Thursday, 8 February 2018


The moderator ought not to have spoken as much as he did with his typical affectation of voice and mannerism. Especially, he ought not to have spoilt the final lingering memory of the show with his insertion of effeminate mannerism and ought to have allowed the discussion to have just drifted into the psyche of the audience devoid of his inessential inputs. Hope this will be avoided in future shows but, alas, this seems to be the popular local way presentations in the media are made, effeminate though they be and quite antithetical to the spirit of the spiritual life which is devoid of such blatant exhibition of pseudo-emotional effusions.

One wonders how far one must go to find a man worth the call among this population of debilitated individuals whose words issue from the throat and not the soul and who must inevitably bring in the alternate dose of sentimental nonsense masquerading as here a poetic line and there an effete quotation to spice up the show the wrong way even though the theme of the programme calls for a more robust manifestation of character devoid of these cross-cultural ceremonials. And it is a pity that this virus has now spread through the thick and thin of greater Bengal just as Vivekananda had feared it would, courtesy the aberrations he foresaw would appear in the generations of Bengalis to come. It is now in every sphere of Bengali life and is spreading faster than ever before to totally destroy whatever vestige of manliness yet remains among this otherwise glorious community.

Witness now the foresight of the Swami as opposed to the myopia of his illustrious contemporaries who set the ball rolling of weakness of word and manner at a time when Ramakrishna's protege was setting the nerves of this debilitated nation afire with the thunderous call of the Upanishads. The inheritors of this contrasting culture we are but what we choose to inherit of this dual legacy of strength and weakness is for us to decide. Let me for my own part choose to follow the Swami of epic proportions and shun all that emasculates man and renders him a shadow of his real imperial spiritual self. 'Naaymatma balaheenena labhya.' (This Atman cannot be realised without strength.)

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