Thursday, 22 February 2018


Ancient India's philosophical grandeur baffles conception. So staggering was the attainment that replication seems impossible. And, yet, Swamiji says, future India will surpass it. The concept of the Advaita is so stupendous that relative to it everything else in the realm of thought seems kindergarten stuff. To conceive of the universe as but a bubble of the Self of man is rationality of the strictest rigour born out of realisation sublime. Matchless is the conception in mathematical merit for even physical laws break down there in the realm of the singularity of spiritual solitude, in the abode of absolute nothingness which is the nullified summation of all phenomenal events. For such a realisation to have dawned on the rishis of yore in times archaic as they were is proof of the authenticity of the spiritual principles that form the body of that vast work termed the 'Vedas' and is a pointer to the fact that truth, which is the substratum of surface evolution, stands independent of the degree of mass social consciousness attained at any point of time. A handful of people may quicken to the truth as an early episode of developing civilisation even as the rest of humanity trudges on for millenia to grasp mere elements of the truths apprehended so.

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