1. @neelakantha : Sushilji, you have not answered my earlier direct tweet to you as to how I may be of help to your cause. I await your response. Thank you and wish you health and vigour to carry on with the dharmayuddh you have launched in a singularly luminous way enlightening us.
2. Hindu solidarity is needed cutting across ideological differences of sorts, and Hindus must give priority to community over self.
3. Are the regional political parties of Kashmir at all patriotic? Just any of them for that matter. Would China tolerate so much?
4. The Communists are atheists and, hence, strictly secular, but their allies are secular with a difference, along the Indian stylistic definition of the term. But the Communists of India are not a nationalistic party and owe their allegiance to China. Hence, why must we vote for them? Moreover, the Communists do not pledge themselves at heart to the Constitution of India which to them is a repugnant capitalistic-socialistic-democratic multi-party republican system quite opposed to their vouched system of totalitarian one-party dictatorship of the proletariat. One more question arises in my mind. What has caused the Bengalees to feel disillusioned with you, Communists, when you had provided them purportedly with good governance for 34 years? Where did things go wrong and why do you not rectify things on the field there instead of running down Modi? How long must you keep betraying the nation, Mr. SitaramYechury, with your tall claims and false promises, your fake nationalism and amended revolutionary stance suited to the ever-shifting exigencies of the times? Tell me, are you strictly Communists any more, or better still, have you ever been so in the past? Come on, man, reform yourself, adhere to the principles which are core to your philosophy, give up the dirty politics of casting calumny on others and start serving the proletariat, you purportedly vouch for, in real earnest. Negativism seldom works and it will backfire on you for sure.
5. Our army must numerically expand to at least the size of the Chinese army and so must the military arsenal be upgraded.
6. That ought to be the way ahead. The Jewish people have out of sheer survival necessity struck out the right path after ages of suffering persecution at the hands of all except us. Their altered stance in adopting martial training thus is necessary for us to follow as well. @R_Debnath
7. Surgical strike post Uri, Balakot airstrike post Pulwama, Doklam robust response, ASAT missile launch, banning of JKLF and Jamaat-e-Islami, n Operation All Out against terrorists in Kashmir have clearly proved that the NaMo Govt's primary concern is India's security.
Swami Vivekananda's Chicago Speeches even today reverberate in the corridors of the world and ignite people's minds unto living a life of sublime sacrifice for the well-being of humanity. In this dark hour of fratricidal war when communities and nations are pitted against each other, Swamiji with his message of eternal India clothed in modern terms is our great hope of a human renaissance.
Written by
Sugata Bose
9. The martial spirit, if cultivated in India, alone can solve her security problems, both externally and internally. To that end our education system must be geared. The sporting culture must supplement the effort as a corollary to it. Excellence is the key to all this.
10. How self-interest rules over national interest is glaringly evident in this election campaign. Constant switching of party loyalties to win tickets for candidature is an alarming feature of this election, especially when direct induction to contesting elections without any prior political experience is the order of the day. The silver lining, though, is that the electorate is now much better informed about relevant data that ought to determine their mandate. But the campaign culture is sinking by the day. Too much of dramatics for sure.
11. Conversion of abducted Hindu girls in Pakistan to Islam continues unabated. Hindus, hang ur heads in shame that u do not protest.
12. You are sinking in culture day by day with your constant carping about issues significant, dealt by you in a manner mean, designed deliberately to attract attention and raising your popularity as high as it can be. Thus are you losing your moral moorings and sinking low. Sad to see so. @taslimanasreen
13. All this talk of spirituality is humbug with the mind somehow dwelling on physicality. Rare is the spiritual person, rare indeed.
14. To be religious in the ordinary sense is not to be confused with being spiritual which is founded on absolute continence.
15. Certitude is not the sign of awakening knowledge, doubt is. Only in realisation of the ultimate truth may certitude be held valid.
16. So long as real men, valorous to the core, are not born in Bengal, Rash Behari Bose will live in exile in the land of the Samurais.
17. Strength is not to be achieved by wasteful expenditure of energy. Fruitful work of nation-building needs to be done. Open schools for the learning of Sanskrit and revolutionise the minds of the youth with the message of our spiritual literature. @Tathagata Roy
18. In circus there is synchronisation, in this strange grand alliance of political opportunism none such.
19. The historical tradition of the RSS is incomparably better than the historical tradition of communist parties the world over. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ceausescu, Pol Pot, you name it. How about it?
