1. We all act including you. This world is a stage, Have you forgotten Shakespeare's epic affirmation in 'As You Like It'? And we all are rich with possibilities only a bit of which has yet been explored as we evolve from primates to preeminence in the planet and beyond. So, you see. @ TaslimaNasreen
2. How can they when they are the masters minding the whole business of Islamic terror? Is not the nation called the 'Islamic Republic of Pakistan'? Is it by definition not supposed to be the perpetrator of Islamic jihad against infidels? Is it not the producer of terrorists galore? @ Brahma Chellaney
3. Pakistan will disintegrate because it was born in perfidy. Moreover, Balochistan has been annexed by deceit by Pakistan and forced into accession to it. The tide of times are changing and history will be reversed and Balochistan freed. India must be charitable in this holy cause. @ Maj Gaurav Arya
2. How can they when they are the masters minding the whole business of Islamic terror? Is not the nation called the 'Islamic Republic of Pakistan'? Is it by definition not supposed to be the perpetrator of Islamic jihad against infidels? Is it not the producer of terrorists galore? @ Brahma Chellaney
3. Pakistan will disintegrate because it was born in perfidy. Moreover, Balochistan has been annexed by deceit by Pakistan and forced into accession to it. The tide of times are changing and history will be reversed and Balochistan freed. India must be charitable in this holy cause. @ Maj Gaurav Arya
4. Even the post-independence Congress underwent a split and one part of it became known initially as Congress (I). Wonder how that name changed to INC once again. Need some enlightenment in this regard. @ Dr David Frawley
5. The PM is inspired by the Sanatana Dharma and we must help keep his spirit up by supplementing his efforts for the resurgence of our civilisation with our individual and collective efforts as well. In it will lie true patriotism, true nationalism, love for the motherland et al.
6. So many shows, so little substance ! Where do you get so much time to shout on television when the country needs you for better work , more civilised and sincere discourse than that? @ Sambit Patra
5. The PM is inspired by the Sanatana Dharma and we must help keep his spirit up by supplementing his efforts for the resurgence of our civilisation with our individual and collective efforts as well. In it will lie true patriotism, true nationalism, love for the motherland et al.
6. So many shows, so little substance ! Where do you get so much time to shout on television when the country needs you for better work , more civilised and sincere discourse than that? @ Sambit Patra
7. Idle hopes must not be entertained. They go against the principles of realpolitik. @ Lt Gen Gyan Bhushan
8. You should refuse to be driven like cattle by the forces of the market.
9. Westernisation breeds knowledge and impurity with it. The Indian wisdom based on purity is the ideal for us.
10. This sort of reverse gender discrimination by means of reservation is not welcome as well. Women should be able to prove their potential in real and deserve candidature rather than thus bank on reservation or be allowed such privilege. I am for no reservation for any. @ Taslima Nasreen
8. You should refuse to be driven like cattle by the forces of the market.
9. Westernisation breeds knowledge and impurity with it. The Indian wisdom based on purity is the ideal for us.
10. This sort of reverse gender discrimination by means of reservation is not welcome as well. Women should be able to prove their potential in real and deserve candidature rather than thus bank on reservation or be allowed such privilege. I am for no reservation for any. @ Taslima Nasreen
11. There is no way to peace but to take recourse to the soul with minimum attachment to the body. Identification with matter causes misery, giving it up leads to peace.
12. Conflicts cannot be resolved by dialogue or war. They can be resolved only through higher evolution and that takes time. However, in the eventual analysis, the structure of the mind is such that conflicts will forever be as cause and effect work out their resolutions in the dual space.
13. Why do we fight like hooligans in a TV show every night? What sort of Indian civilisation is this? What is the image of India we thus project before the world?
14. China is our number one enemy. Pakistan is its frontal face. Now what will be its UN stand tonight over Masood Azhar?
15. It is so easy to receive, so difficult to give. Few are the givers, most are receivers. Blessed are they who give for they shall receive a thousand fold more in turn !
16. The nation comes before politics. National interest is preeminent and must not be comprised to serve petty political interests.
17. The media are sold out to political parties and, hence, can simply not remain impartial. This is opposed to the functioning of genuine democracy.
