2. Mother is giving birth to countless ones each moment and consuming countless others every moment, too. The vast cycle of creation, preservation and destruction is ever on.
3. India's foreign policy is terribly inconsistent n inglorious, too, for it sends dignitaries to attend the celebration of Pakistan Day each year, n although, it decided to abstain this year, the reason cited being the Pak invitation to the Hurriyet leaders is so weak and clumsy.
4. India needs to send missionaries across the world to preach the dharma. Once more must we conquer the world with the message of the Spirit that animates all existence and is the universal common link of all humanity.
5. The RSS must train its cadres in debating skills. Mere ideological indoctrination is not good enough. The rational intellectual development of the rank n file is necessary as well. Knowledge is the source of power n to that end the RSS must train its cadres, I reiterate. Jai Hind !
6. Hyper-fertility among a religious community with a global agenda of political domination can make a mockery of the democratic process and use it to specific advantage in order to diminish it to extinction and with it end all opposition to its malefic agenda. Democracy here has its pitfall.
7. Give up this debilitating engagement in continuous song and dance sequence and join en masse the armed forces to live like heroes and die, if need be, for the sake of the motherland.
3. India's foreign policy is terribly inconsistent n inglorious, too, for it sends dignitaries to attend the celebration of Pakistan Day each year, n although, it decided to abstain this year, the reason cited being the Pak invitation to the Hurriyet leaders is so weak and clumsy.
4. India needs to send missionaries across the world to preach the dharma. Once more must we conquer the world with the message of the Spirit that animates all existence and is the universal common link of all humanity.
5. The RSS must train its cadres in debating skills. Mere ideological indoctrination is not good enough. The rational intellectual development of the rank n file is necessary as well. Knowledge is the source of power n to that end the RSS must train its cadres, I reiterate. Jai Hind !
6. Hyper-fertility among a religious community with a global agenda of political domination can make a mockery of the democratic process and use it to specific advantage in order to diminish it to extinction and with it end all opposition to its malefic agenda. Democracy here has its pitfall.
7. Give up this debilitating engagement in continuous song and dance sequence and join en masse the armed forces to live like heroes and die, if need be, for the sake of the motherland.
8. Non-violence has had its day in so far as national policy is concerned. It is time now to deal with the enemy in a realistic way in much the same manner as the enemy chooses to engage with us in and not in wishful idealism of befriending the foe using the 'melting the heart policy'.
9. Vigorous young men and women are necessary who will rise above carnal compulsions and dedicate their lives to the nation. Upon the foundation of such valorous souls shall be built the edifice of future India.
9. Vigorous young men and women are necessary who will rise above carnal compulsions and dedicate their lives to the nation. Upon the foundation of such valorous souls shall be built the edifice of future India.
10. @GeneralBakshi : I never knew you were on twitter already. However, it was a pleasant surprise to discover that it was so and I followed it up by promptly following you. Hope to read regular tweets from you now full of your characteristic fire and fervour for the defence of the nation.
11. What is the problem of the PDP and the NCP in supporting the abrogation of Art 35A? @Sushil Pandit
11. What is the problem of the PDP and the NCP in supporting the abrogation of Art 35A? @Sushil Pandit
12. So long as Art. 370 continues to be in place, the Kashmiri militants in complicity with the politicians there will continue to battle for separatism. The solution lies in the abrogation of this appendage to the Indian Constitution. Thus will the integration of Kashmir be complete.
13. Those who clamour for the country and shout slogans full of patriotic fervour must first become men of character and give up all pretence to patriotism. Genuine concern for the country needs not such sloganeering but requires total dedication to the cause in illumined terms. Jai Hind !
14. The materialistic approach need not be a mundane approach for it subsists in ideas as well and has philosophy substantiating it which is not necessarily a roughshod rejection of spiritualism.
14. The materialistic approach need not be a mundane approach for it subsists in ideas as well and has philosophy substantiating it which is not necessarily a roughshod rejection of spiritualism.
15. When a woman calls out in desperation, "Allah! ", she seeks refuge in the same God who I call Bhagavan, irrespective of the scriptural differences in the definition of God. Her helplessness and my pity are linked in a common humanity that transcends historical differences. Om!
