মানুষকে খাদ্যই ভাববে | 'যত মত তত পথ' তত্ত্ব হিসেবে সুন্দর বটে কিন্তু তথ্যগতভাবে ভ্রান্ত | তাই তা কার্যত বিফল |''

Sugata Bose @Nisith Maharaj : There is no confusion in perceptive minds. Those who observe things on the surface and fail to perceive the deeper underlying meaning and intent of a post are apt to making such puerile comments. The average reader is not subtle enough to penetrate to the deeper text of the cryptic coded message as the coloured box by format allows. It is not for all to have depth-understanding. Hence, their erroneous interpretation. Alas, it is the sign of the times when culture is on the decline everywhere, especially in our immediate environment here in our motherland! Swamiji had with characteristic clarity prophesied about this impending fate in a fast approaching age of the proletariat following on the heels of the age of commerce and capitalism. As Shakespeare said, "Men may interpret things after their fashion." That you too, venerable monk, have been unable to decipher the text proves the veracity of the Swami's prophecy and the hollowness of the age in intellectual terms. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya :  Right you are and that proves my point made earlier and later in regard to relative intellectual capacity of apprehension of an idea. Few, alas, go beyond the surface sensory text to be able to grasp deeper significance in life! No wonder the Vedanta in all its subtle abstruseness has missed its mark in its place of birth, especially in these days of plummeting culture. Whither subtlety of perception? Whither depth-insight into the nature of things? Everybody cannot after all effectively play this game of chess that the panoramic universe throws open before us. No wonder Nature allows cyclical refinement of souls through their transmigration till 'sukshmayaa sukshmaha darshibhi'. And remember, we, Indians, have suffered overtime -- owing perhaps to a millenium-long enslavement to alien force, both in political and in consequential religiocultural terms -- a cultural aberration in that we are a trifle too touchy about rationalising existent accepted beliefs and norms some of which have become codified texts like 'Jauta maut, tauta pauth' despite factual faultlines in them which need analysis, understanding and comprehensive rationalisation. But these messages, Semitic-style, are considered sacrosanct and may not be studied rationally and insights expressed thereof without facing vilification from ardent, abiding, blind followers who hardly, though, follow them beyond ritual reverence offered. This is not the classical Hindu way whose scriptures are the recordings of scientific investigation into the nature of spiritual and material truth, albeit both in introspective terms as well as empirically tested experimental terms. This is what has been termed the Sanatan Dharma. But what obtains today in its name -- as the howl raised over my innocuous post in defence of the Hindus against marauding aggressors suggests -- is an Abrahamic adherence to all that is spiritually deemed sacrosanct and may not in consequence be trespassed upon by rational refutation of passed on principle as ought to be the case in a civilisation that has not yet got mummified. However, what we commonly and uncommonly see today is archaic observance of holy text with mind mortgaged which gives the lie to the very workings of such seminal sages as Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda who stood against the tide of times to criticise existing ills, modify means, adjust the application of the Smritis to which 'Jauta maut, tauto pauth' belongs, may it be remembered. Dare you say that if Vivekananda is born today he will accept every bit of what Thakur said in relative terms toto and not refute it? Do you fancy Thakur reborn doing so as well? Then their very descent will lose significance and merit, being the carbon-copy of an earlier incarnation and like it hazier as well than the original. Have you forgotten Thakur's eminent modification of the Vaishnava doctrine of the trinity of mandatory observances by restating one among them as 'Shivajnaney jeevaseva' from its erstwhile status of 'Jeevey daya'? I rest my case here in the wee hours of dawn, hoping the first rays of the dewy morn to shed light and sanity on all. 🕉

P.S. Debaprasad Bhattacharya was perceptive enough to read the post right, though, and defended me right away setting the record straight. Thank you, Debaprasad Babu, for being the lone star gleaming through a clouded sky. There yet lies hope of a future illumination of our darkened horizons.

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