Tuesday 19 March 2019



When rich people indiscriminately spend money luxurious living, they should remember that the money is not theirs but belongs to the world and ought to be spent only for the welfare of the world. Simple living, high thinking ought to be our philosophy, so impressed my father unto me when I was a child. And it has been a very sound philosophy of life for me ever since, although, I must confess that I have not always been faithful to it in terms of purchasing books has been concerned. But when I see the gross exhibition of wealth in the celebration of marriages and the like, I cannot but despair for the despoiled masses who daily sink into lives of destitution, thus, when greater commitment to larger welfare could have rescued billions from the depredation of the billionaires. I take your leave now and leave you to your selves to reflect and reform your lifestyles, aspirations and attitudes.

Written by Sugata Bose

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