Saturday, 6 March 2021



Sugata Bose@সুদীপ্ত চক্রবর্তী : I had posted from my mobile phone where I did not have any suitable photograph. So, I gave Swamiji's, remembering his words at his inaugural Chicago Address in 1893 where he had said things to this effect. His words then were as follows : 'Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilisation and sent whole nations to despair. Had it not been for these horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced than it is now.' Hence. However, in keeping with your rightful question, I have now posted Hitler's photograph from my desktop computer.

Sugata Bose @Diganta Sengupta : Not even a protest, neither then nor thereafter? One may go on with one's own agenda but one must have the strength to voice protest against inhuman atrocity. Well, in the scenario of a world war there are circumstantial exigencies, situational contradictions which stand in the way but humanity deems it necessary to voice such protest. That politics deems otherwise is precisely the reason why the greatest human beings never become politicians, a vocation which invariably cripples conscience and moral articulation in some sense, and they choose instead to be members of the spiritual fraternity where they remain free to conduct their courses of action. And yet you see, ironical as it may seem that men like Swamiji also had to compromise their ideals in the practical world in some sense to keep their spiritual programmes of human regeneration alive. Thus, it seems that in this world of mighty circumstantial contradictions and limitations imposed by situation the greatest of men are found to flounder where it comes to waging war against the real enemies of mankind everywhere. They invariably choose to fight the forces that are local to them and in this respect allow innocents to be butchered at the hands of diabolical dictators whose alliance they nonetheless seek to overcome other evil political dispensations that they are locally confronted with. It is a question of geography in that sense after all, local associations, cultural affinities, regional interest and not the widest human concern stretching the globe.

Sugata Bose @Uttam Mukherjee : And Stalin was Jootawala (shoemaker's son). Did not know communists were so class-conscious the wrong way. I was of the impression of the classical communist being devoted to class struggle instead with his sympathies largely with the proletariat among which in the broader sense the chaiwala would fit in as belonging to the socioeconomic strata of the dispossesed.

Sugata Bose @Uttam Mukherjee : Good one. I must say, and I most sincerely say so, you have a wonderful sense of humour.

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Mukherjee : Good one, Bhaskar. Very timely, especially in the developing drama of electoral politics in West Bengal where dramatics has now assumed a new height in the wake of the Chief Minister's getting hurt.

Sugata Bose @Rajendra Kundu Why have you copy-pasted my post verbatim without attributing it to me? It is improper to do so and you must now acknowledge my authorship of the same here.

Sugata Bose @Rajendra Kundu : Thank you, Rajendra Kundu, for deleting your post which you copy-pasted from me but you ought to have apologised before doing so. That would have been civil and more in keeping with norm.

Sugata Bose @Aniruddha Kar : He (Swami Vagishanananda -- on his passing away) was such a wonderful person, so simple, so affable, so very spiritual.

Sugata Bose @Madhumita Paul : Capitalism is the new way of communism everywhere. The Chinese ought to have by now taught the lesson. However, capitalism is not the way forward either. Scientific development and distribution is the right way ahead which is certainly not communism, though, given its totalitarian approach to life and its suggested solutions which naturally fail to work as per theoretical propositions in a world of crooks invariably assuming party power wherever communism builds its stronghold.

Sugata Bose @Gopal Dey : Listen, my dear friend. Speak with civility. I am not your servant who is answerable to you. Else, just clear off and seek greener pastures elsewhere. Is that clear?

Sugata Bose @Gopal Dey : I do not think there is any political party which can contain my spirit of truth. Hence, all this baby prattle of yours, keep to yourself or among kindred souls who will respond favourably to your offer. As for me, I do not think your leaders are worth the salt to hold me in harness and prevent me from exposing their mischief, be they of whichever political party.

Sugata Bose @Sanjib Das Gupta : I hope you will be reading my copious spiritual posts and I reckon that you have been doing so thus far. Your sense of learning and humour baffles me and makes me appreciate what the great CPI leader, Prof. Hiren Mukerjee, had meant when he had said that in the Parliament of his latter days humour in Parliamentary discourse was becoming increasingly a rarity. I hope you will be able to get what I mean here.

