Saturday, 13 March 2021



"The Bible teaches you how to create wealth. I mean, have you ever met a poor Jew? It is hard to find." ... American Evangelical Christian missionary.
See to what levels the Christian missionaries can sink to keep their shop-keeping with their religion going. Swami Sarvapriyananda, it is time to hit out at these religious rogues the way Swamiji had done in the late nineteenth century to show his future followers the way. Tens of thousands are being seduced by money and the Western way of life with the promise of Salvation. The poor and gullible Mongolians -- for seventy years suppressed by the Soviet Union when their religion was banned, their monastics killed, 17,000 of them, their monasteries destroyed and their lives reduced to the communist's material mire -- are falling prey to this American depredation and we, Indians, are sitting pretty in cosy rooms, enjoying Western hospitality, and not even raising our voices against this fresh cultural onslaught on the poor Mongols. Is this what spreading the Vedanta is all about? Come on, man, fire yourself up and speak up against the wicked agenda of these Evangelical Christian denominations to save Asiatic culture, to save Buddhism, to save the last remnants of Hindu culture that as yet in the garb of the dharma of the Buddha survive in parts of Asia. Vain is your professing the Vedanta when you cannot voice a word of protest loud enough for oppressed humanity to hear.

The Indian Government as well must formulate plans to tackle these issues in Asia and save the vestiges of Indian culture wherever they yet exist.

The Ramakrishna Mission must wake up. They must send their missionaries to countries like Mongolia to spread the word of the Sanatan Dharma in simple terms so that the poor Mongols feel proud to preserve their Buddhist religious practices and do not forsake them under the lure of money or that false hope of a promised Salvation which none of these roguish Christian missionaries are going to get in a thousand lifetimes.

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