Let our men manifest a modicum of manliness in manner and strength
in the stance adopted in life. Let them not turn into bad copies of women. Ill
doth it befit men to behave like sentimental sissies at a time when the nation
is on the move and a manifestation of masculinity is the dire need of the hour
instead of weeping over poetic lines of romance or ruminating lilting
lullabies. The Upanishads speak of superior valour and virtue whereby the
senses may be subdued and such thunderous roar of the Vedanta must send forth a
current of strength through the populace instead of silly sentimental
pseudo-poetic propensities ruining the fibre of the youth in their early years
of superior efflorescence when conquest of the lower elements ought to be their
prime priority and not indulgence in the attributes that foster weakness of the
mind and lead to debilitation of character.
The elements conspire to keep our youth enmeshed in Maya and to
this effect great writers and poets, artists and musicians, all play their
respective roles. Themselves bound, these performers of the finer arts, these
wizards with the word, bind their audience, their readers, fast unto this
death-trap called life and will not release them easy, for such is the
structure of the field of tamas and rajas. The network of Maya is so laid that
the intoxication holds the victim till he lies stretched on the pyre for his
final consigning to the flames of desire whence he shall spring to freshen his
venture on earth and pursue his terrestrial dreams. It is here that the
Upanishads strike the deathblow to death and go about destroying the least
vestige of Maya that hinders the progress of the soul.
The geniuses who we follow, be they in the field of art or
literature or music, all have been bound souls who themselves could not
extricate themselves in their lifetimes, yet, in attempting to teach others led
the nation to the ruin of ultra-hypnotism from which it is yet to recover. To
counter this the divine incarnation and his apostolic entourage spread
vibrations of sattva whereby the latent consciousness of man is quickened.
These two tendencies are at work in society today as India rises to her feet.
It is for the youth to take up this latter illumined current of thought instead
of succumbing to the paralysing thoughts of soft romance preached in however
poetic a manner it may be.
The youth must also be wary of the false Gurus who for decades
have spread out their web of pseudo-spiritual weakness which has only cast
their followers into deeper pitfalls of Maya than where they would otherwise
have found themselves in were they not to be so duped by these charlatans,
brilliant and downright roguish, both. Spirituality is not easily come by and to
be led by escapists and runaways, poets and politicians, downright charlatans
and rogues, into the discipline of the yogic sciences is harakiri of a
horrendous kind. Mere frothy talk is not religion nor is pseudo-intellectualism
the progenitor of some fantastic holistic philosophy which can deliver the
blind from the corridor of darkness to the illumined realm of eventual
sunshine. The blind may only lead the blind into darkness, so say the
Upanishds. The true Guru is one who is devoid of all such pretence of superior
knowledge and, armed in Self-knowledge, is the only one who can lead the
disciple from darkness unto light. Such a one does not put on pretensions nor
does he live in ultra-secrecy or in fear of captivity nor does he desert his
duty to flee his country and seek refuge elsewhere to preach in peaceful
seclusion after having ignited the flame of revolution in others and lent them
to the gallows to die. Such a deserter can never hope to realise God nor guide
any ever beyond confusing minds with fantastic philosophies inconsonant with
reality. The youth must be wary of all such as they wend their way through the
thoroughfare of life toward the end of character-formation and
The stage is then set for the battle royal. On one side are lined up the forces of freedom and on the other are gathered the elements with their fetters, ready to hold the soul captive in his moment of least laxity. Maya's machinations are subtle and deceive the ordinary man. It is well-bedecked as it dupes, nobly attired as it attracts one to one's eventual doom and works unobtrusively in the most modest manner to molest the victim unawares. The poison these poets and politicians, artists and musicians, dancers and 'deliverers' inject into the bloodstream of the masses i worse than the most grotesque sensuality which degrades but for a while but then releases the victim of its thraldom. Not these mahatmas and gurudevs, these rishis and babas, these pandits and poets who infuse their toxins into the nervous system in a manner that generations pass before humanity is able to throw off the foul influence and once more set out on the bold path of spiritual freedom. It is the work of the real incarnation of God as opposed to pretenders to such altitude that finally delivers these hapless souls from their hypnosis and awakens in them the strength to counter similar hypnosis in others. The age-old tussle is, thus, between the seers of truth and the pretenders to such vision and their consequent influence on the people. The youth must heed this well and only follow the genuine illumined soul and not any poet or politician or self-proclaimed godman, nor should they emulate sense-slaves such as film-stars and their kinsmen in the line of entertainment and extravaganza.
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