Monday 19 February 2018


The plight of the people sinking daily into the vortex of destitution caused by an inhuman system of economic exploitation is so easily accepted by all even though it entails the greatest degree of violence directed by man against brother man. The process is slow and scientific and seemingly bloodless but its long-term retribution in the making may be very violent and plain catastrophic. The forces at work today which are camouflaging this silent and crushing decree of death on the masses by the surface glitter of economic empowerment in the form of declared programmes of social welfare, ever announced, never quite activated to fruition, must be themselves unaware as well as to the portentous developments brewing in the distillery of sociopolitical evolution. The consequence of this mass carnage in this meticulous and merciless way may not go well with the forces in opposition developing within human society and augur not too bright a prospect for the future of humanity. This is the ugly face of capitalism that is fraught with gain of gold at the cost of dripping human blood and can only bring forth uglier forces of retribution to end its gory life for good. There is little glory in this blazoned celebration of ill-begotten wealth and it is time that masses of well-thinking individuals start the counter-campaign to portray this blatant exhibition of Mammon-mongering for what it truly is.   

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