Saturday, 17 December 2022



Continuous preaching of the glories of Hinduism and the real nature of Islam and Christianity is the call of the hour as we bid to quicken consciousness among our Hindu sisters and brothers. Uninhibited exposure of these two destructive proselytising religions is necessary, citing actual instances and using restrained language in doing so so as to avoid the banning of such criticism by the social media big bosses whose primary concern seems to be profitmaking even at the cost of a patently partisan attitude being taken that hinders Hindu awakening and keeps up the status quo of the gradual demise of this grand culture at the hands of perfidious foreign cults. We must not act in undue aggression but must gather our wits in order to effectively combat anti-Hindu forces, be they from without or within. Most importantly, we must encourage each other's work, the labour of love of those who bleed for the well-being of the hoary heritage of the motherland and exert themselves in preserving and perpetuating it and expanding its sphere of benign influence in the subcontinent and in the world. Hindus must be awakened and signs are there that they will be increasingly so as we show enthusiasm and enterprise in propagating the bare truth both ways, of the glory that was pre-Islamic India and the brutality that was unleashed thereafter on Hindu India by successive waves of Mohammedan invasions from across the border and way beyond to Arabia and Turkey. In such gradual diffusion of our historical truth will India truly 'arise to life and freedom'. Till then it is all hogwash to speak of inclusiveness and secularism which if carried out for a bit longer will spell the doom of Hinduism, the Hindus and India. Upon the rise of the Sanatan Dharma in all its comprehensive philosophical and cultural sweep rests the rise of India. 'Nanyapanthhaa vidyatey ayanaaya'/There is no other way. 🕉

Written by Sugata Bose

Comments @Suvadeep Sen : But the moon has already been patented by them. So, we must bid for the sun, I guess, where we shall be roasted alive, a fitting infernal retribution for remaining outside the fold of the only true religion, the 'latest and the most perfect' one at that.

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