Sunday 11 December 2022



We must never narrow our scope of thinking and expression. Hinduism excels in universalising principles. Hence, our thought, word and speech must be universal as well for the fullest flow of energy.

Spirituality brooks no restriction, be they social or political, economic or ideological. Its unhindered movement is its inherent strength, its intrinsic characteristic. Hence, allow the free flow of personality till in the impersonal it dissolves spontaneously.

An enlightened democracy of the spirit is the essence of spirituality, it harbouring no narrow division that separates man and man, man and all sentience, man and Nature itself. But such seamless flow must be founded on truth in absolute and relative terms and not on make-believe idealism that glosses over existent traitorous tendencies, inharmonious trends, incompatible, exclusive, fanatical religious and political systems that have historically harmed human civilisation and continue to do so because of their stated scriptural stand. Such antihuman systems must not be pampered in the name of liberalism but must be dealt with in a befitting manner. Otherwise, tall talk about philosophical universalism will be so much hypocrisy and nothing more.

Let narrowness in one's own system be eschewed along with the tendency to prop up narrow theological systems existing beyond one's pale. Vande Mataram!

Written by Sugata Bose

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