16. What a striking observation! I commend you for exposing this connection between Jihadis and so-called moderate Muslims. @Taslima Nasreen
17. The awarding of the posthumous Bharat Ratna is a mockery of both the award and the awardee. The old practice of awarding it to living candidates only must be revived.
18. Why can't the Bengalees be martial in spirit as the Sikhs are?
19. A country so divided on national issues primarily because of political interests cannot be strong enough to tackle tough opponents in the international scene. Greater consensus is required among the political adversaries within the nation on issues of national interest. Jai Hind!
20. Culture is on the decline everywhere. It is bounden on every citizen to stall this process.
21. Those politicians who work against national interest must be shamed by the electorate in the upcoming general elections. The verdict of the public will be their fitting reward.
22. India must send missionaries across the world to preach the dharma. This is the sine qua non for our regeneration as a race.
23. We have to as a nation be more efficient in our work. Mediocrity has become the hallmark of all our efforts and it needs redressing.
Why is it that affiliates to the so-called nationalist cause are so intolerant of others' views? Mere vociferousness is no way to alter the state of things and improve upon them for the betterment of living conditions, both in physical terms and in psychological terms as well. Civility ought to run the discourse in a democracy, else, rowdyism will be the roguish offspring of the uncivil marriage of politics and patriotism.
Written by Sugata Bose
Why is it that affiliates to the so-called nationalist cause are so intolerant of others' views? Mere vociferousness is no way to alter the state of things and improve upon them for the betterment of living conditions, both in physical terms and in psychological terms as well. Civility ought to run the discourse in a democracy, else, rowdyism will be the roguish offspring of the uncivil marriage of politics and patriotism.
Written by Sugata Bose
25. Stop converting Hindus. When you do so, you prove that your religions, Islam and Christianity, are violent in essence.
26. The entire discourse on religious harmony in India is so superficial.Christianity n Islam came into India, converted Hindus by the millions n debilitated our civilisation so much so that today we, indeed, are recovering from the ravages of this brutal colonisation of our culture.
27. How long must we be apologetic as Hindus and how long will dolts dictate what we ought to do to rectify our stance?
28. Do not let Pakistan divide India along the Hindu-Muslim line nor allow any further communal dissension to mar our motherland's progress. Let the Muftis and the Abdullahs be left isolated in their bid to divide India. Hindu nationalism is fine but it must be robustly inclusive.
29. Hindu girls continue to be kidnapped and converted to Islam in Pakistan. Is this the way Islam functions in Muslim-majority countries/areas?
If I 'convert' a giraffe to a human by uttering some mantra, will it assume human form or attributes? In a like manner by uttering some 'holy' words is it possible to convert a Hindu to Islam? No, it certainly is not. It is the consequent cultural invasion of the person that does it.
Written by Sugata Bose
If I 'convert' a giraffe to a human by uttering some mantra, will it assume human form or attributes? In a like manner by uttering some 'holy' words is it possible to convert a Hindu to Islam? No, it certainly is not. It is the consequent cultural invasion of the person that does it.
Written by Sugata Bose
31. Cowardice will not take the Hindu anywhere in terms of self-preservation or self-evolution. Courage of conviction is the key to it.
32. We must have clarity of conception about anything we deal in as a nation if we wish not to end up on the receiving end of things. And this applies as much to defence as it applies to foreign policy n economic management of a population that will soon be the largest in the world.
32. We must have clarity of conception about anything we deal in as a nation if we wish not to end up on the receiving end of things. And this applies as much to defence as it applies to foreign policy n economic management of a population that will soon be the largest in the world.
33. Was Akbar great or was Maharana Pratap great? Who was the invader and who was the patriot defending the motherland?
34. We are not devotees. We are cowards wearing lion-skin when in real we are worse than the innocent sheep. Only we are not innocent.
35. What sort of asymmetry in religious relation is this that a Hindu must convert to Islam in order to marry a Muslim?
36. For a disciple not to be conversant with the Guru's works is tantamount to neglect of spiritual duty and obligation.
37. Study history to develop perspective on personalities. Idle imaginings hardly help.
38. But why must you promote personality to the exclusion of principle so much that sycophancy has started degenerating the Modi movement as well?It is going to go the same way as the Indira cult and one sincerely hopes that it will not be allowed to be so eventually to help save it. @ Dr David Frawley
39. It is pointless preaching principles of high thinking to men mired in materialism. Till the eye is turned inward, spirituality is impossible, and till the attention is drawn to a deeper focus, even intellectualism of any merit is wild fancy. Concentration and purity are the key.