20. Grand resolution. Keep up the culture thus. This is called positive action to uphold the elements of our civilisation and my thankfulness to you for it. For, as they say, what the leading lights do, lesser men, and in this case, women, follow.
21. The genocide of the Kashmiri Hindus in 1990 by the militant Muslims needs to be redressed still. I appeal to the people of India to raise their voice and help rehabilitate the exiled Kashmiri Hindus in their homeland. This is the least we ought to do if we are men. @neelakantha
22. ''Freedom came as a by-product of Partition,'' says @neelakantha and how right he is. True, indeed, India was partitioned on 14 Aug, 1947 to give birth to its evil child, Pakistan, and then became free, so to say, on 15 Aug, 1947, if at all Dominion Status may be termed freedom.
23. In your speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZmMknAdKis&t=1069s you left out the holocaust of the 1943 Bengal Famine in which between 4.3 and 5 million Bengalis were starved to death by Churchill. Even Netaji's shipment of rice grains was rejected by the British Govt as the holocaust climaxed to its horrific end. Please speak in future on this great tragedy as well. @neelakantha
24. India was partitioned by Jinnah and his cronies in the Muslim League by blackmailing the Hindus through unleashed horrific violence at Calcutta (16 Aug, 1946) and Noakhali (Oct-Nov, 1946). 25% of the population held 75% to ransom as the non-violent Hindus caved in to allow the formation of Pakistan.
25. Nehru has betrayed our motherland at every step. Netaji and Syama Prasad Mukerjee are but two instances of it.
26. How can the GoI allow the conversion of Hindus to Islam and Christianity? It is a pernicious practice which must be abolished.
27. The problem in a democracy is with the demographic change that conversion to Islam threatens the polity with. The eventual implementation of the Shariah in a Muslim majority polity is the threat to democracy. Hence, the need to prevent conversion from Hinduism, disallow illegal immigration on strictest terms and check hyper-fertility that could upset the demographic balance. These are difficult propositions for an evolving democracy but a real threat, nonetheless, especially with our partitioned history behind and the fate of Middle Eastern nations post Islamisation to testify for the fears as founded in truth.
28. আমিত্ববুদ্ধি মানুষকে ক্ষুদ্র করে | নিরহঙ্কারই আত্মবুদ্ধির প্রকাশক | স্বার্থ গেলেই সিদ্ধি |
29. নেতাজী সংক্রান্ত সব ভালো লেখা বহুল প্রচার করুন | এর দ্বারা তাঁর সেবা হবে ও মানুষের ইতিহাস সচেতনতা বাড়বে |
30. We are all trapped in our microcosms, our little love-worlds.
31. Growth must come through education in both matter and the spirit, inalienable as they are to each other.
32. There is a need to rise above personality if one has to rise above the self for self-interest ruins it all.
33. The game is to manifest the spirit through the meshes of matter n in this game we will win eventually for we are in essence spirit.
34. Nehru, by his servility to the British, demeaned our nation and must never be forgiven for it. See how Churchill snubs him on his visit to London.
35. The ultimate solution to humanity's problems lie in the depth study of the Vedanta by all. The harmonic fruit of it is inevitable.
36. Was Syama Prasad Mookerjee murdered by injecting poison into his system?
37. Nehru did nothing to get Syama Prasad Mookerjee released from illegal detention in Kashmir.
38. The right course for the J&K Govt should have been to expel Syama Prasad Mookerjee from J&K instead of imprisoning him for entry without permit.
Look at the difference in the look of the eyes of the two politicians, Jawaharlal Nehru and Syama Prasad Mookerjee, and you will detect the difference in their motivations in life and essential contrast in character.
40. Those who denounce Syama Prasad Mookerjee are ignoramuses and must be left alone.
41. Nehru has betrayed Netaji. Nehru has betrayed Syama Prasad Mookerjee. Nehru has done so much damage to India's cause, Partition, Kashmir, Chinese aggression et al.
Articles 370 and 35A will be abrogated by the force of popular nationwide resentment of it and the GoI will be compelled to adopt appropriate measures to do so. This is not a prophesy but a foresight into the impending development of things which shall be the fulfilment of the vision of patriots such as Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya and other seminal sons of the motherland.
Written by
Sugata Bose
If the politicians think that the people of this country, long fooled by them for over seven decades, are any more to be fooled, then they must be reminded that they are living in a fool's paradise themselves.
