1. স্বামীজীকে স্বামীজীর অনুগামীরাই প্রায়ই অনুসরণ করেন না | তা যদি করতেন তাহলে ভাষায় ও ব্যবহারে, কথায় ও সংগীতে শৌর্যবীর্য প্রকাশ করতেন সমধিকমাত্রায় | প্রায়ই দেখা যায় সাংস্কৃতিক দুর্বলতা যা ছিল স্বামীজীর কাছে পুরুষমানুষের রমণীসুলভ আচরণ |
2. The Prime Minister and the Chief Ministers of India are the modern monarchs. India has yet to traverse a long distance before her polity realises democracy in its true intent, free of the personality cult.
3. মুখ্যমন্ত্রীর ভাষণ রঙ্গরসের আধার বটে !
4. নটনটী, বেশ জমেছে ! দেশন্নয়নও বটে, বিনামূল্যে বিনোদনও বটে !
5. জননেত্রী চিত্রতারকাদের সান্ন্যিধ্যে থাকতে থাকতে দিব্যি সরস অভিনয়ক্ষমতা প্রাপ্ত হয়েছেন | মাঝে মাঝে স্বরচিত সংলাপগুলি গুলিয়ে ফেলেন, এই যা |
6. যাঁরা সময়ের আগে চলেন, তাঁরা সত্ত্বগুণী | যাঁরা সময়ের সাথে চলেন, তাঁরা রজোগুণী | আর যাঁরা সময়ের পেছনে চলেন, তাঁরা তমোগুণী |
7. "I belong to death." So says the sannyasi and crushes all desire that deflects him from this central idea of the impermanence of earthly life. And then follows immortality in the realisation of the deathlessness of the Atman that ever shines within.
8. Cultural decadence in India must be thwarted and the way to do it is to study more.
9. ছোঁয়াছুঁয়ির বাতিক একটু না কমলে ধর্মে আর এগোনো যাচ্ছে না |
10. All of you must read 'The Discovery of India'. It is a most fascinating account of India's evolution as a civilisation. Nehru is at his peerless best in his narrative written with superb felicity of language and style and, no less, content.
11. The Sanatan Dharma which affirms the divinity of man and of all sentient beings is the unifying civilisational link of all of India. We say this in aggressive terms to propagate the Hindutva agenda but fail to live up to it. When shall we do so?
12. My Facebook friends, when will you start studying 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda', cover to cover, all nine volumes of it ? Indeed, I know many of you will feel offended by this question but do not feel so. It is in national interest that I pose it before you.
13. বাবা, কি রাগ ! সব সময় ভ্রুকুটি | মনে শান্তি নেই, হৃদয়ে প্রেম নেই, শুধু বিরক্তি আর বাক্যবাণ | এই নিয়ে চলেছে জাতিয় সংসার | অহঙ্কারটি কিন্তু খাসা | বেশ সরেস গোছের |
14. ধূপের রাণী দিল বর |
15. Cattle is treated better than the Germans treated the Jews. Their sins are unforgivable by God and man. Who knows what barbarism is in the human gene that prompts such inhuman behaviour?
16. যে যেমন, জগতকে সে তেমন দেখে | তাই অপরকে শিক্ষা না দিয়ে আত্মসংস্করণ করাই বুদ্ধিমানের কাজ |
17. Human beings are not be classified as this or that. I reject all such demarcations between man and man on the basis of nationality, race or religion and only accept one name for all -- Man.
18. If the Jews then were the Jews of today, the Nazis could not have brought about the Holocaust with that ease. The Jews have learnt their lesson from history and will never allow another extermination.
19. The horror of the Holocaust -- the worst thing to have happened to humanity ever. Not just the numbers but the sheer atrocity of it, physical and psychological, both. And to think that there were venerable leaders who did not once protest against such evil.
20. Even today nations keep watching human atrocity being perpetrated against innocents, taking lives by the millions. And there is no leader worth the salt who dares raise his voice of condemnation even.
21. I am a humanist of a variant kind, not the atheistic type but the kind that sees every human being as divine -- the Vedantic type.
22. There is one way of building not only religious but all ideological harmony in the world and that is to study the Vedanta in depth. It offers the highest solution to the human question and in the oneness of all shows us the harmony of all contra-disposed situations.
23. I wonder how the Germans manage to bear the guilt of the Holocaust. It is simply unbearable. No wonder in Britain they do not teach the horrors of colonialism to the children. The British have one day much to answer for like the Germans have been made to do thus far.