40. If we, Hindus, choose to forget the sacrifices of our great Sikh Gurus, it will be to our own peril, for we'll in oblivion slide down the precipice to perdition whence there will be no salvation for us, to use Christian terms. Guru Tegh Bahadur and Guru Gobind Singh have saved Hinduism. @Sushil Pandit
41. The character of Sufism has not always been benign as is erroneously or deliberately made out to be. It has been on occasions as malicious as other forms of Islam, intolerant and expansionist as the rest of them. This video opens with one such reference. @Sushil Pandit
42. Why must we engage either in vilification of Islam or in appeasement of it? A critical middle ground needs to be broken where an unbiased assessment is possible of its doctrines, history and future. To deal with the terrorist problem it is necessary to be rationally balanced.
41. The character of Sufism has not always been benign as is erroneously or deliberately made out to be. It has been on occasions as malicious as other forms of Islam, intolerant and expansionist as the rest of them. This video opens with one such reference. @Sushil Pandit
42. Why must we engage either in vilification of Islam or in appeasement of it? A critical middle ground needs to be broken where an unbiased assessment is possible of its doctrines, history and future. To deal with the terrorist problem it is necessary to be rationally balanced.
43. Yet another election, yet again a mockery of the masses, pretentious politicians masquerading as protagonists of the people. Boat ride, train ride, visit to shrine, promise of temple, nothing on environment, defence and so much more form the hollowness of this electoral campaign.
44. Religions that convert are archaic tribal institutions that are dying. Conversion is anti-human, immoral, unspiritual and criminal. Religions that indulge in it are culpable to these moral offences against humanity. Mere utterance of some words by way of conversion is laughable.
How much of drama the politicians can do for securing votes! At its best it is insincere, at its worst, traitorous. Would it were that they manifested a semblance of character that would have inspired some hope in us! As it stands, it is mere marketing to achieve the mandate and no more.
Written by Sugata Bose
Hindus must learn from history. They must no more remain divided along caste lines and must revert to the solidarity of the age-old attribute-based varna system which was never hereditary but was the most scientific division of labour as per capacities for specialisation. Hindus, unite! Upon your united strength lies your defence and upon your collective might your future as a community and as a civilisation.
Written by Sugata Bose
47. There is accusation from all sides on each other forgetting that it is a common humanity that we address each time. When will we stand up as a human race for all, irrespective of our nationalist or ideological stance? When will humanity itself be the ideology that we all vouch?
48. People keep discussing Islam without even being conversant with its key scriptural texts. The first thing required to fight Islamism is to be fully aware of what Islam truly represents in terms of basic tenets and applied historical versions of it. One must appreciate key interpretations of Islam without being naive about its fundamental doctrine or dismissive of the interpretations thereof.
49. Congress announces direct monetary incentive to the poorest voters to vote for it. Whose money is being offered and on what basis? Can it be interpreted as bribing the electorate?
50. Culture is universally on the decline. Now who can reverse the process?
51. Judging from the popularity of Republic TV, one can guess the degree of decadence in the intellectual culture of our country.
Raucous reporting is antithetical to the culture of our country. It is a shame that it draws so much support of the people who purportedly are civilised. Civilisation, indeed, has lost its moorings in mass culture motivated by mercenary considerations. Republicanism on the rise?
Written by Sugata Bose
53. Spirituality has nose-dived of late into abysmal depths as dharma sinks to its lowest ebb in its representative features.
54. It is good to criticise constructively but better to show the way out of the abyss and lead the rise if need be.
49. Congress announces direct monetary incentive to the poorest voters to vote for it. Whose money is being offered and on what basis? Can it be interpreted as bribing the electorate?
50. Culture is universally on the decline. Now who can reverse the process?
51. Judging from the popularity of Republic TV, one can guess the degree of decadence in the intellectual culture of our country.
Raucous reporting is antithetical to the culture of our country. It is a shame that it draws so much support of the people who purportedly are civilised. Civilisation, indeed, has lost its moorings in mass culture motivated by mercenary considerations. Republicanism on the rise?