Why is it that people are so meek? Why can they not hit out at those who have thus far kept our country in servility despite seven decades of independence? I mean the political familial dispensations as much as the industrialists who conspire with them to despoil the masses of their legitimate share in the produce of the nation? I say, down with dynasty, down with political pretension, down with pseudo-spiritual ascendancy of fake Babas, Gurus, Maulavis and Maulanas, and down with every element that stands against the current of national development and evolution.
45. There is no hope where there is dictatorship. Irrationality prevails among tyrants as they unleash terror.
46. The heartless woman is as bad as the heartless man. Let us all manifest a modicum of love for each other.
47. মৃত্যুর মহিমা মুক্তিতে |
48. কত চাপ নেবে এই স্নায়ু ? জীবনে আদর্শ আছে, তাই চলেছে এই পথপরিক্রমা |
49. হতাদর্শ যিনি, তিনি এক অর্থে জীবন্মৃত |
50. যাঁর হৃদয় শুষ্ক, তিনি রসস্বরূপ ভগবানের মহিমা উপলব্ধি করবেন কেমন করে ?
51.শৈশবে, কৈশোরে, যৌবনে পড়াশোনার প্রয়োজন আছে | নচেৎ, চরিত্রগঠনে বিঘ্ন ঘটে |
52. যখন সকল আশা ফুরায়, তখন ভগবানের দয়া হয় | সেই কৃপার অপেক্ষারত আজ |
53. মায়েরা যদি স্নেহহীন হন, তো সন্তান যায় কোথা ?
54. মা আছেন, তবু মা কোথায় ?
55. দেশের জন্য বাঁচাই বরং ভালো | ক্ষুদ্র স্বার্থের গণ্ডী কাটিয়ে বৃহৎ বিশ্বের আস্বাদন, এরই মধ্যে শান্তি |
56. শিরোস্থান শিবস্থান, মস্তিষ্ক চৈতন্যলোক, শ্রীগুরুর আবাসস্থল |
57. জন অরণ্য যথার্থ | মানুষরূপী পশু একে অপরের নিধনকর্মে লিপ্ত |
58. his sad saga must end on earth one day, first in death and last in illumination.
59. 'চক্রব্যূহে নেতাজি' বইটি পড়ুন | একটি বইয়ে নেতাজি রহস্য সংক্রান্ত প্রায় সব তথ্য পাবেন | কেশব ভট্টাচার্যের নিরলস সাধনার ফল এই বিস্তারিত প্রামাণ্য গ্রন্থ |
60. As we read more about Netaji post 18 Aug, 1945, we are led through a labyrinth of deadly plots hatched against the hero. Intrigue!
61. Those who can read Bengali, do not fail to read 'Chakrabyuhey Netaji' by Keshab Bhattacharya. It is a gripping tale.
62. Even Sri Aurobindo was baffled by the Partition and could not accept it as a final and irrevocable status for the motherland. He prophesied a reunion of the severed parts to form undivided India.
63. @Joyshree Munshi : You write beautifully. Why do you not devote a portion of your life's energy to resurrecting our hero's memories by revisiting the shadowy areas of our historical past where lie a plethora of information about our revolutionaries --- foremost among whom is Netaji, for sure --- and present them before the world? In it shall lie your best devotion to he who liberated us and in it shall be your truest service to our national cause.
@Joyshree Munshi : Sure enough. But first you must be informed about the fact --- that is, in case you have been harbouring any such misconceptions about my identity judging from my name --- that I am not Netaji's grand nephew, the Harvard historian, politician, parliamentarian, Prof. Sugata Bose who happens to be my namesake. I am quite another Sugata Bose of a humbler hermitage and of even more humble attainments but that I do bear in my blood a stronger current of nationalistic fervour than any of these familial connections of Netaji.
64. Their (perfidious Congressmen's) days are numbered, I say, and they are but busy digging their own graves for sure. Prasenjit Haldar, this is the view that Prof. Hiren Mukerjee of the CPI had aired over his Statesman post-editorial piece on 15 August, 1987, that is, 40 years after independence. I merely seconded that view in more emphatic terms today when the rot has reached right to the marrow of the party.