24. To clean up European Jewry wholesale -- what villainy !
25. What barbaric destruction of civilisation ! Whole humanity sent to despair. Where is justice in this world when the mother's tears are of no avail? when innocents are butchered by barbarians masquerading as racially superior? when life itself comes to a standstill with a note of interrogation halting it?
26. It is never good to be scientifically ill-developed for that compromises national security. To avoid future conquest we have to be at the forefront of international science.
27. Do not sell your self-respect to humour the Prime Minister or the Chief Minister. It is a sad reflection on educated politicians and the people in general who do so. It bears on them a feudalistic stigma that posterity will judge harshly for sure.
28. Blossoming buds crushed under the heels of barbarism and yet the wheel of evolution rolls. The fairest flowers of humanity have survived the Holocaust to contribute exceptionally to human progress. But what pains to endure for a single people with wounds yet to heal !
29. Everybody contribute to national good by training yourselves in the skills you are naturally endowed with. Do not believe in the lies that politicians of every shade and colour preach to seduce you into voting for them. Manifest manliness and character and be human.
30. We must lower the temperature of the world not only in environmental terms but in psychological terms as well. We cannot afford to have a third world war and see to the fruition of the stockpile of nuclear arms in the annihilation of humanity en masse.
31. Ramakrishna's great contribution to the world was his living that exemplary life of philosophical harmony and Vivekananda's like contribution was to establish the rationale of it all in modern scientific terms. Between the two they straddled the gamut of spiritual thought and action.
32. রাসবিহারী আ্যাভিনিউ কার নামে ?
33. Human expectation has gone up, human labour has gone down. In an aspirational India quality of the human being has declined and with it has culture degenerated. Where is the vaunted resurgence of India then except, if at all, in relative degenerate terms vis-a-vis other nations?
34. Inaccuracy seems to be endemic in the Indian system with perfection in work progressively on the decline. This is proved by our inability to excel at the Olympic level or in the field of frontier science where perfection of performance is the prime criterion.
35. ব্যবসাদাররা চুরি করে ফাঁক করে দিল দেশকে, GDP দেখাচ্ছে |
36. বায়ুচঞ্চল দূরদর্শনের সাংবাদিক যত | TRP বাড়ানোর জন্য এমন অস্থিরতা সৃষ্টি করে যে হৃদরোগীর হাঁপ ধরে যায় | 'একেই কি বলে সভ্যতা ?'
37. We know about Nazi atrocity against the Jews. There are films which graphically depict those horrendous crimes. But the British also committed horrible crimes against the Indians and throughout their colonies across the world. Where are those images? We need to expose the British.
38. Restraint is the recipe for religion. Where the reverse happens, its is politics. Separate religion from politics. The two make a detonating mixture.
39. Shakespeare was a wise man. Some of his epic statements are proof of his subtle understanding of the hidden currents of life which Mahamaya does not ordinarily reveal.
40. Never surrender the citizen's right to oppose tyranny of leaders who are hailed as messiahs this moment but can turn next moment on their people to perpetrate horror. Preserve self-dignity and stop this sycophantic chant of the names of leaders at every beck and call. Your humanity deserves better.
41. Religious profiling often takes place where religious affirmations are over-made in a polity. To avoid it politicians must not favour one specific community with making its religious presence publicly felt overmuch to help secure them electoral mileage.
Hindus must observe their religion well. Sanskrit must be privately patronised and students encouraged to learn the language. If Hindus do not observe their religion properly, the community will weaken and fall prey to increasing conversion. Overall, they must be scientific and free of superstition for Hinduism in essence is the one religion that truly is so.
Hindus must observe their religion well. Sanskrit must be privately patronised and students encouraged to learn the language. If Hindus do not observe their religion properly, the community will weaken and fall prey to increasing conversion. Overall, they must be scientific and free of superstition for Hinduism in essence is the one religion that truly is so.
43. Politicians by mocking each other are making a mockery of their office and station in life. Merely to secure votes must they sink to such abysmal levels? It is reprehensible especially to see the Chief Minister, Mamata Banerjee, indulging in verbal vilification of the nation's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. This is most undignified.
44. হিটলারের প্রকৃতিভাব | অন্তরে হিটলার পুরুষসত্তা নন, প্রকৃতিসত্তা |
45. Both the far right and the far left are dangerous for humanity as history shows. A moderate centrist political stance is best for mankind.
46. BJP has made every political party very religious now. The electoral political scenario in West Bengal has become a veritable Parliament of Religions as leaders woo voters in the name of God of all shades and kinds with their specific linguistic and cultural references, with the CM topping the list.
