Saturday, 13 March 2021



Swami Vivekananda had said that principle and not personality ought to be preached. If the principle were taken care of, the personality of Sri Ramakrishna would spread of itself. And, yet, Swamiji's great follower, Shree Narendra Modi, actively pursues the propagation of the personality cult, in this case, his own when he exhorts the congregation to chant 'Modi', 'Modi'. What a strange disciple of Swamiji our Modiji is, a study in contrast ! Worse are his sycophantic party men who cannot but begin and end whatever they have to say with the words, "We, under the leadership of Shree Narendra Modiji ...". These spineless men only know how to humour the man in power just to secure some personal political advantage within the Party but are not concerned at all about people's welfare which for sure does not require such grovelling. The same goes with the TMC men and women with their shameless 'Didi', 'Didi' humouring of the rather humorous Mamata Banerjee who pursues the same propagation of the personality cult centring her.

India is hardly developed, sociologically speaking, and lives in the feudal age still with the master-servant relation ruling public discourse. Hence, this persistent pursuit of the personality cult works to electoral advantage well. But history shows us the dangers of the personality cult with Europe having had to pay its worst price in the Second World War when the hysteric hero-worship of Il Duce (Mussolini) and the Fuhrer (Hitler) so empowered them that they could plunge the world into a cataclysmic war. We ought to learn lessons from history and not repeat mistakes humanity has made in the past. Otherwise, we may suffer badly as well.

Hence, back to Vivekananda -- the principle and not the personality !

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