Spreading hatred is easy but to diffuse love among the members of a common humanity has thus far been that much more difficult. Messengers and prophets have stood in the way. It is time to affirm humanity above sectarian religion and arrive at a universal synthesis.
And this synthesis was arrived at ages ago on the banks of the Sindhu, the Saraswati and the Ganga, the high Himalayas and the deep forests of this ancient land trodden by sages and saints. This was the discovery of the soul, the real self of man, the underlying cosmic principle, immanent and transcendent, the Atman, the Brahman, the life of all that is, the living current, the breath of the universe and beyond where even breath reaches not and becomes the eternal silence. This is the Vedanta that Swamiji preached in his volcanic mission on earth and which he left behind for his followers to spread across the wide world to usher in a new order of humanity bound by true fraternal love born out of identification of the common divine source of all, the universal Atman to which all have an equal claim for it is the essence of all.
Let us spread this message of India which is the message of the Self to one and all without fear or favour and compromises made to appease any. May truth triumph! May peace prevail! May strength come to all through awareness of the Self! Hail humanity! Om tat sat!
Written by Sugata Bose
Photo : Swami Nirvedananda (Anadi Maharaj) who established the Ramakrishna Mission Calcutta Student's Home, Belghoria. Illumined monk he was and a brilliant intellectual who spent his life's energy educating the youth in the principles of life and livelihood. A luminary he was among the galaxy of sublime souls who adorned the lotus feet of the peerless Paramahamsa and his volcanic protégé, the victorious Vivekananda, though he had never met them in person. My prostrations at the feet of this blessed soul, a true child of light, an heir to immortality, amritasya putra. Nirvedananda Swami lives on in hallowed memory even today in the minds of old Swamis of the Order. May we cherish his memory as well!
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