Where lies hope except in the individual of inspiration and insight who can comprehend the current social complexities and has the will and the power to redress the malefic issues that afflict it? Such a one, armed in universal love and gifted with the genius to remedy life's ills en masse, must in the fullness of time arise out of the sea of humanity and step forth to lead his flock to safety. Such a mighty awakening is in the offing as the times are propitious for such a descent of the Divine in human clay and we must ready ourselves to welcome such an advent.
Long back Sri Ramakrishna had prophesied that he would reincarnate once more a century later and Swami Vivekananda in America had corroborated this statement of the Master, although, he differed regarding the date of the descent, maintaining that it would be two hundred years when the act would come to pass. Holy Mother had, however, categorically stated the date of reckoning to be a hundred years and had at length described the proceedings as they would then come to pass and this to many remains the clincher regarding the validity of the date of descent as being one hundred years. Swami Saradananda in his celebrated work, 'Sri Sri Ramakrishna Leelaprasanga' fixed the date as being two hundred years, though, and Girish Chandra Ghosh corroborated it but Swami Vijnanananda affirmed that Thakur would reincarnate in a hundred years' time and that the real work of the Master's mission would then begin, that the present work of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission was but the laying of the foundation for such a gigantic edifice of work for world regeneration that would come up in Thakur's latter incarnation. Even Thakur himself had said that many would get liberation in his latter incarnation and that those that would not, would have to wait for a very long time for liberation.
These conflicting dates may cause confusion in immature minds and, thus, it is best not to daydream about these things, but it is equally blameworthy to suppress information regarding Thakur's future arrival and misquote, text-torture or interpret wrongly the available data, for to misguide the common run of humanity with such misinformation so as to avoid mass-delusion is self-defeating in itself. Let truth see the light of day and let all the facts be there before the public without any attempt to fancifully interpret them. For us, though, merely waiting for Thakur's descent without fulfilling his wishes and expectations of us will be an exercise in ignorance and we must desist from such an aberration of devotion. Let us, therefore, be up and doing towards the fulfilment of Thakur's mission as we have thus far been handed down by Swamiji and let us pray that we may be fitting instruments in the hands of the Master to bringing to fruition his future mission on earth as well. Jai Ramakrishna!
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