Sugata Bose @Gopal Dey : Be careful how you talk to me. I do not quite like the tenor of it. Men like you, petty as they are, take to maligning others indiscriminately. I caution you against speaking thus in an uncivil and unduly abrasive manner as you are doing. Do not compel me to lash out at you in a like abrasive way. So, be circumspect from now on. Else, face the vitriol from my side. You have hardly the intellect to appreciate the import of my writings and, hence, in misconstruing them, are exposing your blessed ignorance. I have no wish to educate you in the refinements of the contents of my copious posts or of any of them, nor do I have the time or patience to clarify your thoughts any further than they may naturally be by the reading of my writings which you so misconceive. You had better gone to safer havens than here for if you utter one word more in uncharitable terms, God bless you for it !

Sugata Bose @Debjyoti Chatterjee : No. I belong to that party which deems it necessary to set people's direction right along the lines of the greats in the realm of the Spirit. 'Mahajana yena gata sa panthaa.' [That path is right which has been traversed by the greats, that is, the seers of the Spirit.] An aside from this now. You have no sense of humour, to make an understatement.

Sugata Bose @Indranil SenGupta : Where is Swami Nirmalananda's photo? He was also a monastic direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. This is being said for the common knowledge of those who are unaware of this pertinent fact.

Sugata Bose @Inspiring narrative in concise, concentrated terms, devoid of emotional effusion and effeminacy of approach. You have hit the bull's eye at last. Fast-paced, vigorous rendition of an epic life in its formative early years that'll go to quicken people's consciousness and approximate them to the symphony of the soul sounding in the divine form of Ramakrishna, a harmony harping in resonant chords to the song celestial within. God bless you, Sharmistha, as you now rightfully embark on your anointed task of spreading the message of the Master through your blessed literary skills.

Sugata Bose @Somnath Acharya : You are right if you can follow what I shall next say. The bell shall toll, the death knell of perfidious politicians in the wake of popular revolution which will sweep away the dross of ages and usher in a new civilisation. Such has always been the case historically and so shall it be ever as history in recurring cycles repeats itself to cleanse society of past accretions.

Sugata Bose @Lion Aritra Das : এক লাফে মগডাল? (w.r.t. Swapan Dasgupta becoming CM in case BJP wins the 2021 WB State elections.)

Sugata Bose @Ashok Chakraborty : May I download this beautiful picture for future use in my writings to which I may append this picture? If you permit, I shall go ahead. Else, I will certainly not do so. Also state clearly if I will have to attribute to any the authorship or possession of this picture each time I use it, that is, in case I am given the permission in the first place to save the picture for the stated purpose.

Sugata Bose @Saumak Podder : The statues are unnecessary wastage of fund and ought to be done away with. This building up of the personality cult the wrong way is detrimental for development. The right way will be to foster education among the concerned communities.

Sugata Bose @Poonam Mis : To me Arnab Goswami is like bad debt that has already been written off. Posterity will prove the veracity of my statements about him. Today, the discerning can see ; tomorrow everybody will. His is not patriotism but profit-making under the mask of it.

Sugata Bose @Poonam Mis : Journalists are all sold out to money and political pressure.

Sugata Bose @Poonam Mis : He has already been judged and the judgement is that Arnab Goswami is a mercenary.

Sugata Bose @Poonam Mis : I am among the few discerning ones who can sift the grain from the chaff. The rest are like the blind flock led by the shepherd whichever way he wishes to lead them.

Sugata Bose @Animesh Ray : TRP is triggered by the commoner and as Swamiji said, "The majority are fools, men of common intellect."

Sugata Bose @Ashok Kotha : Pop grade mercenary.

Sugata Bose @Ashok Kotha : Yes, it is. Let him (Arnab Goswami) relinquish his fabulous earnings from degrading journalism and then take a fresh guard at patriotic activity. The patriot is the simple peasant who does not even know what patriotism is but, nonetheless, serves the country with the simplicity of his earnest endeavour at the farm.

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