Tuesday 6 February 2018


Illiteracy and ignorance among politicians is sweeping the land with catastrophic consequences.Time it is for them to study the works of the great sages and saints of our country to set their rudder right. Swami Vivekananda's works must be staple for them if they are to lead the nation in the right direction. In this we, the devotees of Swamiji, have a seminal role to play. We must bring his message to the doors of all for easy absorption, assimilation and activation into life-building programmes which will build individual lives and the collective life of the nation as well. We cannot merely blame others while doing nothing for the propagation of good ourselves. Ours is to study Swamiji and transform our own lives even as we set about the glorious task of nation-building. Come, let us pledge that we shall not fail Swamiji and let us stop merely prattling his praises and instead do something worthwhile that will help spread his life-giving gospel far and wide, for did not Swamiji say that this time Thakur's spiritual current will inundate the world like an irresistible tidal wave?

Vande Mataram! Jai Hind!

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