Sunday, 4 February 2018


What we lack today is a mooring in these episodes of gallantry for we are now an emasculate race fed on the diet of debilitating deliberations of our past perfidious history of untruth and mischief masquerading as non-violence while the glory of our martial struggle for freedom lies unnoticed and neglected to our perennial shame and loss of patriotic pride. When millions of men behave as if they have only poetry to recite and song and dance to perform in life, when a loss of seriousness sweeps through the land like a virus, when effeminacy of a pernicious kind poisons the mind of the youth thwarting the efflorescence of their valour and other martial attributes, it is hardly a wonder why this should be the state of things where the revolutionaries are forgotten and film-stars and cricketers celebrated as icons of the youth. Where a nation in its formative years of maturity unto manhood requires the sacrifice of millions, our Mahatma and his protege Pandit along with the other members of the Sabarmati-Wardha clan have dished out a patently poisonous philosophy of nationhood which can neither defend the nation against foreign aggression nor build up character within the polity, for the founders lacking in character, the flock may only follow suit.

Gone are the days of revolutionary fervour and gone with it our motherland's brightest heroes. They await their turn for a return unto the hallowed plane, this their beloved motherland, to save her from imminent destruction, this time no more at the hands of foreigners but at the hands of the sons of the soil who have lost all sense of manliness and, shorn of strength, merely spend their time on earth in paralysing pursuits of pleasure-seeking and profit-making while the masses suffer eternally a veritable hellish existence here on beautiful earth. What we need is the banishment of everything that weakens the soul in the form of effeminate culture and the sacrifice of a million souls once more to build our country and make our motherland shine resplendent in the comity of nations. Vande Mataram! Jai Hind!

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