Friday 9 February 2018


1. Before your evening chant of the Ishta mantra it will be efficacious to listen to the vesper song of Thakur, 'Khandana bhava...'

2. When you wake, see the Lord around. When you sleep, He will visit you in your dreams. And when you meditate, see His luminous form.

3. Just drown yourself in the holy name of the Lord and sink in His ocean of love.

4. See the videos of Swami Swatantranandaji on You Tube. He is an inspired monk full of divine fervour in his delivery.

5. Chant at the appropriate hours, dawn, dusk and in the depth of the night.

6. Watch the videos of Swami Swatantranandaji (Ajit Maharaj). It will be conducive to your spiritual growth. He speaks with authority.

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