There is something called loyalty which the average Bengali seems to be lacking in. When the CPI(M) ruled, the Bengali 'intellectuals' all turned Marxist. Then when TMC came, they shifted allegiance to Mamata. Now that BJP is knocking hard on the doors of the Bengal Legislature, they are joining the ranks of the BJP. One must learn liberal inconstancy from Bengal.
48. Human insensitivity to the pains of those who do not seem to belong to one's cultural or racial kind is indeed strange. This fractional view and consequent lack of empathy is the cause of all war and annihilation that the world has thus far seen.
49. I consider that person great whose concern stretches to the whole humanity instead of sections of it. This is my yardstick for judgement of human greatness -- concern for the whole of humanity.
50. We are a shallow race, terribly shallow as of now, quite in contrast to what our ancestors were when they built our glorious Indian civilisation. We must deepen ourselves if we have to rise as a nation. No wonder Sri Ramakrishna used to say to devotees, "Dive deep."
51. Often simple people are greater in some respects than celebrated heroes. Their situation is simpler and they lodge protests where heroes fail, bound as they are by greater compulsions.
52. If one thing I hate, it is hero-worship that blinds people to critical thinking. So often it is the seed of fanaticism and all its horrible consequences. And the worst offenders are the leaders who consciously build up this image for their fanatical followers to hold on to and act the way they do.
53. America is an infatuated nation, infatuated with its own greatness. China is much more rooted to the ground and is steadily inching towards America to being the number one nation in the world. Unfortunately, China's anti-India stance is harmful for both our countries and needs to be altered to affable terms.
54. The RSS's meddling in Indian Parliamentary politics will prove detrimental to democracy. No regimented organisation can be good for democracy which is its antithesis.
55. বাঙালীর হয় দিদি নয় দাদা -- এছাড়া কি চলে না ? আত্মমর্যাদাবোধ কি এতটুকুও নেই ? সবই বিকিয়ে গেছে মুখ্যমন্ত্রীর পায়ের তলে ? এঁরা আবার গণতান্ত্রীক স্বাধীনতার প্রতীক বলে নিজেদের দাবী করেন যেখানে নিজের স্বাধীনতাই খুইয়ে বসে আছেন মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের ক্ষমতার কাছে ? বীর বটে সব !
56. Human beings are manifestly fools despite their inherent latent divinity. People hold on to their specific prejudices and biases and somehow, on account of their conservatism of nature endowed biologically on them by great Nature, they cannot but cling to these old associations which make them incapable of fresh appreciation and understanding.
57. I simply refuse to call anybody great who cannot raise his voice against Nazi atrocity on the Jews. It should have been done with much greater vocal strength. That would have saved many millions of Jewish lives for sure. If leaders everywhere had valued Jewish lives, they would not have met with their horrendous fate.
58. The worst criminals of all time -- the Nazis. And to think that civilised society allowed them to do what they did. Then the question arises -- were the colonising European powers at all civilised as they much claimed themselves to have been?
59. There comes a certain state of weariness in the body when it becomes difficult even to love. The mind simply remains in a state of paralysed motion, an inertial order of motion, that is, incapable of feeling finer emotions that call for alteration of moods.
60. India should develop greater self-respect when it comes to dealing with Great Britain which destroyed us for over two centuries. In this we may take a leaf out of how China deals with this dastardly colonising country with its neo-colonial fangs injecting poison into the world still.
61. Crooks -- they murdered at will the finest specimens of humanity to appease their devious sense of racial superiority and there was none to save these chosen children of God. And we vaunt ourselves as being human, nay, even divine ! Shame unto our great men and shame unto our small men, shame unto us all !
62. We, Bengalis, suffer from inferiority complex. Otherwise, to honour Netaji why do we indulge in dishonouring Gandhiji invariably ? Can Netaji not stand on his own in our opinion ? Does he need vilification of Gandhiji to act as prop ? Strange devotion towards Netaji by his fanatical followers !
63. The whole world honours Gandhiji for his greatness except petty us. Shame !
64. These vile beings as leaders of men have corrupted for long the course of human history. The time comes when men must think for themselves what is good for them and relegate archaic ideology and venerated vicious personalities to the waste-bin of history.
65. Einstein, Rolland, Tagore, Subhas Bose, Nehru, Patel, Maulana Azad, the RKM monks -- these were all fools for they venerated Gandhiji. Only the fanatics among our kind are wise enough to denounce the Mahatma. Wisdom, indeed !
