Monday, 12 December 2022



Sugata Bose @YouTube [Black Box of History] : This is a documentary of rare virtue. The dramatic effect is simply breathtaking. Throughout, the suspense has been maintained with great adroitness. The narration by the lady and by the director Amlan Kusum Ghosh has also contributed to its added charm. Overall, a captivating experience. 

The background music is resonating to the overall sense of suspense and drama.

The filming is graphic and awakens a sense of awe on sight of the locations where Bhagavanji [Netaji in monastic reincarnation in his post-disappearance life] had stayed and conducted operations. 

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : What an insightful articulation by Swamiji! Satyajit Ray had in the same vein but in a different context said that an artist must be judged by his best work.

Sugata Bose @সৌম্য ঘোষ রায় : বাসনাত্যাগ | তাহলেই যা আছে তাতেই এত সন্তুষ্টি যে নিজেকে বড়লোক মনে হবে | সবই তো আপেক্ষিক মনোজগতে | অবশ্য বাস্তবতাও আছে | সেখানে জীবনরক্ষার ন্যূনতম প্রয়োজন মেটানোর সামগ্রী চাই | আর অধিক কিছু সঞ্চয় ভবিষ্যৎপালনের জন্য | এই আর কি | এর বেশী চাহিদা বাসনাগ্নিতে ঘৃতাহূতিপ্রদান |

আপনার উপস্থাপনার মূল সুরটির সাথে আমার এই মন্তব্যের মিল নেই জানি | আপনার লেখাটি রসপূর্ণ আর এটি নিতান্তই অযাচিত গদ্যময় জ্ঞানদান | তবুও কলম চলতেই থাকে বাগাড়ম্বরে অভ্যস্ত যাঁরা, বাক্যবিন্যাসে বিরামহীন যাঁরা স্বভাবগত, প্রকৃতিগত, গুণগত কারণে, যেমন আমি | তাই রসভঙ্গের জন্য মার্জনাপ্রার্থী |

Sugata Bose @Daughter of Aparajita Hazra : She is a very good person, a Vidyashakti. I hope she qualifies in academic studies as high as she possibly can. One feels so good to behold such, indeed, angelic faces, a veritable manifestation of ennobling attributes, a sweet synthesis of head and heart. God bless you, my child!

Sugata Bose @Arunangshu Mandal : The species has been en masse shot dead! Now the rare survivors are even not surviving the optical shots, I mean, the camera shoots!

Sugata Bose @Arunangshu Mandal: Oh, the reels of the wheels of life! They so fast come upon one's heels that one feels how futile life has been in uncovering it onion-like through its unending peels. Thus the saga carries on dealing us birth, life and its deathly deals.

Sugata Bose @Debabrata Saha : Supposedly a sacred, secret, unspotable place in the Himalayas known only to yogis of the highest spiritual altitude and accessible to them alone at the behest of some such yogi already a resident there. Here apparently time takes no toll on the bodies of the residents and they remain ever-young while practising their austerities for the maintenance and well-being of the world. Gopinath Kabiraj has written an excellent book on Jnan Gunj. You may get valuable information there.

Sugata Bose @Rohini Jalan : Bad logic. Very poor logic. Sign of intellectual decadence. Unacceptable. Imperfection which is the order of the day. No wonder Bertrand Russell had lamented the decline in intellectual standards as early as 1932. No wonder Swamiji had predicted the decline of culture in the age of the 'vaishya'/trader/commerce/industry. I can now witness the veracity of their statements. I also write a lot but with perfect punctuation, that is, to the best of my ability, diligence never lacking in bringing to perfected fruition any enterprise that I undertake. Quoting senior professors by way of defending the indefensible all the more proves my point. Now it is professing indeed to press home a point that is of no return. Watch how I wrote rapidly right now and yet with precision and punctuated perfection. It is but a habit in accurate presentation of a write-up and requires no extra effort to do so. I wonder how much time or energy one requires to end a sentence with a full-stop. At any rate, few, alas, know enough of punctuation to do justice to it and, thus, such efforts at self-justification where error ought to be rectified rather in one's bid towards self-improvement.

