Wednesday 3 March 2021




This boy rocked it harmonically and never so discordantly as his modern descendants degenerate are up to doing. His was a heart that beat to music divine unlike his present progenies galore across Euro-America and Afro-Australasia whose fleshly claims to music lend death calls to weak hearts literally. Some survive its oppression to see clearer light in the limpid spaces above and take to brighter flights of harmonic fancy ; most die a despicable cultural death. Mozart, thou art a forgotten hero for the culturally unrefined ! Perhaps, thou ever wert so.
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Photo : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -- child prodigy, at work at an early composition. Efflorescence of the very best in the most congenial cultural conditions when royalty afforded patronage to art forms and genius found occasion to blossom and flourish.

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