Written by Sugata Bose
54. It is good to criticise constructively but better to show the way out of the abyss and lead the rise if need be.
55. Do something constructive please instead of spewing venom all day long for indignities suffered from these bigots on the personal front. We expect deeds from you that will endure the ravages of time and not mere passing comments of little intrinsic value and much loaded venom. @Taslima Nasreen
56. But such truth-telling must be a trifle more civil in expression for a writer to be able to draw a response greater than what mere populism aims at. Surely, you'd wish to be heard for redressing these evils and not for remonstrating fruitlessly in caustic comments. Your style, perhaps. @Taslima Nasreen
56. But such truth-telling must be a trifle more civil in expression for a writer to be able to draw a response greater than what mere populism aims at. Surely, you'd wish to be heard for redressing these evils and not for remonstrating fruitlessly in caustic comments. Your style, perhaps. @Taslima Nasreen
57. There is a God, a being higher than man dispenses it to be, a law, a governing principle, call it what you will, that runs this cosmic spectacle while being immanent in it, a transcendent reality yet that remains the aim and end of all phenomenal attainment. Such a one is our essence, our truth, our life and fulfilment. Let us unite in His adoration in a common bond of fraternal love, in a kinship that transcends barriers, is limitless, free. Om!
58. There must be a balancing act somewhere in heaven or in hell or in karmic return here itself on earth for all the deeds done.
59. How insincere our politicians can be is evident from the way they are conducting their election campaign. Empty promises, proposed 'bribes' by way of poverty removal schemes, senseless dramatisation, mockery in prefixing epithet to one's name, boat ride, shrine visit et al have said it all.
60. Akbar Lone voices the spirit of the NCP as he openly says in his election campaign speech, "Pakistan zindabad." Now no damage control by the Abdullahs will do. Lone said what he had to as per the dictates of his political masters across the border. What does the father-son duo say?
61. Mercenary motivations and not political honesty prompt raucous republican reporting and distasteful mockery of nightly debate.
62. Culture is declining with the spread of education among the masses just as Swamiji had prophesied. It's rowdy journalism now.
63. Democracy survives in India because of the fact that Hindus are in majority here. The day this is lost to the Muslims, it will be a case lost to democracy as well and the Shariah will rule. To that effect let Hindus be aware and protect their interests.
64. Why do people in position wish to reprimand those Muslim clerics who carry out conversion of the infidel Hindu to Islam and not bother to criticise the doctrine of conversion itself as enshrined in the Holy Quran? @neelakantha @TarekFatah @taslimanasreen @Swamy39
Why do people in position wish to reprimand those Muslim clerics who carry out conversion of the infidel Hindu to Islam and not bother to criticise the doctrine of conversion itself as enshrined in the Holy Quran? @ Sushil Pandit, Tarek Fatah, Taslima Nasreen, Dr. Subramanian Swamy.
Written by Sugata Bose
66. All Hindus of Pakistan and Bangladesh should seek refuge in India and settle here as Indian citizens. GoI must provide for them.
Why do people in position wish to reprimand those Muslim clerics who carry out conversion of the infidel Hindu to Islam and not bother to criticise the doctrine of conversion itself as enshrined in the Holy Quran? @ Sushil Pandit, Tarek Fatah, Taslima Nasreen, Dr. Subramanian Swamy.
Written by Sugata Bose
66. All Hindus of Pakistan and Bangladesh should seek refuge in India and settle here as Indian citizens. GoI must provide for them.
67. I abhor the cowardice of my comrades when I see their utter silence on issues that Hindus suffer from. This is no devotion.
68. Each one of you must attempt to be a Vivekananda if you love your Sanatan Dharma. In so far you succeed, your dharma will survive. Where you fail, it will fail, too.
69. All the great leaders of the independence movement appeased the Muslims in some way or the other which precipitated Partition. Had a more robust approach been adopted, such a horrendous dismemberment of the motherland could have been, perhaps, averted. Perhaps. Who knows?
69. All the great leaders of the independence movement appeased the Muslims in some way or the other which precipitated Partition. Had a more robust approach been adopted, such a horrendous dismemberment of the motherland could have been, perhaps, averted. Perhaps. Who knows?