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : I had realised this state of being One, alone through all eternity, One which can have no second, One who can simply not replicate. It was December, 1987. I was 26 years and 6 months old.

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : Bangladesh should with gratitude remember India's invaluable contribution to her gaining independence from the barbaric Islamic regime in Pakistan and in accordance stop playing the same Islamic card against her Hindu citizens. That would be tribute indeed to her own martyrs to freedom and to her friends across the border. We remember with pride and grateful thanks the genius, grit, military insight, courage and fortitude of Lt. Gen. J.F.R. Jacob, the mastermind of the final thrust on Dhaka which precipitated the Pakistani downfall.

Sugata Bose @Deepanjan Mitra : I will gather information and myself write more and more on this genius of a person (Mohendranath Datta), now lying in wraps in the forgotten files of history.

Sugata Bose @Tufail Chaturvedi [YouTube] : India's weak stance towards China is the result of her historical passivity in foreign affairs, the Gandhian legacy.

Christian missionaries are a nefarious influence in our country as much as Islamic proselytisation is. Both Christianity and Islam are theologically oriented and practically bent upon destroying the sociocultural fabric of our society which is based on the Sanatan Dharma.

Nehru's academic mediocrity was proved on-field when he took over the reins of governance. His intelligence was not refined enough to read through the murky atmosphere of international politics. Hence,  Peter's Principle of progressive promotion to position of incompetence was patently played out in Nehru's life to our great national distress.

Sugata Bose @Arungangshu Mandal :

Driven home the point. But then this home seems to be airborne. In a lighter vein and without insinuating a sexist slant, birds do fly after all while men shoot. Now, now, do not take offence. I have fore-apologised after all for cracking such a punning joke, if though a trifle punishing in thematic terms. But all in good humour which you so eminently represent in these days of prosaic understanding of the coarse intellect and evaporated humour in the public space.

[Ref. The above comment I made in response to Arunangshu Mandal's post who makes hilarious ones regularly, keeping alive this fast-vanishing quality of humour in the social discourse.]

Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick :

An honourable enterprise never is a failure as it invariably leads to spiritual evolution of the individual which is the purpose of life and the ultimate test of the success or failure of an endeavour. The Bhagavad Geeta exhorts us to renounce the fruit of action while dispassionately executing the act itself. In keeping with this principle which is termed Karma Yoga, honour in enterprise itself is its own reward irrespective of its social outcome. And no evil can accrue from such action that is held in high honour, for 'honour' in Greco-Roman terms was a virtue that encompassed all that was noble and sublime, virtuous and uplifting, the benefit accruing to both the doer and the done in individual and collective terms.

Sugata Bose @Arunangshu Mandal : আপনি মশাই 'ভারতবিদূষক' অথবা 'ভাঁড়রত্ন' [রেগে যাবেন না কিন্তু, সসম্মানে বলছি] উপাধিতে ভূষিত হওয়ার যোগ্য | ভারত সরকারের এই উপাধিপ্রদান আপনাকে দিয়েই শুরু হ'ক ! জয় মণ্ডলমহাশয়ের জয়!

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : Mujib-ur-Rahman was party to 'The Great Calcutta Killing' as associate and assistant of Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy. He was a Muslim League leader who campaigned and colluded for Partition as is evident as well from this self-confession of his. Congratulations to you, Suvadeep Sen, for bringing to the fore documented evidence of these historical heresies that have mutilated our motherland. No forgiveness can ever be for such treachery perpetrated against our grand civilisation, culture and territorial domain. These false faces must be unmasked like this. You are doing a great job in making people aware of these facts which are contrary to their fanciful beliefs. I thank you again and look forward to more such revelations which shall set the historical record straight.

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : See how effective your work has been. Augurs well for the future.

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : Moves are being made in Bangladesh to ban the publication and propagation of this book by Dr. Kalidas Baidya. What else can they do to suppress the truth that needs must come out despite such attempts? This year has been declared 'Mujib Year' by the Bangladesh Government and to behold such heretical revelations! The cat is outside the can now and cannot be contained anymore. The Hindu Renaissance is on and will see to its eventual fulfilment in the reclamation of the whole of the subcontinent before long. This is the destiny of our motherland and must come to pass, I say. Swamiji and Sri Aurobindo's words cannot fail to fulfil. India will be whole again. The Ancient Mother is awakening Her children unto carrying out this their divine destiny on this terrestrial plane, the domain of karmic dynamics, the realm where Reality seeks its final fruition in the last lap of earthly evolution when matter dematerialises unto the Spirit.