66. Nobody who performs 'miracles' must be considered an Avatar. Most of such miracle-mongers are fraudulent Babas of exceptional sleight of hand and scant spiritual merit. Shame it is that we cannot even distinguish between gold and its likeness in imitation !
67. Each and every Indian must take to the study of Jawaharlal Nehru in order to appreciate democracy as it ought to be in India.
68. প্রতিটি ভরতবাসীর অবশ্য কর্তব্য জওয়াহরলাল নেহরু রচিত সাহিত্য পাঠ করা ভারতবর্ষের গণতন্ত্রকে ভালভাবে বোঝার জন্য |
69. সাধারণ মানুষের চিকিৎসার সুব্যবস্থা কই ? প্রতিটি মানুষই তো মুখ্য, শুধু তাঁদের মুখ্য প্রতিনিধিই তো একমাত্র তা নন |
70. Hitler was a number one crook as bad as the British.
71. আবরণ ও বিক্ষেপ -- রাজনীতির চালদুটি বেশ !
72. চিকিৎসা না পেয়ে যাঁরা মারা যাচ্ছেন, তাঁরা চিকিৎসা পেলে ভাল হত |
73. Indian communists criticise Modi for authoritarianism but conveniently accept Xi Jinping's far greater authoritarianism that systematically reduces human freedom to nought.
74. It is a simple sympathy for fellow human beings that is at the heart of practising spirituality.
75. মানুষ যখন খুব বোকা কথাও বলে, সেই বোকা কথার মধ্যেও একপ্রকার ভ্রান্ত যুক্তি থাকে কারণ মনুষ্যমস্তিস্ক যুক্তিগ্রথিত |
76. Indian communists criticise Modi for authoritarianism but conveniently accept Xi Jinping's far greater authoritarianism that systematically reduces human freedom to nought.
83. The CM's prospective recovery is deemed to be rather fast. Terrific fitness, an inspiration for athletes ! Will be on a sympathetic wheelchair campaign soon.
84. Personality cult in a democracy is dangerous and that is exactly what we are seeing today both at the Centre and in the State.
85. Rajendra Kundu, you have copy-pasted a post of mine verbatim without attributing it to me. It is improper, to say the least. You must immediately acknowledge my authorship of it. The post is as follows : চিকিৎসা না পেয়ে যাঁরা মারা যাচ্ছেন, তাঁরা চিকিৎসা পেলে ভাল হত |
86. What a bankruptcy of politics in West Bengal ! Is this where the average Bengali has descended to ?
87. কি দৈন্য পশ্চিমবঙ্গের রাজনীতিতে আজ ! বাঙালীর কি আজ এত অধঃপতন হয়েছে ?
88. সেরে গেল ?
89. Who is going to be the prospective Chief Ministerial candidate for the BJP ? Will this vacuum not be interpreted by the electorate as inadequacy on the part of the BJP to provide an alternative to Mamata Banerjee ?
90. বি.জে.পি. জিতলে মুখ্যমন্ত্রী হবেন কে ?
91. শ্রীরামচন্দ্র সত্যবাদী ছিলেন | আর তাঁর অনুগামীরা ?
92. দেবদেবীর প্রতি এত ভক্তি এত তোষণের পর ? বেশ, বেশ ! Better late than never ! তবে শিক্ষাটি আত্মস্থ হলে হয় | নইলে ফের সমস্যা হবে |
93. Every census reveals a percentage decline of the Hindus and a percentage gain of the Muslims in India and in West Bengal !
94. কে জিতবে নন্দীগ্রামে ?
95. এবার শুরু সহানুভূতির !
96. Every trick in the trade is being employed to stay in power. But will it work ?
97. পেটে খেলে পিঠে সয় | সয় কি ?
98. যাঃ, 'বহিরাগত' এসে গেলেন ! স্বাগত যশবন্ত সিনহা !
99. Utter unconcern for human life, sacrificed by the millions to 'save' civilisation, to 'build' civilisation. One's own way of thinking is all that matters and others' do not. All forms of exclusive ideologies and systems are to be denounced.
100. Capitalism is the new way of communism everywhere. The Chinese ought to have by now taught the lesson. However, capitalism is not the way forward either. Scientific development and distribution is the right way ahead which is certainly not communism, though, given its totalitarian approach to life and its suggested solutions which naturally fail to work as per theoretical propositions in a world of crooks invariably assuming party power wherever communism builds its stronghold.
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