How long will Pakistan survive on lies? It is such a compulsive liar, and such a bad liar at that, that it gets caught each time. Loss of face does not seem to bother it, so senselessly shameless has this perfidious state become. One feels pity for this toxic part of undivided India.
Written by Sugata Bose
Those that help Imran trend,
Are they foes or are they friend?
Traitors galore that lie within,
Shame them so that their hold doth end.
Composed by Sugata Bose
The Indian dharma traditions must rapidly spread in the world to combat fanatical Islam. Otherwise, the conflagration arising from Islamic jihadist agenda will continue to consume more and more lives and no amount of peace summits will suffice to contain it. Spiritual enlightenment of a great number of Muslims and their re-conversion to the Hindu fold is the way out for Pakistan and Bangladesh and most of Asia where Islam has forced Hinduism out of its erstwhile spiritual stronghold.
Written by Sugata Bose
5. Kashmiri children should be taught in Kashmiri and not merely in Urdu. English must be taught as well.
The Indian dharma traditions must rapidly spread in the world to combat fanatical Islam. Otherwise, the conflagration arising from Islamic jihadist agenda will continue to consume more and more lives and no amount of peace summits will suffice to contain it. Spiritual enlightenment of a great number of Muslims and their re-conversion to the Hindu fold is the way out for Pakistan and Bangladesh and most of Asia where Islam has forced Hinduism out of its erstwhile spiritual stronghold.
Written by Sugata Bose
4. The defence budget must be raised significantly to at least 4% of the total spending. Only then can the armed forces be sufficiently provided for to effectively eliminate opposition in war. Further, the CSR ought to be raised by 1% and the resources generated, fed into the defence.
5. Kashmiri children should be taught in Kashmiri and not merely in Urdu. English must be taught as well.
6. All forms of passivity must be renounced and only creative and constructive activity engaged in. This is real nationalism.
7. Detached action is the message of the Geeta. Let such activity be directed towards nation-building.
8. The comprehensive Vivekananda must be preached without fear or favour. Vivekananda must strike the national chord in these treacherous times of national discord.
9. We have many politicians who are patently the agents of Pakistan. We have to be firm with these and reject their perfidious projects in the destabilising of India.
10. A generation of diligence, effort fed into the national system in education the children, and the harvest we reap today in a renascent India of surpassing glory.
11. We are one nation irrespective of surface differences. Let us dive deeper to recognise our inner unity. Jai Hind !
12. Education, 100% literacy is the necessary preparedness for peace and for war. Let character be built. Let the lion of the Vedanta roar within each child, the future guardians of our national liberty.
13. Hindu girls in Pakistan being forced to convert to Islam. Where are you, my sisters and brothers, raising your voice against it?
14. Conversion is at the root of intolerance. No religion that converts may claim to be peaceful or democratic.
14. Conversion is at the root of intolerance. No religion that converts may claim to be peaceful or democratic.
15. Pakistan is not going to implode on account of economic difficulties. Saudi Arabia and USA will bail them out as usual. So also will China keeping supporting them to undermine India. So, India must do something decisive to counter Pakistan in all manner possible.
16. The only way Pakistan can survive is by forging real friendship with India. Else, its future is at the feet of China and that spells danger for India as well. This point is to be noted by USA and it needs to support India with all its might even as it curtails Chinese dominance in the region. To restrain China in its venture in Pakistan, the US must not play in to Pakistan's emotional blackmail but must strive robustly to counter China elsewhere everywhere in the world, for the Chinese corridor through Pakistan is well under way and now cannot be undone. With it is growing China's presence in Pakistan and in the Indian Ocean spelling the future doom for India. Indo-US friendship on a robust basis is the way out but with the US economy being slowly overrun by the Chinese economy the situation is becoming increasingly complex and augurs not well for India. If the Russians further tie up with China, it could spell the doom for the NATO powers and precipitate a great crisis for the entire world. Pakistan is playing a strategic geopolitical role by default on account of its rotten state policy and consequent weakness. So far USA has used it and now China is doing so. With Pakistan tottering and falling victim to Chinese ambitions in the region, Indian independence is in great peril. We must strengthen our nation from within by spreading awareness in the polity, by bolstering our economy and by taking care of our children through the imparting of high-quality education to secure our nation's future. Jai Hind !