Sugata Bose @YouTube : যদি প্রফুল্ল চাকি নিজের পিস্তল খুদিরামকেই দিয়ে থাকেন তো কোন পিস্তল তিনি নিজের ওপর ব্যবহার করেছিলেন অথবা পুলিশ তাঁর কোন পিস্তল তাঁর ওপর প্রয়োগ করেন বলে সন্দেহ করা হয়? এই মর্মে প্রশ্ন থেকে যায় |

Sugata Bose @YouTube Swami Purnatmananda lecture : The background music is an undue disturbance. This sort of loud melodic accompaniment is more often than not a hindrance to communication of the intended message recorded and re-presented before the wider audience for post-viewing. 

Sugata Bose @Goutam Ghosh : Yes, we must rediscover and recover our hidden history. In such a self-revelation lies the prospective renaissance of the Sanatan culture. Thanks for informing us of the rightful names, now obliterated and lying in wait for rehabilitation. 🕉 

Sugata Bose @Manissh Bhattacharjee : Conversion complete there. So, conversation complete as well. Hence, we, Hindus, are their target. The original predator-prey relation of proselytising Christianity, you see.

Sugata Bose @YouTube video on the Vedanta and Quantum Physics : Stupid introduction with not an iota of knowledge about the inherent intricacies of the Vedanta. Every Tom, Dick and Harry when they anchor programmes of such profound complexity make such a mockery of the whole exercise. Few, alas, few understand the Advaita even in its barest outlines, leave alone penetrating to its depths! Today it is the fulfilment of the old adage in massive terms, 'Fools rush in where angels fear to tread'. The multitude are being misled by mediocre minds masquerading as messiahs.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [ANI News -- Smita Prakash] : Dr. Sampath, you are too gullible and thus imagine Dara Shukoh to be a better model for Indian Muslims than Aurangzeb Alamgir. But Muslims are guided by the Qur'an and the Hadith which Dara Shukoh did not strictly abide by while Aurangzeb did. Muslims are enjoined to abide by the precepts and principles of their divine scriptural text and cannot do otherwise. The rigour of their religion in terms of ritualistic daily prayers, annual month-long fast and the other three well-known pillars of their faith so indoctrinate them into observing an un-Dara-like religion that your observation about them being expected to change stance is puerile and hardly expected from an erudite as you are in your chosen field of study. So long as Muslims are observant of their religion, they will owe allegiance to all such Islamic invaders that ruined our Sanatan civilisation and to expect otherwise would be an exercise in plain naivete and futility. If even you cannot but compromise your speech thus, then one wonders how ideologically slanted ill-intended historians and academics may be expected to deliver the right narrative before the public. In such a case one will perforce have to wait for bolder historians, more forthright individuals to alter the narrative that you are making feebler attempts to change. Speak the truth and speak it boldly. But can you? 🕉 

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : You write so beautifully with insight and all-encompassing features that make your presentation comprehensive beyond what one commonly experiences. A trifle more care would have made the comment an exercise in perfection. Find it out if you can and do the needful. I hang on with with patient expectancy. A little lapse has been which may be overcome to make the comment whole and set it up as a model for others to emulate.

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : But you did not detect the two errors and rectify the same in your previous comment. I leave you to ponder, edit and set up the comment to perfection. I await your rectified response.

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Leave it. These are errors that keep occurring in every comment that I come across and I now understand it to be quite commonplace and best ignored as inevitable. The errors multiply as culture plummets with academia being its latest casualty as well in this regard.

Perfection in anything, alas, is a thing of the forgotten past, yet a lingering memory sweetened soft in some of us who hold onto classical culture, now obsolete, perhaps, and of no coarse utilitarian value. This, perhaps, accounts for our lack of performance in the international arena where competition brings out the relative merits of representatives of nations, as in the Olympics, World Cup Football, Nobel Prize and the like.