65. The plot thickens. Netaji is surrounded on all sides by the enemies of the nation. Whither vanished he?
66. Pride cometh before a fall and a fall cometh before pride, too. The siblings go hand in hand to their depth doom.
67. He left through the western gate but arrived in the east with his message of life and light till the betrayal came and he left leaving no trace but lingering doubts in the minds of his countless countrymen. Ref : Netaji
68. দুদিনের দুনিয়ায় কে বা আমার, আমি বা কার ? মরণের মুহূর্তে সব অধিকার হবে ছিন্ন, সব অহঙ্কার ভূলুন্ঠিত |
69. We must raise ourselves steadily to the ideal, not lower the ideal to suit our worldly preoccupations.
70. When all will forsake me, Lord, Thou shalt be my friend forever holding me.
71. Not an inch to stand on. Live man goes dead. Dead man comes alive. The plot thickens.
72. এ জগৎ সওদা জানে, the mart of this world. जग मे हर चीज बिक रहा है, किमत खुन, परिणाम ऑसु |
73. মহাশূণ্যতার মাঝেই তাঁর আবির্ভাব |
74. To be born a human being is no joke and to then squander the opportunity to attain to higher consciousness, ah, what a calamity!
75. স্বল্পভাষী, মিতাচারি, মধুরস্বভাব ছিলেন শ্রীমৎ স্বামী গহনানন্দজী মহারাজ | যাঁরা তাঁর কৃপাধন্য, তাঁরা যথার্থই ধন্য |
76. শ্রীগুরু সদা সহায় --- এই বিশ্বাসটি সদা জাগ্রত থাকার জন্যও চাই সাধনা |
77. People are happy to individually delight audiences but cannot combine for a cause. And this for Netaji scholars is unfortunate.
78. There is an easy way to distinguish between good and bad people. Our scriptures call it 'vidya shakti' and 'avidya shakti'.
79. Is the slogan 'Jwaliye dao, puriye dao, Inquilab zindabaad' alright which is your prerogative, I suppose, even during more passive and peaceful non-election times? @Sitaram Yechury
80. Down with dynasty!
Up with democracy!
Defeat the feudal forces and hold politicians to account. Pretence must stop of false piety.
81. There is great hope rising in the heart to see such a vibrant polity today as opposed to the suppressed masses of yesteryears.
82. Racism still exists and exists in a very real and deeply entrenched manner in the minds of Euro-Americans. It is evident in war and it is evident in peace.
83. During wartime communication fails. Why during peacetime?
84. The Press is politicised, partial and playing its own propaganda game in line with the dictates of the powers that be. Perplexing for the people, to say the least. The Press has a duty to be impartial, honest and not misleading. Let us hope it will be so but, realistically speaking, it can be so only if it can survive the challenges of consumerist capitalism without compromising on principles.
People speak so much from the lips, so little from depth of feeling in the heart, from empathy deep within the soul. Mother!
86. What after all is the problem in saying 'Vande Mataram' or 'Jai, Bharat Mata ki jai'? What prevents? Why is there so much resistance in giving this nationalistic chant?
87. Power does corrupt and render a person engaged in such dubious deals sterile. The fire-power is lost in the hunger for the seat.
88. The association of money beyond a critical point of endurance sullies the personality and debilitates character.
89. Spiritual realisation comes from constant memory of God. The object of reflection becomes the subject of realisation.
90. What after all is the problem in saying 'Vande Mataram' or 'Jai, Bharat Mata ki jai'? What prevents? Why is there so much resistance in giving this nationalistic chant?
91. Power does corrupt and render a person engaged in such dubious deals sterile. The fire-power is lost in the hunger for the seat.
92. The association of money beyond a critical point of endurance sullies the personality and debilitates character.
93. Spiritual realisation comes from constant memory of God. The object of reflection becomes the subject of realisation.
94. If morons lead n their mentors are mischievous, the motherland will be in dire straits. We must prevent such a calamity. Jai Hind!
95. Omar Abdullah calls for restoration of the portfolio of PM in J&K in place of CM and INC endorses. Traitors must be defeated.
96. This election will see the demise of the antinational elements working to seal the fate of the motherland.Their days are numbered.
97. Memory perfected is objectified vision.
98. Concessions are easy to give but difficult to take away. Art 370/35A were given on a platter n now are becoming so hard to remove.
99. Nobel laureates speak only about the issues that win them the Prize. @taslimanasreen
100. A comprehensive book on Netaji in Bengali is what people often ask me to suggest the name of. Kindly suggest a few names.