17. Real issues need to be tackled in the world like the environment that threatens all. Inter-nation conflict for regional dominance needs to be forsaken for obtaining greater global security. This the big powers of the world need to understand. Global doom stares us in the face.
18. Overmuch of state authority or religious imposition is antithetical to human evolution. Freedom being the precondition of growth, it follows that democracy is the best political system for it allows near perfect conditions for the flourishing of the individual.
19. Islamic indoctrination is reducing Pakistan to an assemblage of semi-educated people and is preventing its real rise as a nation. Hatred of the Hindus and the Jews built into young Pakistani minds is breeding the toxin of self-destruction.
18. Overmuch of state authority or religious imposition is antithetical to human evolution. Freedom being the precondition of growth, it follows that democracy is the best political system for it allows near perfect conditions for the flourishing of the individual.
19. Islamic indoctrination is reducing Pakistan to an assemblage of semi-educated people and is preventing its real rise as a nation. Hatred of the Hindus and the Jews built into young Pakistani minds is breeding the toxin of self-destruction.
20. It is pointless giving lip service to the nation. What is needed is the giving of real service to it in one's own capacity by doing one's allotted duties in life well.
21. The life of a nation is in its masses and catering to their well-being is the government's prime duty. Securing their safety is prime but improving their standard of living is no less an objective that a responsible government ought to pursue. Defence and welfare are interconnected.
22. Who cares for the nation -- the raucous crowd on prime-time television or the simple jawan who bleeds to defend the motherland? If clamouring like hooligans on television is national service, I am afraid most of us who cannot bring ourselves to doing it are anti-nationals.
21. The life of a nation is in its masses and catering to their well-being is the government's prime duty. Securing their safety is prime but improving their standard of living is no less an objective that a responsible government ought to pursue. Defence and welfare are interconnected.
22. Who cares for the nation -- the raucous crowd on prime-time television or the simple jawan who bleeds to defend the motherland? If clamouring like hooligans on television is national service, I am afraid most of us who cannot bring ourselves to doing it are anti-nationals.
23. India has too many enemies both inside and outside working against her interests. The enemy without can be neutralised by the armed forces in war but the enemy within in every tier of the democratic set-up is protected by the law of the land itself and is more immune from both preventive and punitive action against it. Hence, the danger to the nation.
24. We must exhibit valour. No more this emphasis on song and dance, poetry and art. Now is the time to resort to the martial spirit.
24. We must exhibit valour. No more this emphasis on song and dance, poetry and art. Now is the time to resort to the martial spirit.
25. Abhindandan is a trifle more than his moustache. Imbibe his valour more than imitate his style.
26. Pakistan must never be trusted. It can strike any moment without warning. Its clamping down on terror outfits is just a ruse. Pakistan is merely buying time. Its fear of India could cause it to strike us unawares. India, beware ! All four earlier aggression against us were initiated by Pakistan that made us bleed more than we deserved. Must we allow them a fifth such misadventure?
27. We must find avenues to increase our defence budget and modernise our armed forces with the latest technology.
28. Our armed forces must be afforded with better equipment and weaponry. Lives of the servicemen are too precious to be lost in neglect of their needs.
29. Businessmen should learn lessons in selfless service from the forces that guard the borders and defend the motherland.
30. Children, study. Your awakening knowledge will light up the trackless paths of our nation's future.
31. Do not depend on astrology. Build your own fate. You are more powerful than all the stars that may be pitted against you.
32. A perpetual levity of spirit is detrimental to the interests of the nation. Be serious. Build up national concentration.
