Tuesday 20 February 2018


1. I believe in man and in no God beyond man. But this man is not the apparent man but the Real Man.

2. Men of character must lead the country, not provincial crooks. A bunch of political pygmies are now ruling the roost.

3. We must sacrifice our self-interest in the larger cause of nation-building irrespective of the return. That is the martial spirit.

4. 'Patriots' would do well to renounce self-interest and serve the nation rather than raising the dust over issues alone.

5. A nation is made by the sacrifice of its citizens, not by the looting of its resources by an evil few.

6. Slaves, they try to impose their will on others while they themselves remain in bondage to their petty self-interest.

7. A current of strength is the call of the hour now, not debilitating dance and music that enervate men.

8. Is ingratitude a spiritual attribute or betrayal for that matter? When will disciples learn to be faithful to their Gurus?

9. The holiest of all relations, that between the disciple and the Guru, need not be tainted with aught of earth. Let holiness prevail.

10. Death is approaching, beware! Now is the time to cut the bonds of Maya and set yourself free. Tomorrow may never be. Arise! Awake!

11. Raise your children to be lions among men, full of the fire of renunciation and worshipful service of the divine in man.

12. Cowardice has covered the landmass as men immersed in sensory pleasures make a travesty of their manhood. Abhih! Abhih!

13. Hindus, learn the essentials of your dharma from the study of Swami Vivekananda's four yogas : Raj, Bhakti, Karma and Jnana.

14. When Swami Aseshananda speaks, it seems as if the voice is approaching you like a rumble from the depths of space and you feel enthralled.

15. Our country is holy, I simply feel it. Here the very air breathes purity, the fragrance spreading right to the soul.

16. I fail to fathom the spiritual personality of Swami Brahmananda. He remains an eternal enigma to me, a being of surpassing holiness.

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