Monday 29 March 2021



Commercialisation of culture is leading to its decadence. This may be reversed only by dissociating money from cultural pursuits the way it is today and by proper patronage of the arts as in the days of old when kings and noblemen sustained the art forms. The government must do the job but will fail to do justice to it on account of politicisation of the process and undue favouritism practised. The decadence will thus continue as an inevitable feature of an expanding polity, population-wise, and culture continue to erode as mediocrity replaces merit but is deemed meritorious nonetheless. Industrial houses are largely to blame for this induced decadence through their advertising culture which seeks to sell at the cost of the soul, as the saying goes. Hence, it is puerile to bank on the patronage of these colossal corroders of culture for its very sustenance. It is an irreversible trend and only an absolute overhauling of human society the world over can undo it and set culture on its upward course once again. But that is not to be.

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