Thursday 8 February 2018


Q.1. What is the way?
A.1. Tearful prayer for His vision.

Q.2. What is the world? 
A.2. A manifold alarm-system to bring you back to consciousness.

Q.3. Who need not ever fear?
A.3. The true devotee of the Lord who is resigned unto Him. The Lord bears his burden, provides him with what he lacks and preserves what he already has. The Lord is the caretaker of such a devotee of His and protects him always. He delivers him from evil and ignorance unto the bliss of perennial freedom and everlasting bond with Him.

Q.4. What is love?
A.4. Seeing oneself in another and tending to bridge the separation through immediate union.

Q.5. What is the world like?
A.5. A furnace for the aspirant, an abode of bliss for the realised soul. 

Q.6. What is the condition of His mercy?
A.6. He is unconditioned, Hos love is unconditional, but the scriptures say, purity is the condition of His mercy. Christ says, "Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy."

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