18. Human action has a deeper basis than meets the eye. There are subconscious drives that govern human destiny.
19. To be not able to communicate one's mind to any in the absence of sympathy is a punishment terrible. Gregarious is the nature of man.
20. Yours, Sushil Pandit, is a lone voice in the wilderness. But keep it going for there are souls like us athirst for every word that drops from those lips of yours, that which sets our souls afire with the zeal to liberate our motherland from the clutches and the malicious agenda of these Islamists.
24. China deems itself a world in itself. India must grow stronger to redefine her neighbour's geographical borders and show it its proper place in the world. India's age-old dharma has been to dispel worldly delusions in all and let this be her modern dharma to put China in national and global perspective where aggression over others does not occupy centre-stage in its politics.
34. Why does India have this subservient attitude towards China, a la colonised mindset that cowers before the dragon when India has the cultural wherewithal to counter such servile mentality? It is so shameful to see the GoI behave thus each time China 'disappoints' us. @ Brahma Chellaney
35. India does so because it has not the national character which shall prompt it to adopt such affirmative actions. Pretentious patriotism is one, frothy emotionalism another and genuine national concern quite another altogether. @ Brahma Chellaney
14. China is our number one enemy. Pakistan is its frontal face. Now what will be its UN stand tonight over Masood Azhar?
15. It is so easy to receive, so difficult to give. Few are the givers, most are receivers. Blessed are they who give for they shall receive a thousand fold more in turn !
16. The nation comes before politics. National interest is preeminent and must not be comprised to serve petty political interests.
17. The media are sold out to political parties and, hence, can simply not remain impartial. This is opposed to the functioning of genuine democracy.
18. Human action has a deeper basis than meets the eye. There are subconscious drives that govern human destiny.
19. To be not able to communicate one's mind to any in the absence of sympathy is a punishment terrible. Gregarious is the nature of man.
20. Yours, Sushil Pandit, is a lone voice in the wilderness. But keep it going for there are souls like us athirst for every word that drops from those lips of yours, that which sets our souls afire with the zeal to liberate our motherland from the clutches and the malicious agenda of these Islamists.
21. China's probable veto of the UN move to declare Masood Azhar a global terrorist will brand it as a supporter of global terror and, hence, a terrorist state itself. Its bonhomie with Pakistan will be complete in lieu of its economic and strategic interests there.
22. China is the number one enemy of India.
22. China is the number one enemy of India.
23. The UNSC is a toothless body. China blocks Indian effort once again. Masood Azhar goes scot free once again, this one being the fourth such time China has blocked the UN move to declare Azhar a global terrorist.
24. China deems itself a world in itself. India must grow stronger to redefine her neighbour's geographical borders and show it its proper place in the world. India's age-old dharma has been to dispel worldly delusions in all and let this be her modern dharma to put China in national and global perspective where aggression over others does not occupy centre-stage in its politics.
25. GoI must immediately go for the attainment of 100% literacy in the country. Only a literate citizenry can face up to the challenges of the times. The power lies in mass education. Ideas work wonders. India can ill-afford any wastage of human potential. Citizens, study !
26. The problem with India is that she has neither a clear-cut foreign policy nor a well-defined national security scheme in place. Thus, despite massive economic strength, she is unable to tackle rogue states like Pakistan and China on her borders. India needs a stronger armed force.
27. Where goes our courage of conviction when it comes to confronting China? Is all our valour only reserved for puny Pakistan that dares challenge mighty India? Why does the PM not issue a powerful statement against China's complicity with Pakistani terror? Are we that weak?
28. Robust self-development is the only course left for India as she grapples with rogue nations like Pakistan and China. Alliance with US, Israel and Japan seems a good option so far as foreign policy is concerned. Strengthened military will provide for greater international leverage.
26. The problem with India is that she has neither a clear-cut foreign policy nor a well-defined national security scheme in place. Thus, despite massive economic strength, she is unable to tackle rogue states like Pakistan and China on her borders. India needs a stronger armed force.
27. Where goes our courage of conviction when it comes to confronting China? Is all our valour only reserved for puny Pakistan that dares challenge mighty India? Why does the PM not issue a powerful statement against China's complicity with Pakistani terror? Are we that weak?