33. The ability to focus your thoughts and act upon them in service to the nation is your patriotism.
34. Not an inch of space must Hindus yield any more. We must defend our rights to identity existence even as we broaden our horizons ever in accepting and assimilating whatever is best in other faith and cultural traditions for that is the very essence of Hinduism, the very genius of it.
26. Pakistan must never be trusted. It can strike any moment without warning. Its clamping down on terror outfits is just a ruse. Pakistan is merely buying time. Its fear of India could cause it to strike us unawares. India, beware ! All four earlier aggression against us were initiated by Pakistan that made us bleed more than we deserved. Must we allow them a fifth such misadventure?
27. We must find avenues to increase our defence budget and modernise our armed forces with the latest technology.
28. Our armed forces must be afforded with better equipment and weaponry. Lives of the servicemen are too precious to be lost in neglect of their needs.
29. Businessmen should learn lessons in selfless service from the forces that guard the borders and defend the motherland.
30. Children, study. Your awakening knowledge will light up the trackless paths of our nation's future.
31. Do not depend on astrology. Build your own fate. You are more powerful than all the stars that may be pitted against you.
32. A perpetual levity of spirit is detrimental to the interests of the nation. Be serious. Build up national concentration.
33. The ability to focus your thoughts and act upon them in service to the nation is your patriotism.
34. Not an inch of space must Hindus yield any more. We must defend our rights to identity existence even as we broaden our horizons ever in accepting and assimilating whatever is best in other faith and cultural traditions for that is the very essence of Hinduism, the very genius of it.
35. Try not to be merely a wife but be a companion in virtue as well, the sahadharmini.
36. When the need arises, men flock to the giver, but when times have changed and the necessity shifts focus, men forget the old benefactor. Such is the way of the commoner of small memory and smaller gratitude or bond of love.
37. In this world of small men, thou alone stood tall when thy mother needed thee the most.
38. Build yourself to build the nation but do not exploit. Such self-delusion is no life-builder. Service -- let this be the motto.
39. Resist exploitation on every front,
Give not in to greed.
The nation calls for service thine,
Sacrifice, the national need.
Composed by Sugata Bose
40. As life ebbs out of this failing form,
Let me remind again,
The nation lives in the cottages
In great grief, hunger, pain.
Composed by Sugata Bose
41. Your purity is the power of the nation,
Your focus in work its gain.
Your spirit of service is the nation-builder,
Your sacrifice assuages its pain.
The life of the nation is in the masses,
The thrust of your effort ought to rain
Health for all, wealth for all
That all may rise again.
Composed by Sugata Bose
42. Our daily diligence must be directed to bringing about national welfare, our collective might brought to focus for building the nation.
43. Even if unlimited riches are opened unto you, unlimited understanding will remain blocked unless purity of body, mind and spirit be achieved and devotion to the divine ideal settled in.
37. In this world of small men, thou alone stood tall when thy mother needed thee the most.
38. Build yourself to build the nation but do not exploit. Such self-delusion is no life-builder. Service -- let this be the motto.
39. Resist exploitation on every front,
Give not in to greed.
The nation calls for service thine,
Sacrifice, the national need.
Composed by Sugata Bose
40. As life ebbs out of this failing form,
Let me remind again,
The nation lives in the cottages
In great grief, hunger, pain.
Composed by Sugata Bose
41. Your purity is the power of the nation,
Your focus in work its gain.
Your spirit of service is the nation-builder,
Your sacrifice assuages its pain.
The life of the nation is in the masses,
The thrust of your effort ought to rain
Health for all, wealth for all
That all may rise again.
Composed by Sugata Bose
42. Our daily diligence must be directed to bringing about national welfare, our collective might brought to focus for building the nation.
43. Even if unlimited riches are opened unto you, unlimited understanding will remain blocked unless purity of body, mind and spirit be achieved and devotion to the divine ideal settled in.
44. The country is going through the phase of rajas. The higher ideal of sattva is as yet obscured from the vision of most but it is unfolding slowly but surely as the nation rises to manhood.
