Thursday 20 April 2023



Swamiji was self-initiated into sannyas (monasticism). Does that disqualify him from being the direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna? Swamiji had as well initiated all his other brother disciples into sannyas. Did that disqualify them from being Thakur's direct disciples? Then why this lone exception has been made over the last many decades regarding Tulsi Maharaj's direct discipleship of Thakur simply because Swamiji had initiated him into sannyas like he had done to all else? Strange exclusion!

Thakur had himself graced Tulsi Charan Dutta (Tulsi Maharaj) with mantradeeksha (initiation into spiritual life by the imparting of a sacred mantra) at Dakshineshwar. How then can Tulsi Maharaj be relegated to the periphery of the Mission's affection to the point of being denied his true status as Thakur's direct disciple? This is a travesty of truth and cannot be condoned. 

And yet we see hardly any resistance to it by a huge mass of the Mission's devotees who simply comply with whatever is dished out to them by organisation irrespective of their factual accuracy. Must you not raise your voice of protest against this historical injustice meted out to a direct disciple of Thakur and demand his restoration to his rightful status?

There is not a single biography or photograph of Swami Nirmalananda on sale at the Math and Mission's booksale counters which has effectively erased his being from public memory. A handful are yet left who carry on this crusade for Tulsi Maharaj's rightful restoration but the vast majority are cruelly mute. They simply do not care. 

For years Tulsi Maharaj, like his other brother disciples, had wandered in the Himalayas to practise the spiritual austerity that marks a mendicant monk. Alas, he wanders even now, not in the abode of snow anymore but in the wilderness of organisational neglect and apathy!

Written by Sugata Bose

Given below are the pdf links to two pertinent books for your perusal and, perchance, detailed reading:

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