28. Robust self-development is the only course left for India as she grapples with rogue nations like Pakistan and China. Alliance with US, Israel and Japan seems a good option so far as foreign policy is concerned. Strengthened military will provide for greater international leverage.
29. Thank heavens you haven't compromised yourself by joining politics and with it started indulging in convenient lying. Seasoned politicians sell their souls to lie cleverly to clear criticism. Stay clear of political affiliation and keep raising your voice of freedom for freedom's sake. @ Sushail Pandit
30. What a stretch of imagination! Foolishness compounded like only modern-day television anchors can muster quite. Why must you be so self-deluded to think this way? Be realistic. You are a professional anchor. So, stay anchored to truth, to reality. Do not live in fantasies. @ Sudhir Chaudhary
31. It is easy to say 'boycott Chinese products' but difficult, nay, almost impossible to activate people to do it informally. Govt. directive and imposition of duty on Chinese goods alone can achieve it. But GoI will not dare it for fear of reprisal on Indian goods sold in China.
32. Bridge collapse in Mumbai. Whither national efficiency?
33. Ex-servicemen like you should be part of a strategic think tank for the GoI. Regards. @ Vedmalik
35. India does so because it has not the national character which shall prompt it to adopt such affirmative actions. Pretentious patriotism is one, frothy emotionalism another and genuine national concern quite another altogether. @ Brahma Chellaney
36. Sycophantic #Congress is digging its own dynastic grave. Its feeble feudal politics will see its ruin in the upcoming elections. The National Grand Alliance built on self-interest will miserably fail to deliver in the ensuing polls.
37. Indians simply do not understand China's designs. We need a national education policy about China's String of Pearls Policy.
38. India must strengthen her knowledge-base and beat China economically. Only then may she teach this rogue neighbour the worthwhile lesson in politics as well. Our defence industry must be bolstered into making military equipment at home for our army. In it lies national well-being.
39. The national will must be strengthened. What we resolve, we must do. What we expect from the government, we must do as well in our individual capacity to the extent we can. Only through such collective commitment can we rise supreme as a nation. India must triumph, that's the call of the hour and that will remain the perennial call.
40. The general elections are coming and the Pak-based terror outfits must be prevented from disrupting it in any manner. April--May is a crucial period when national security must be heightened. Once elections are over, Pakistan may be tackled well and lessons taught as needed.
41. Why does INC rejoice on China's snubbing of India? Does Rahul Gandhi realise the implications of his tweets against the PM thus on his own political future and on that of his party as well? Is he hell-bent on destroying its very existence? How long will such negative politics be?
42. Loyalty takes a back seat as Tom Vadakkan revolts against dynastic politics of INC and its anti-national post-Balakot stance to join BJP. A slap in the face of Congress. Tom Vadakkan joins BJP.
42. Loyalty takes a back seat as Tom Vadakkan revolts against dynastic politics of INC and its anti-national post-Balakot stance to join BJP. A slap in the face of Congress. Tom Vadakkan joins BJP.
43. A nail in the Congress coffin. Tom Vadakkan drives it in. Joins BJP.
44. For that a healthy mind is necessary as well. These are complementary aspects of a unified whole which cannot be arbitrarily partitioned into isolated units. A holistic approach to health is necessary,both for psycho-physical well-being and to serve as the springboard for achievement. @ Swami Satchidananda
45. National concentration must be built up if we are to emerge genuinely a major political player in the world. Education and national self-discipline are the prime requisites. Each Indian's contribution will count in this national resurgence. Arise India.
46. Are you a true patriot by any stretch of imagination that you thus affirm others to be pseudo-patriots? First become loyal to the nation, the motherland before you articulate such views as you have done here. @ Barkha Dutt
47. So, must we regard this tweet also as the doing of a hacker, insensitive as it is in linguistic presentation? @ Omar Abdullah
48. The only way out for #India is to economically and militarily strengthen herself continually so that her international clout significantly increases. Mere engagement in political rhetoric or peace pursuit with a perfidious neighbour will conduce to no national gain.
49. Every moment feel inspired to work for the nation whatever be your circumstance. In it lies national welfare and in it lies individual welfare, too.
