Sunday 25 February 2018


This giant of a man, this seminal personality, this saviour of mankind standing erect with arms locked as if emblematic of senses withdrawn and war declared on the forces that are arrayed in opposition to the advancement towards the goal, is the heroic figure, iconic in stance and stature, who we must listen to if we wish to yet avoid annihilation as a species and forge ahead into the territory of the Spirit where all is peaceful and harmonic divine. This is the challenge facing humanity, this the optional imperative if Spirit must prevail over Matter, which it must, and the course of civilisation veer toward a higher end where the sovereign Self reigns over shadowy earthly embodiments intent on self-destruction. Vivekananda stands in regal resplendence and beckons us from the dust of desire to ethereal ends. Shall we respond to his mighty call? Upon it depends our destiny.

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