Monday, 5 February 2018


The study of Sanskrit must be popularised. In it lies the well-being of our nation, for the Sanskrit literature is the repository of all that is good and noble and sublime in our culture. The very sonic vibrations of the language sends a current of strength through the nerves. And when the verses are essentially spiritual, full of the loftiest philosophy humanity has ever had access to, the effect is electrifying. No wonder Swami Vivekananda used to emphasise the study of the language so that the spiritual treasures of the Sanatan Dharma lying locked in ancient scriptures would find currency in the modern world and reset its direction. Ironically, his wish has not been fulfilled by independent India and the result is for us all to see. The loss of character in the polity, the rampant corruption, economic exploitation and disparity between the wealth of the rich and the poor, the ugly proliferation of the consumerist culture and the decadence in social culture consequent on the excessive emphasis on materialism by gluttonous leaders in all walks of life have their roots in this amnesia of our age-old spiritual culture which is the direct result of our ignorance of Sanskrit, our heritage language whose literary treasures are potent enough to yet strike off a revolution of ideas in our people and lend character to their beings. It is, thus, imperative that the Government of India takes it upon itself to promote Sanskrit and popularise its study in an effective way.

We are fortunate to be the legatees of such a gift from our ancestors and it is up to us to be the worthy recipients of such a legacy. It is an earnest appeal to all who shall chance to read this piece that they encourage their children and grandchildren to take up the study of Sanskrit along with their other academic disciplines and those who have gone past their university days may yet take up the study in whatever form is possible to access the spiritual ideas lying embedded in these holy books which are ancient India's best gift to her own children and to the children of the world. They say the gods speak in this language. Let us also take up its study and start speaking in it, for are we not gods and goddesses on earth?

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