50. This nation may be strengthened through the study of Swami Vivekananda's works. Also, children must be taught Sanskrit so that they may strike their roots in the heritage and history of our motherland. We need to strengthen the national narrative. The Sanatan Dharma must triumph.
51. Why are you being an apologist for Pakistan in the garb of being a well-wisher of India? Can you not ever be robustly patriotic? @ Shekhar Gupta
50. This nation may be strengthened through the study of Swami Vivekananda's works. Also, children must be taught Sanskrit so that they may strike their roots in the heritage and history of our motherland. We need to strengthen the national narrative. The Sanatan Dharma must triumph.
51. Why are you being an apologist for Pakistan in the garb of being a well-wisher of India? Can you not ever be robustly patriotic? @ Shekhar Gupta
52. But China will be thwarted in such hopes as Modi will be reelected with a thumping majority. NDA will get 358 seats this time is my prophesy. Pending projects will see partial completion though even then as ground realities will continue to be forbidding for a democracy like ours. @ Dr David Frawley
53. So long as people like you believe that by mere criticism our national objectives may be achieved instead of through constructive work done. A huge wastage of national energy is the result of continuous carping criticism in the absence of sincere n genuine work of nation-building. @ Sonam Mahajan
54. Clarity of thinking is necessary in understanding the enemy. China and Pakistan have the same agenda, the debilitation of India. These are our enemies and they may not be dealt with Gandhian methods. In this world of realpolitik India must awake to her age-old kshatriya dharma.
55. Indians must learn to cooperate and not remain colliding units ever, weakening the country and thwarting its potential in significant progress. Democracy ought not to mean disjointed willing and conflicting action. Unity is strength and united we must be in ushering in national welfare.
56. An exhortation to Indian industrialists --- work for national welfare and not for personal profit. Let your motivations be altered to serve the nation right.
57. China is tying up with Pakistan in sponsoring terror in India. We must boycott Chinese goods as our response.
58. Why does India shy of naming China as opposing its bid to bring global terrorists like Masood Azhar to book through UN sanctions?
59. China must be countered in a planned way along with the progressive modernisation of our armed forces. Scientific research must be given a fillip through massive governmental aid and literacy spread throughout the landmass till each Indian becomes a dynamo of academic power.
60. The asymmetry of military might w.r.t. China notwithstanding, India must stand up to her principles and defend her national interests robustly in the international arena. India must censure China for blocking the way to identification of key criminal persons as global terrorists.
61. When I was a school boy the history books taught us mild subjugation by the British for 190 years. I was stunned to read in my youth Swami Vivekananda who said it was a 1000 year slavery. Your accounts of Kashmiri Hindu servility under the Muslims has now made the picture perfect. @ Sushil Pandit / Neelkantha
59. China must be countered in a planned way along with the progressive modernisation of our armed forces. Scientific research must be given a fillip through massive governmental aid and literacy spread throughout the landmass till each Indian becomes a dynamo of academic power.
60. The asymmetry of military might w.r.t. China notwithstanding, India must stand up to her principles and defend her national interests robustly in the international arena. India must censure China for blocking the way to identification of key criminal persons as global terrorists.
62. That hardly matters. India still has the option of striking hard at terror camps in Pakistan once the general elections are over. Or, is a strike in the offing pre-election? @ Lt Gen Gyan Bhushan
63. This has to be so, for Pakistan is itself a distortion of history in terms of nationhood, being born in deceit and lies, fraud and falsity, a treacherous assortment of thieved Indian treasure, her very cultural heartland of the Indus and the Ganges. @ Maj Gen Harsha Kakar
63. This has to be so, for Pakistan is itself a distortion of history in terms of nationhood, being born in deceit and lies, fraud and falsity, a treacherous assortment of thieved Indian treasure, her very cultural heartland of the Indus and the Ganges. @ Maj Gen Harsha Kakar
64. In the Bengali parlance we say, 'The mother of the thief is most vociferous.' @ Dr David Frawley
65. The misery of the masses must be reduced, true, but not at the cost of culture. The two are not antithetical but may coexist to mutual benefit. Greater opportunity of the masses will help flourish culture even as a flourishing culture will help raise the masses.