45. Today is the birthday of Sri Ramakrishna. Serve every human being as his embodiment in a myriad guise. In it will lie the true celebration of the Master's appearance on this day 183 years ago.
Conversion is done by Islam and that is its worst feature. This must be resisted tooth and nail by the Hindus. Let not the traitorous Hindus who are apologists for Islam speak a word against this.
Written by Sugata Bose
50. So long as Hindus continue to be driven off from Kashmir, so long as Hindus continue to be persecuted, converted and reduced to ruins in Pakistan and in Bangladesh, my only celebration of Sri Ramakrishna's birthday is by raising my voice against such atrocities and striving to raise world awareness about it, especially that of the Hindus.
51. The more Pakistan foments trouble in India, the faster will it die a festering death.
Jai Hind !
46. Pakistan is yet to pay for its atrocities in Bangladesh. Bangladesh has in such subjection and oppression paid for her sins of the rioting of pre-Partition days, Calcutta and Noakhali et al, inflicted on the Hindus of Bengal. The sins of Pakistan are due to visit it in due course of time for the hand of karma never can be thwarted in dispensing justice.
47. Rash Behari Bose was one of the two or three greatest revolutionaries of the Indian freedom movement and the longest serving one.
47. Rash Behari Bose was one of the two or three greatest revolutionaries of the Indian freedom movement and the longest serving one.
48. Why does Pakistan alone talk of Indian Kashmir? Why does India also not talk of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir which is not only legitimately India's but is under terrible tyranny of the Pakistan military establishment? India should up the ante in this regard as well as with respect to Balochistan.
Conversion is done by Islam and that is its worst feature. This must be resisted tooth and nail by the Hindus. Let not the traitorous Hindus who are apologists for Islam speak a word against this.
Written by Sugata Bose
50. So long as Hindus continue to be driven off from Kashmir, so long as Hindus continue to be persecuted, converted and reduced to ruins in Pakistan and in Bangladesh, my only celebration of Sri Ramakrishna's birthday is by raising my voice against such atrocities and striving to raise world awareness about it, especially that of the Hindus.
51. The more Pakistan foments trouble in India, the faster will it die a festering death.
Jai Hind !
A religion that converts by force and then pretends otherwise is not only violent and opposed to peace but also based on falsity and fraud. As such its terrestrial tenure is limited and it will die fast by its own suicidal hands.
Written by Sugata Bose
53. Stop worshipping God for a while and develop your self-confidence. This self-debasement is not devotion to the Divine.
A religion that converts by force and then pretends otherwise is not only violent and opposed to peace but also based on falsity and fraud. As such its terrestrial tenure is limited and it will die fast by its own suicidal hands.
Written by Sugata Bose
53. Stop worshipping God for a while and develop your self-confidence. This self-debasement is not devotion to the Divine.
54. Character is to be built for the sake of self-regeneration and national regeneration.
55. He who has the least egotism is the best devotee.
56. As the shadows lengthen n evening draws near, two courses remain open --- the sinking into death or the attainment of enlightenment.
57. The intellectual west-oriented Indians are a rootless mass who have lost their spiritual moorings in the nation's heritage and have neither been able to absorb the very best of western culture which teaches patriotism, nationalism and loyalty to one's tradition.
58. Internationalism is fine but it has to be built on the foundation of nationalism as of now when the world is so fractured along lines of national interest that call for the destruction of nations which are weaker. Ideological and military impositions must be fought along patriotic lines.
59. Nationalists must arm themselves more with information so that they can counter false reverse narratives about the nation instead of merely spewing frothy emotion however well meant. Data are important and their proper analyses and application thereof.
60. Patriotism must be genuine and not a show directed at improvement of one's financial prospects and social position. All such pretentious activity will be exposed as insincere and will lose power in the long run after exciting emotions for the while in the confused minds of the gullible masses.
