Saturday, 17 December 2022



New word coined by Shankar Kumar Chatterjee denoting perhaps someone who espouses and upholds the culture, traditions, mores and modes of India in their essential spiritual sense, one who rock-like stands by the heritage of hoary India in its pristine form and in its subsequent derivatives through the evolutionary historical flow, one whose soul is coloured by the cultural context and content of Aryavarta in all its multilayered manifestation, one who vouches for the values enshrined in the scriptures of the Sanatan Dharma and sees their living manifestation in the unfolding life of the race that has blossomed in this holy land, Punyabhumi Bharatvarsha, one whose heart and soul throbs in palpable delight at the attainments of this our motherland and bleeds to behold her benighted state owing to historical folly and the perfidies of predatorial states, intolerant ideologies and expansionist imperialistic regimes, one who breathes the very spirit of the Shastras, sings the soul of the Saam Veda and lives and dies for the good of the motherland that has been the cradle of human civilisation at its highest, the nursery, the school and the university of the highest ideas, ideals, aims and aspirations of humankind even unto transcendence of temporal terms to reach the realm of the Infinite. Such a one is an Indicist in every sense of the term, a la Vivekananda, Shankaracharya and the souls sublime of revered memory. Alas, so many more who have been, who have breathed life into the sleeping mass of humanity and quickened them unto holy living, who have escaped the attention of history and lie in obscurity but whose radiant lives have lent eternal lustre to this beloved mother of ours, Bharatvarsha! Such a one is an Indicist.

Written by Sugata Bose

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