66. If a scripture is holy, why call it holy at all? It will be holy despite silence on that count. Is it then to be understood that constantly calling it holy will lend to mass hypnosis and the consequent absence of questioning its foundation in truth? Is that the agenda then?
67. How hollow are the tweets galore that appear like bubbles devoid of substance and burst on contact with the slightest of free air ! How can men indulge in such flimsy tweets just for the sake of gaining a fleeting foothold in the public imagination which will amount to nothing?
68. What more can you expect of rank materialists whose philosophy of communism is rotten to the core and reeks of human violence like never before in history save that of Christian and Islamic violence? Your seminal service for our motherland is exemplary and one worth of emulation. @ Dr David Frawley
69. GoI must immediately go for the attainment of 100% #literacy in the country. Only a literate citizenry can face up to the challenges of the times. The power lies in mass education. Ideas work wonders. India can ill-afford any wastage of human potential. Citizens, study !
70. The problem with India is that she has neither a clear-cut foreign policy nor a well-defined national security scheme in place. Thus, despite massive economic strength, she is unable to tackle rogue states like Pakistan and China on her borders. India needs a stronger armed force.
71. Where goes our courage of conviction when it comes to confronting China? Is all our valour only reserved for puny Pakistan that dares challenge mighty India? Why does the PM not issue a powerful statement against China's complicity with Pakistani terror? Are we that weak?
72. Robust self-development is the only course left for India as she grapples with rogue nations like Pakistan and China. Alliance with US, Israel and Japan seems a good option so far as foreign policy is concerned. Strengthened military will provide for greater international leverage.
73. We must develop three types of strength now to emerge supreme as a nation. They are as follows:
1. Baahubalam (military/material/economic strength) ;
2. Buddhibalam (intellectual/diplomatic/academic/scientific strength) ;
3. Atmabalam (spiritual/cultural strength).
74. Journalism in India is very superficial which is why there is not much public awareness about the real dangers India faces from Islamic jihad and from noxious neighbours like Pakistan and China. This is also why we are unaware largely about our internal threats.
75. The barriers of religion must be broken through and humanity reveal, love reveal from its captivity within. Let intolerant scriptural injunctions die and humanity live, love live forever. Let two individuals breathe and love in peace. Let archaic prescriptions pass into nothingness.
1. Baahubalam (military/material/economic strength) ;
2. Buddhibalam (intellectual/diplomatic/academic/scientific strength) ;
3. Atmabalam (spiritual/cultural strength).
74. Journalism in India is very superficial which is why there is not much public awareness about the real dangers India faces from Islamic jihad and from noxious neighbours like Pakistan and China. This is also why we are unaware largely about our internal threats.
75. The barriers of religion must be broken through and humanity reveal, love reveal from its captivity within. Let intolerant scriptural injunctions die and humanity live, love live forever. Let two individuals breathe and love in peace. Let archaic prescriptions pass into nothingness.
76. The barriers of the body, of society, tradition, religion, culture et al make conditions incongruous for the expression of human love between two individuals. Free society for the spontaneous expression of love. Let love in all its ordinariness, in all its sublimity get to live.
77. Expediency and not ethical adherence to ideology is the name of the game in electoral politics, and regrettably so for it betrays an utter absence of character. @ Dr David Frawley
78. Then the whole of European colonial history was that of terrorism. And Euro-American neo-colonialism continues even today. Terrorism?
79. I understand but what is your take on the issue? A slight elucidation would do as to the ramifications of China's Tibet stance thus. @ Dr Subramanian Swamy
80. That is called using the enemy's hand to slap him.
81. Can politicians in India never give a straight answer to a question posed?
82. Often personality rules a polity and that was the case of dependent India which was ruled in its aspirations for freedom by Gandhi.
83. Reject Gandhi, accept Krishna. That is the way of our survival as a race and as a nation.
77. Expediency and not ethical adherence to ideology is the name of the game in electoral politics, and regrettably so for it betrays an utter absence of character. @ Dr David Frawley
78. Then the whole of European colonial history was that of terrorism. And Euro-American neo-colonialism continues even today. Terrorism?
