Monday, 1 March 2021



Would you not like to name your son or your grandson Taimur? After all this murderous invader had got beheaded only 100,000 Delhiites in a single day in 1398 by way of retribution for some local people killing a few of his offending soldiers, and then proceeded to sack Delhi in a manner that transformed it within three days from a flourishing metropolis to a ghost city, a fate from which it took almost a century to recover !
You know Taimur was the 'Iron Man' by the meaning of his name and perceptive patriots are tempted to name their son thus. India has a 'great' future ahead with such 'iron men' coming up, who knows to do what? But one wonders when the Jews in Israel will take the cue from this celebrated couple to start naming their sons Adolf. We have Taimurs, Stalins and Aurangzebs to inspire them to take the bold step ahead. But will they? What do you say? One more thing by way of reiteration. How about naming your son Taimur after the now well-set precedent from the celluloid world in real?
Written by
Sugata Bose
Photo : Delhi being sacked by Taimur Lung in 1398, a massacre of 100,000 of its civilian inhabitants in one bloody day, before the utter destruction of the resplendent city and its reduction to ruins in three gory days that took Delhi a century to recover from. Inspired by Islamic intolerance towards the idolater and motivated even more by the riches of India which would be his booty on invasion, Taimur Lung unleashed horrendous violence against Indians just as he had done elsewhere in his wide conquests. But his memory yet shines in the minds of our cinematic patriots as inspirational enough to name their son after him. Bravo, India, bravo !

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