All the great leaders of the independence movement appeased the Muslims in some way or the other which precipitated Partition. Had a more robust approach been adopted, such a horrendous dismemberment of the motherland could have been, perhaps, averted. Perhaps. Who knows?
Written by Sugata Bose
71. How can people in the audience so foolishly hand-clap in apparent appreciation of an assertive point you've made in your speech when they ought to solemnly make a resolve to undo the perfidies that have been perpetrated by the Kashmiri militant Muslims against the Pandits there? @neelakantha
72. Why does India not raise the issue of PoK with Pakistan each time the latter clamours for settlement over Kashmir? @neelakantha @Swamy39 @SushmaSwaraj
77. We struggle in vain for that which is not ours and search for everything but ourselves.
86. Stop your Mummy-Papa culture. How would it be were I to call Mummy Annapurna and Papa Vishwanath?
87. Depth-vision is necessary n not mere surface-sighting. It is this introspective attitude that is the hallmark of our civilisation.
88. (i) What is PoK? Now say, what is PoB? (ii) What is POK? Now say, what is POI?
All the great leaders of the independence movement appeased the Muslims in some way or the other which precipitated Partition. Had a more robust approach been adopted, such a horrendous dismemberment of the motherland could have been, perhaps, averted. Perhaps. Who knows?
Written by Sugata Bose
71. How can people in the audience so foolishly hand-clap in apparent appreciation of an assertive point you've made in your speech when they ought to solemnly make a resolve to undo the perfidies that have been perpetrated by the Kashmiri militant Muslims against the Pandits there? @neelakantha
72. Why does India not raise the issue of PoK with Pakistan each time the latter clamours for settlement over Kashmir? @neelakantha @Swamy39 @SushmaSwaraj
The common man lacks character more than the corrupt leader he supports, for the leader, nonetheless, has character enough to do evil while the abject follower has only servile submission in his kitty with which he helps prop up the corrupt causes of his leader without batting an eyelid.
Written by Sugata Bose
The common man lacks character more than the corrupt leader he supports, for the leader, nonetheless, has character enough to do evil while the abject follower has only servile submission in his kitty with which he helps prop up the corrupt causes of his leader without batting an eyelid.
Written by Sugata Bose
74. Depth-vision is necessary and not mere surface-sighting. It is this introspective attitude that is the hallmark of our civilisation.
75. वानिज्य हमारा देश कि बुनियाद नही बन सकता | आदर्श और आध्यात्मिकता ईस मिट्टिका मूलस्वरूप है |
76. জাতির উত্থান শক্তি সঞ্চয়ে | ত্যাগ, তপস্যা, শৌর্য্য, বীর্য, ব্রহ্মচর্য, সেবা --- এই উপায় |
75. वानिज्य हमारा देश कि बुनियाद नही बन सकता | आदर्श और आध्यात्मिकता ईस मिट्टिका मूलस्वरूप है |
76. জাতির উত্থান শক্তি সঞ্চয়ে | ত্যাগ, তপস্যা, শৌর্য্য, বীর্য, ব্রহ্মচর্য, সেবা --- এই উপায় |
78. I can clearly see the underlying Indianness of all the communities living in the Indian subcontinent. The differences among the peoples being superficial, the eventual unification of the subcontinent as integrated India is a foregone conclusion. Those that will resist will lose.
79. They all wish to personally win. How many of them have the heart to wish the nation's victory?
80. Perfect. Hit it right on the head. The writer (Taslima Nasreen) is deficient in either the understanding or in the capacity to accurately articulate what she has perhaps attempted to do and failed in the process. @Singh Aashutosh
81. There is a fundamental difference and it is the enlightenment that follows from following the Sanatan Dharma as opposed to adhering to the intolerant doctrine of Islam. And this is crucial to the understanding that you have erroneously attempted to generalise and over-simplify. @taslimanasreen
82. Power-hungry politicians are freely exhibiting their fangs. My countrymen, beware! Judge well before casting your vote. Upon your choice depends your destiny.Go out in fullest strength to vote.Your presence at the polling booth is the bulwark of democracy.Exercise your franchise.
