Sunday 31 March 2019



Nehru is overrated in Indian politics. Syama Prasad Mookerjee had seen through the weaknesses of Nehru and opposed him vociferously. Hence, he was eliminated through deliberate neglect and what not in incarceration in Kashmir. The nation has ever paid the price for it.

The Kashmir problem could have well been solved by Patel but Nehru intervened and in effect prevented it. This 'gentle colossus', as Hiren Mookerjee dubbed India's fragrant Prime Minister, has been the cause for all of India's subsequent major international and national problems. It is time to redress them once and for all through robust administration and legislation outlawing Article 370 and 35A so that Syama Prasad Mookerjee's dream of a rejuvenated united India is at least partially fulfilled, for the greater cause of the reunification of the dismembered parts of the subcontinent to the motherland to remake the Akhanda Bharat is as yet not quite in the horizon. Till then let us revisit history and cut down the crafty Congressmen to their size instead of foolishly eulogising them for attributes or attainments which were never theirs. Let us also study the life and works of the great patriot who had repudiated on 7 August, 1952 in the Lok Sabha the establishment of 'do vidhan, do pradhan aur do nishan' (two Constitutions, two Prime Ministers and two national flags) within the same country. Vande Mataram !

Written by Sugata Bose

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