61.The power of a person to do good diminishes in proportion to his growing insincerity and infidelity to truth. The fire within fails to manifest as words soaked in insincere intent fall short of igniting the passion in men that will spur them on to greater and nobler deeds.
62. The nation needs to rise up in enlightened defence of its heritage and not in westernised denigration of its Hindu culture. It is Hinduism and its tradition and derivatives that form the core culture of this ancient civilisation and not superimposed western ideas and ideals.
63. The humiliation of the Bangladesh War and the partitioning of Pakistan has not been forgotten by this rogue state that attempts to bleed us to death by a thousand cuts. How are we going now to respond to their evil designs?
59. Nationalists must arm themselves more with information so that they can counter false reverse narratives about the nation instead of merely spewing frothy emotion however well meant. Data are important and their proper analyses and application thereof.
60. Patriotism must be genuine and not a show directed at improvement of one's financial prospects and social position. All such pretentious activity will be exposed as insincere and will lose power in the long run after exciting emotions for the while in the confused minds of the gullible masses.
61.The power of a person to do good diminishes in proportion to his growing insincerity and infidelity to truth. The fire within fails to manifest as words soaked in insincere intent fall short of igniting the passion in men that will spur them on to greater and nobler deeds.
62. The nation needs to rise up in enlightened defence of its heritage and not in westernised denigration of its Hindu culture. It is Hinduism and its tradition and derivatives that form the core culture of this ancient civilisation and not superimposed western ideas and ideals.
63. The humiliation of the Bangladesh War and the partitioning of Pakistan has not been forgotten by this rogue state that attempts to bleed us to death by a thousand cuts. How are we going now to respond to their evil designs?
64. Genuine Hindu-Muslim unity will be possible only when Islam stops proselytising and upholding the doctrine that it is the final word of God and the perfected form of every other religion on earth which are, by implication, fractional representations of the supreme spiritual truth.
65. Was Gumnami Baba Netaji? What is your take on it? And how did you come to such a conclusion?
Speaking peace with Pakistan is insulting its very birth that came into being in violence and war. We should never indulge in such blasphemy and ought to deal with Pakistan in a manner that does it due honour. We should talk the language of the love they understand, holy war or jihad for them and dharmayuddh for us. Such love they shall respond to and such love we shall not be niggardly enough to deny them.
Written by Sugata Bose
Speaking peace with Pakistan is insulting its very birth that came into being in violence and war. We should never indulge in such blasphemy and ought to deal with Pakistan in a manner that does it due honour. We should talk the language of the love they understand, holy war or jihad for them and dharmayuddh for us. Such love they shall respond to and such love we shall not be niggardly enough to deny them.
Written by Sugata Bose
67. Finally I am resorting to what others have been doing all along, the writing of posts without appending them with photographs.
68. As photographs vanish, popularity plummets. Just as expected.
69. Image worship was the masterstroke of the rishis of the later Vedic age, the first attempt in popularising culture.
69. Image worship was the masterstroke of the rishis of the later Vedic age, the first attempt in popularising culture.
70. Just a bit of colour, a bit of life and that is all that people crave for while deeper thoughts go flitting by unheeded.
71. Carlyle was right when he said, ''The population of England is twenty million, mostly fools.''
72. ''The majority are fools, men of common intellect,'' said Swamiji when 'crossed in conference' by a disciple.
71. Carlyle was right when he said, ''The population of England is twenty million, mostly fools.''
72. ''The majority are fools, men of common intellect,'' said Swamiji when 'crossed in conference' by a disciple.
73. We are shallow, superficial beings only intent on surface glitter, although, we make tall claims of spirituality as a people.
74. Pakistan is destroying itself in its bid to destroy India. It is not waging a fidayeen war against India in essence but is inflicting a suicidal long aggression against itself.
75. If Nehru had half as much courage and character as his daughter, the course of the Chinese aggression would have been different.
Since death is inevitable, it is better to live and die for a worthy cause and no better cause than to live and die for the motherland in offering her one's best service and selfless love. So, the creative element must be activated and offered at her altar by way of sacrifice.