79. I understand but what is your take on the issue? A slight elucidation would do as to the ramifications of China's Tibet stance thus. @ Dr Subramanian Swamy
80. That is called using the enemy's hand to slap him.
81. Can politicians in India never give a straight answer to a question posed?
82. Often personality rules a polity and that was the case of dependent India which was ruled in its aspirations for freedom by Gandhi.
83. Reject Gandhi, accept Krishna. That is the way of our survival as a race and as a nation.
84. In Balakot airstrike we see Krishna in play, not Gandhi.
85. Gandhi is not the father of our nation, Krishna is.
86. Mr. Prime Minister, please do not lower the status of our armed forces in the public eye by constantly indulging in references to them during your election campaign.A thing overdone usually backfires.Better will be to talk development and,that too, with less dramatisation.@narendramodi
87. Dr. Subramanian Swamy has both intelligence and character, a combination rare. Hence, his perception and power. @Swamy39
88. For this to be possible compulsory Sanskrit education must be introduced forthwith.
89. Other than you @Swamy39 all others in the BJP simply cannot speak without prefixing their statements with 'Honourable Prime Minister Shree Narendra Modiji'. This is personality cult building and sycophancy as well, a la Congress style expression in BJP garb. You stand tall though.
90. The very idea of beheading is in itself an insult to humanity and, hence, an insult to Islam which Islamists espouse. Am I right @TarekFatah?
91. Stop buying Chinese goods. China needs to be taught a lesson and to be kept in check by resurgent India. India must no more cower before this diabolical dragon.
92. No Gandhian passive resistance will save the Balochis. This sort of active armed resistance alone can bring armed aggressors like rogue Pakistan to book. Wish #India takes the cue from this and continues the armed offensive against Pakistan. Balakot simply isn't enough.
93. Awakened Hindus will save Indian civilisation from disruption n destruction. But awakening should imply practising spiritual disciplines and not merely engaging in senseless lip service and intellectual deliberations. After all, at the end of it, it is character that triumphs.
94. I admire your direct and decent replies. Gentlemen like you do good work for the nation without complicating matters for yourself too much by revolting against revolting customs that have outlived their time.
94. I admire your direct and decent replies. Gentlemen like you do good work for the nation without complicating matters for yourself too much by revolting against revolting customs that have outlived their time.
95. The white man, after all, is more of a human being than the yellow or the brown or the black man despite all pretensions of resistance to racism to the contrary. @ Tarek Fatah
96. What a shameful statement by Congressman today in India TV's Vande Mataram deliberations ! Said that in MODI, M stands for Masood Azhar, O for Osama Bin Laden, D for Dawood Ibrahim and I for ISI. Reprehensible !
97. Fair enough. That's the right spirit in a democratic discourse. God bless you !
97. Fair enough. That's the right spirit in a democratic discourse. God bless you !
98. Aligarh Muslim University's founder, Sir Syed Ahmed was the original proponent of the two-nation theory. Jinnah merely picked on it later. However, one wonders what Sir Syed's status would have been today as Ahmediya in Sunni Pakistan !
99. Let us unite on the basis of genuine nationalism as the armed forces exhibit and stop weakening our nation through inter-community squabbles. By the way, what is your take on the Islamic scriptural requirement of conversion of Hindus to Islam to marry adherents of that faith?
100. You very well understand the implication of my statement. Still, to clarify my position let me say, I consider your assertion about BJP's overall achievement quite inaccurate and prejudiced. A more rational assessment is due in analysis of a government's attainments.
101. Is Subramanian Swamy communal? Is that your observation? Are you implying that he is a perpetrator of communalism in the negative sense? Answer directly please if I am not seen to be transgressing into your individual liberty to respond or not to do so.
102. The collective karma of the nation needs to improve for it to reap the harvest of it in due time. In this great sacrifice of national regeneration each one of us must give in our own ploughshare of work. Units added will build the nation. Let service and sacrifice be our motto.
103. The Indian political leadership needs to exhibit character if it wishes to overcome the threat from Pakistan and China successfully. Mere verbal rhetoric after an isolated airstrike will not suffice.
104. More of ex-servicemen should join politics and contest elections to bolster India's military might through better policy decisions regarding the armed forces. Such men will give India the necessary aggression that is so very vital for the nation's security requirements.