83. Balochistan was never a part of Pakistan. It was annexed by it. Hence, the demand for its secession is legitimate and will, with the passage of time, become a reality as Balochistan gains its independence. What will remain of Pakistan then? It is time for Pakistan to reflect.
84. The commercialisation of life has spelled the doom of communism worldwide.
85. Keep up your campaign to disprove the marriage narrative. Constant counter-narrative to expose the lie and uphold the truth is necessary. I admire your energy and effort in this direction and your courage above all. All support for your campaign. @Dr. Madhusudan Pal83. Balochistan was never a part of Pakistan. It was annexed by it. Hence, the demand for its secession is legitimate and will, with the passage of time, become a reality as Balochistan gains its independence. What will remain of Pakistan then? It is time for Pakistan to reflect.
84. The commercialisation of life has spelled the doom of communism worldwide.
86. Stop your Mummy-Papa culture. How would it be were I to call Mummy Annapurna and Papa Vishwanath?
87. Depth-vision is necessary n not mere surface-sighting. It is this introspective attitude that is the hallmark of our civilisation.
88. (i) What is PoK? Now say, what is PoB? (ii) What is POK? Now say, what is POI?
89. The problem is that Trinamool by its very name has hijacked the mention of the word 'grassroots'. One has to be able to carefully navigate in one's campaign in mentioning this idea, for, otherwise, it would mean inadvertent campaigning for their cause, if only in name. Jai Hind ! @ Chowkidar @Chandrabosebjp
90. Even if it does, it is unbecoming of an esteemed personality like you, Dr. Tharoor, to articulate thus today in this moment of triumph for the nation. Your observation thus may be as well interpreted as counter-scoring an election point and, so, being culpable to the same offence. @ShashiTharoor
91. Why must you, BJP members, be as sycophantic in adulation of your leader, NaMo, as the Congressmen have traditionally been with respect to the Nehru-Gandhi family? Surely, we deserve a better deal from you after all these years of pitiful endurance of servility from Congressmen. @ Ravi Shankar Prasad
97. Why are you so pretentious? Do you think your motivations are not well understood? Is it so easy to be true to one's dharma? If you have any such aspirations, give up this falsity of devotion to the cause of the Hindus and devote your time for several years to attaining self-realisation. @Rajiv Malhotra
92. Do you know what you talk about? This sort of twitter theatrics will not win you the elections. The nation needs mature leadership n responsible reflection on its contentious issues, far beyond your naive contemplation and comical comments. It is time to grow up. Surely, you will, and the faster, the better. @RahulGandhi
93. You have lost your hour of glory and the only way to salvage past pride in WB is to be for once patriotic and back the nation you belong to. Your past record in this regard, though, is poor and only an amendment of your attitude will win you back your popularity in WB. Jai Hind! @SitaramYechury
94. As ironic as Communist China's pursuit of capitalism! Right? Or, is China even more ferric (ironic, I mean, in case you failed to follow) in its demeanour? @SitaramYechury
95. Modi needs another term for India to surge ahead.For the first time we are achieving all-round progress, be it in industry, finance, defence or science.And for the first time we are feeling proud as a nation for our leadership is rooted in our nation's heritage,our Hindu culture.
96. PM Modi has demonstrated what political will can achieve.Surgical strike, Doklam response, Balakot airstrike and Anti Satellite Missile launch today, all these have proved superior leadership n vision that is taking our country speedily ahead. No wonder the opposition is jittery.
Overmuch of personal wealth is not conducive to the good of humanity for it comes to one at the expense of millions who are thus deprived of basic subsistence somewhere. Personal property, when it goes berserk thus, is a great evil. Desire for billions is positively blameworthy.
Written by Sugata Bose
Overmuch of personal wealth is not conducive to the good of humanity for it comes to one at the expense of millions who are thus deprived of basic subsistence somewhere. Personal property, when it goes berserk thus, is a great evil. Desire for billions is positively blameworthy.
Written by Sugata Bose
99. When a country achieves a breakthrough in any field that requires the Govt's active support, it definitely becomes the Govt's achievement as well. The Anti Satellite (ASAT) Missile launch was, thus, yet another feather in the NaMo Govt's cap. The Opposition's foul cry is anti-national.
100. There can be no morality in international affairs so long as the principle 'might is right' rules the conduct of powerful nations. Realpolitik dictates affairs.
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