77. So many religions have come and gone and faiths have been discarded when they have proved inadequate to meet the challenges of the times and so shall this one be that was invented 1400 years ago, for it no more satisfies the requisites of further evolution of the world. Jai Hind!
78. You, Taslima Nasreen, are a notable exception to the rule of the generality of people shirking from mentioning the word 'Islamic terrorism' or 'jihadi terrorism' along with some others like Tarek Fatah who, though, is careful enough to stay clear of confronting the fundamental intolerant doctrines of Islam stemming right from the days of its founder. This courage of conviction is commendable.
Since death is inevitable, it is better to live and die for a worthy cause and no better cause than to live and die for the motherland in offering her one's best service and selfless love. So, the creative element must be activated and offered at her altar by way of sacrifice.
77. So many religions have come and gone and faiths have been discarded when they have proved inadequate to meet the challenges of the times and so shall this one be that was invented 1400 years ago, for it no more satisfies the requisites of further evolution of the world. Jai Hind!
78. You, Taslima Nasreen, are a notable exception to the rule of the generality of people shirking from mentioning the word 'Islamic terrorism' or 'jihadi terrorism' along with some others like Tarek Fatah who, though, is careful enough to stay clear of confronting the fundamental intolerant doctrines of Islam stemming right from the days of its founder. This courage of conviction is commendable.
79. Ramzan is good for work but not for voting?
80. Hindus, vote en masse for the solidarity of the resurgent Hindu movement, not merely like misguided miscarriages in futile fruition of the motherland.
81. Tarek Fatah, you criticise Pakistan and the Islamist movement but never do dare to go to the roots of the movement as such in its historical connotation right to its founder.
82. Your work, though, @neelakantha, is seminal, an eye-opener which will garner sufficient support in the days to come, know for certain, and will ensure worthwhile changes to bring forth the solidarity of the nation. My good wishes and heartfelt support for our common cause.
83. And the future must be built on the foundations of our heritage and history. The past will bear the searchlight for finding the way of the future. In this, I suggest, that you, Mr. Prime Minister, must be well-versed in our past attainments in order that you may effectively usher in the future.
84. The inability to face the demon in the Kashmir Valley head on will cost us dear and history bears ample testimony to uphold this thesis. Either the demon be slayed now or, with every passing year, greater media coverage and growing international pressure, the situation will go out of bounds for good.
85. Not naive but the Sri Krishna policy of leaving no stone unturned in one's bid to garner support at a time of war (Kurukshetra w.r.t. Karna) n election campaigning is the modern equivalent of such an ancient exigency in a democracy. All alliances are being thus sounded. #BJPChurch
83. And the future must be built on the foundations of our heritage and history. The past will bear the searchlight for finding the way of the future. In this, I suggest, that you, Mr. Prime Minister, must be well-versed in our past attainments in order that you may effectively usher in the future.
84. The inability to face the demon in the Kashmir Valley head on will cost us dear and history bears ample testimony to uphold this thesis. Either the demon be slayed now or, with every passing year, greater media coverage and growing international pressure, the situation will go out of bounds for good.
85. Not naive but the Sri Krishna policy of leaving no stone unturned in one's bid to garner support at a time of war (Kurukshetra w.r.t. Karna) n election campaigning is the modern equivalent of such an ancient exigency in a democracy. All alliances are being thus sounded. #BJPChurch
86. Do not concentrate on inessentials in your campaigning but focus on the pertinent issues for in such lies real national service which will vote you to power again. Distracted dissipation of energy ensures defeat, remember. So, focus is the key ever. #SambitPatra
87. Each Pakistan misadventure in Indian territory will more firmly entrench the BJP Government in the country.
88. Hypocrites, indeed, but not all of us. There are plenty of sincere nationalists who do not blaspheme thus against the spirit of the motherland n compromise her security by irresponsible statements that are then quoted by the enemy to good measure. The resistance must be constant.