105. There should be a law in India that while change of political party may be possible anytime, eligibility for candidature for an election must wait for a minimum mandatory period of one year.
106. A strange country we are where political party's interest precedes national interest.
107. Congress is a party beyond political redemption anymore.Its vain vituperation against PMModi will only alienate it further from the electorate n take it to political oblivion.Mere criticism won't do at a time when public sympathy is with BJP. Constructive action plan necessary.
108. Yes, they are on bail but only till you have sent them to jail. @Swamy39
109. India is definitely a Hindu nation. Else, why do we address it as Hindustan?
110. Muslim hyper-fertility, #immigration and conversion of Hindus to Islam is altering the demographic balance of our country and this is a dangerous trend for our motherland.
111. For this Hindus must study their history from the Hindu perspective and practise the prescribed spiritual disciplines religiously as well. The knowledge of Sanskrit is a sine qua non for all Hindus. @Swamy39
112. Islamic terror is likely to be unleashed during the election month. That is when we will be most vulnerable as a nation and #Pakistan surely will not let go the opportunity. The war with Pakistan is on and the enemy knows our weaknesses well. Do we also know theirs?
113. We should improve the quality of Indian goods n buy only such. In this way we can thwart foreign countries taking our national wealth away.This is what we should do and for this we would need a bit of patriotism. To top it,our exports must increase to bolster our national wealth.
114. Awakened Hindus will save Indian civilisation from disruption n destruction. But awakening should imply practising spiritual disciplines and not merely engaging in senseless lip service and intellectual deliberations. After all, at the end of it, it is character that triumphs.
115. Hindus, awake !
116. How did beef-eating become so predominant among Indian Muslims when In Arabia there were no cows that Muslims could consume? @Swamy39 @TarekFatah @Imamofpeace
111. For this Hindus must study their history from the Hindu perspective and practise the prescribed spiritual disciplines religiously as well. The knowledge of Sanskrit is a sine qua non for all Hindus. @Swamy39
112. Islamic terror is likely to be unleashed during the election month. That is when we will be most vulnerable as a nation and #Pakistan surely will not let go the opportunity. The war with Pakistan is on and the enemy knows our weaknesses well. Do we also know theirs?
113. We should improve the quality of Indian goods n buy only such. In this way we can thwart foreign countries taking our national wealth away.This is what we should do and for this we would need a bit of patriotism. To top it,our exports must increase to bolster our national wealth.
114. Awakened Hindus will save Indian civilisation from disruption n destruction. But awakening should imply practising spiritual disciplines and not merely engaging in senseless lip service and intellectual deliberations. After all, at the end of it, it is character that triumphs.
115. Hindus, awake !
116. How did beef-eating become so predominant among Indian Muslims when In Arabia there were no cows that Muslims could consume? @Swamy39 @TarekFatah @Imamofpeace
117. This is crucial to to the campaign of ordinary Indians like us against the diabolical dragon whose designs of hegemony in Asia we must thwart by every means available to us. China must be exposed over social media for it truly is in terms of human rights violation.
118. Is the implication, therefore, that we are similarly going to sink into Islamofascism and consequent disaster for Hindus if we fail to fairly articulate Hindu nationalism? @Swamy39
119. They know their game well, we do not know ours. They are clear about their objectives, we are confused. @neelakantha
120. There are such sinister forces working to break India that it will require an army of patriots to intellectually apprehend the problem before arriving at solutions to deal with it. In a nutshell, though, Hinduising India should solve it but then we have to work out the modalities too. @neelakantha
120. There are such sinister forces working to break India that it will require an army of patriots to intellectually apprehend the problem before arriving at solutions to deal with it. In a nutshell, though, Hinduising India should solve it but then we have to work out the modalities too. @neelakantha
121. Why is your religious identity so fragile that it requires you to play the victim card each time to resist cooperation with the GOI? And why is it that you are ever so sympathetic with separatists? Are you not a patriot? Then how is it that you plead on behalf of separatists? @MehboobaMufti
122. Islamic invasion has wiped out civilisations from their habitats and then claimed those 'saved' lands to have been forever their own. This is the history of Kashmir as well which was in its golden days an all-Hindu habitat. Re-conversion of these bigots to Hinduism the way out. @neelakantha
123. The average Anglophile Indian intellectual is so lacking in strength of character that he more resembles a curious hybrid of the East and the West in disproportionate terms than one rooted in one's own culture while embracing the wider world around in one's bid for universal expansion.
124. How wonderful India was till the Muslims invaded and debilitated largely her flourishing civilisation ! And then came the European colonists. The Hindu culture has suffered so badly on account of it.
125. We must provide 100% literacy to our people. Till then to expect the nation to rise is sheer indulgence in daydreaming. This should be the agenda for whoever comes to power in the ensuing general elections.
126. It requires a semblance of national self-respect to pursue national interest irrespective of international assistance to be able to do so. A nation that shies off giving itself openly its age-old Hindu identity for fear of offending minorities who are nonetheless allowed to get away with driving away 500,000 Kashmiri Hindus from their homeland to live in squalid conditions has for sure not yet awakened to that degree of self-dignity whereby it may demand international recognition for its causes as it would otherwise have duly deserved. Pranam. @ Sushil Pandit
125. We must provide 100% literacy to our people. Till then to expect the nation to rise is sheer indulgence in daydreaming. This should be the agenda for whoever comes to power in the ensuing general elections.
126. It requires a semblance of national self-respect to pursue national interest irrespective of international assistance to be able to do so. A nation that shies off giving itself openly its age-old Hindu identity for fear of offending minorities who are nonetheless allowed to get away with driving away 500,000 Kashmiri Hindus from their homeland to live in squalid conditions has for sure not yet awakened to that degree of self-dignity whereby it may demand international recognition for its causes as it would otherwise have duly deserved. Pranam. @ Sushil Pandit
127. Our object as a nation ought to be to produce as many skilled men and women as possible in the different disciplines of life who will have strong nationalistic feelings n will be imbued with the sense of service n sacrifice for the nation. National concentration must be built up.
128. The Islamic and the Christian agenda have long been to destroy Hinduism by converting all Hindus to their fold. We must be aware of this danger and cling to our culture and dharma.
128. The Islamic and the Christian agenda have long been to destroy Hinduism by converting all Hindus to their fold. We must be aware of this danger and cling to our culture and dharma.
129. New Delhi has three major problems :
(a) public transport system
(b) pollution during winter
(c) crime against women
What is in the manifesto of the political parties regarding these?
130. Such convoluted reasoning is not necessary. It is a matter self-evident that those who trace their racial origins elsewhere and worship as per alien religious prescriptions are racial and religious aliens themselves by such self-admission, cultural overlapping notwithstanding.
(a) public transport system
(b) pollution during winter
(c) crime against women
What is in the manifesto of the political parties regarding these?
130. Such convoluted reasoning is not necessary. It is a matter self-evident that those who trace their racial origins elsewhere and worship as per alien religious prescriptions are racial and religious aliens themselves by such self-admission, cultural overlapping notwithstanding.
131. China is just buying time for Pakistan before the combine strike again and yet another episode of epic proportions is enacted on the soil of India. What India needs is a consistent foreign policy approach towards both these nations that will not change with every change in Govt.
132. Would Indian military history also include the history and achievements of the INA? What is your take on it? @ Indian Military History
133. The very birth of Pakistan was based on Islamic fanaticism whose sequel is being played out in Kashmir. It is doctrinaire intolerance towards Hindus that fuels the military regime in Pakistan and these people then tweet equality, humanity et al. Pretence, hypocrisy, lies !
134. Absolutely right. Islamic persecution of Christians in the Middle East hardly gets much footage. @ Tarek Fatah
135. There are such sinister forces working to break India that it will require an army of patriots to intellectually apprehend the problem before arriving at solutions to deal with it. In a nutshell, though, Hinduising India should solve it but then we have to work out the modalities.
136. Stop conversion of Hindus to Islam and Christianity. Conversion must by legislation be declared unconstitutional if India is to be saved.
136. Stop conversion of Hindus to Islam and Christianity. Conversion must by legislation be declared unconstitutional if India is to be saved.
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