89. Islamic terrorists are more serious about their business of destroying India than the Indian politicians are about saving their motherland. The former's one-pointed focus is countered only by our armed forces and the politicians are sadly lacking in sufficient sincerity. Jai Hind !
88. Hypocrites, indeed, but not all of us. There are plenty of sincere nationalists who do not blaspheme thus against the spirit of the motherland n compromise her security by irresponsible statements that are then quoted by the enemy to good measure. The resistance must be constant.
89. Islamic terrorists are more serious about their business of destroying India than the Indian politicians are about saving their motherland. The former's one-pointed focus is countered only by our armed forces and the politicians are sadly lacking in sufficient sincerity. Jai Hind !
90. Pakistan has to be dealt with now or never. It is high time to do so for China is increasingly spreading its tentacles through this erstwhile section of India in order to permanently restrain India from reunification. The territorial gain thus will be China's.
91. There is a need to consolidate conversation on nationalism and articulate what its connotations are so that clarity be there on what its limiting lines are and whither we are headed as a nation at a time of much metamorphosis of civilisations consequent on collision and conflict.
Syama Prasad Mookerji, a man way ahead of his times who understood the implications of Article 370 and fought tooth and nail to get it removed but, alas, had to pay with his life for defending the sovereignty of the nation. We must honour his memory by now abrogating Articles 370 and 35A.
Syama Prasad Mookerji, a man way ahead of his times who understood the implications of Article 370 and fought tooth and nail to get it removed but, alas, had to pay with his life for defending the sovereignty of the nation. We must honour his memory by now abrogating Articles 370 and 35A.
93. Let Pakistan declare itself to be a secular state and then we will have deliberations with it. Till then it is like talking to the same Islamic jihadists that perpetrate terror citing holy verse, for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is no different from it.
94. There is nothing wrong with the Hindu narrative that is gaining ground. It is the natural reaction to historical injustice done to the Hindus by the invading Muslims and is also the outcome of the rectified conditions of free India where the halted flow of Hinduism seeks fulfilment. A thwarted civilisation seeks utterance in freer harmonious conditions where self-expression is possible.
You have not replied to those asking you to enlighten them about the root cause of terrorism but your own banishment from your motherland and persecution endlessly thereafter is your unspoken response enough in this regard. One wishes to see many more articulate women like you.
You have not replied to those asking you to enlighten them about the root cause of terrorism but your own banishment from your motherland and persecution endlessly thereafter is your unspoken response enough in this regard. One wishes to see many more articulate women like you.
96. Not an article of faith must inclusiveness be for all in the body politic of the nation but a fact of realisation it must be. But how about making these exclusive elements inclusive as well? How long will appeasement do the job imperfectly that genuine concern could have done better?
97. We will never be able to march towards glory so long as we continue to neglect our revolutionary heroes of the freedom struggle like Rash Behari Bose, Bagha Jatin, Masterda Surjya Sen and that singular stellar being, the Indian pilgrim, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
98. Sri Ramakrishna says, "The modern religions will come and go, only the Sanatana Dharma will remain.''
97. We will never be able to march towards glory so long as we continue to neglect our revolutionary heroes of the freedom struggle like Rash Behari Bose, Bagha Jatin, Masterda Surjya Sen and that singular stellar being, the Indian pilgrim, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
98. Sri Ramakrishna says, "The modern religions will come and go, only the Sanatana Dharma will remain.''
99. The conquest of Persia by the Arabs and the quick conversion of its Zoroastrian population to Islam was a great cultural disaster. Likewise, the conquest of India meant a reversal of civilisation and a retracing to a barbarous past never known in millennial memory to the Hindus.
100. You should refuse to be driven like cattle by the forces of the market.
101. Westernisation breeds knowledge and impurity with it. The Indian wisdom based on purity is the ideal for us.
100. You should refuse to be driven like cattle by the forces of the market.
101. Westernisation breeds knowledge and impurity with it. The Indian wisdom based on purity is the ideal for us.
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