In a changing demographic scenario where common culture is rapidly replacing the classical one, let us not rejoice overmuch in our excellence in the only sphere where we are outmatching all else, population boom with its concomitant consequences.

If an individual rises to perfection, he generates an atmosphere of perfection about him where a like excellence abounds in others who happen to fall in its ambit. Every little thing perfectly done leads to a general perfection in an individual's life and in the polity thereof. But, alas, these words have fallen flat on my supposed audience who care not to chisel their arsenal to a higher degree of efficiency, being callous to the core about things particular! In such a precipitating culture it is puerile to pretend a cultural rise by superficial efforts at it while every little move betrays one's downfall so eminently in the connoisseur's conception. Hence, I leave it to posterity to ponder these nitty-gritties when they will by social evolution be better aware of the need for perfected performance and presentation in every sphere of national activity.

To such a dawn, my dear,

I send these lines tonight.

They'll waft through the starry skies

To welcome you with the light. 

P.S. By 'dear' I have addressed my future countrymen generations hence, perhaps.

Sugata Bose @Sagata Banerjee : At least I have been able to communicate it to you. Hopefully, there will be some more as well who will heed the message.

Sugata Bose @Disciple : Such a reverence shall be that there will be implicit obedience, complete subservience, total submission, absolute faith and wholehearted giving in to the higher decree, the commandment following upon every syllable uttered. That is the pronouncement that must be carried out to perfection.

P.S. I have a very fine sense of honour and it is difficult to hold me. Be reverent ever so as not to cause any grievance in my finely tuned mind, any ruffle that offends unduly.

Sugata Bose @Arunangshu Mandal : বৈদ্যুতিক তপশ্চর্যা | Electric asceticism.

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : Yes. And this is a growing menace, the legacy of soft lust exhibited in the form of crass commercialisation of culture.

Sugata Bose @Parag Sarkar : You are right. But the enemy lies both within and without. Within the Hindu polity we have the materialists, the pseudo-Marxists, thd pseudo-secularists and the symathasiers of everything un-Hindu including Islamic and Christian practices who are eating into the vitals of the community and rendering it fragile and hollow. And beyond the precincts we have proselytising Islam and Christianity whose stated aim and actual practice is the destruction of 'polytheistic, idolatrous' Hinduism and the conquest of Hindustan/India at any cost and by resorting to any means however debased they may be. These, coupled with the industrial-political alliance of profit-seeking and vote-seeking, and the average urban Hindu's loss of manliness in terms of his failure to offer resistance to all such corruption and his easy acquiescence to every bit of aired sensual gratification, have precipitated conditions that are dangerous for the prospects of the Hindu race. Worst of all, though, is the lethargy and consequent negligence in observing the daily spiritual practices that has made the Hindu culpable to all such corruption which needs must stop if he from being endangered species is not to suffer utter obliteration in the not so long a run.

Sugata Bose @Alok Sarkar : 'Non-resistance for the sannyasi, resistance for the householder.' -- Swamiji. This is with respect to your Guru's reference. Conflating ideas and ideological stands and half-quoting instances and sayings seldom serve a pertinent purpose where the security of a race is concerned. Such self-oblivion becomes the apparel of a doomed race and not the members of a race as yet throbbing with pulsations of life, a race to which I proudly belong and reserve the right to resist heresies that be in the name of pseudo-religiosity abounding as piety. And it is best not to attempt the emasculation of an already much-wounded Hindu polity by bringing in otherworldly assertions of sages who have done what they have done out of their sublime sensibilities and consequent compulsions. The ground reality calls for virile defence of the Dharma. Do not forget that even the Ramakrishna Mission has been time and again attacked by Islamists and communists which have prompted them either to seek Prime Ministerial help or legal protection, as the case may be. So, living in a fool's paradise hardly serves the purpose of self-defence. Criticism where due need not wait for spiritual Self-realisation to be attained. Its constant articulation is the sign of the vigilant democrat and is a core criterion on which the edifice of the democratic state stands.

Sugata Bose @Biswadip Biswas : At least you are simple enough to appreciate kindly. Such warmth is indeed welcome, alas, a vanishing attribute in most these days when self-publicity takes precedence over appreciation of quality elsewhere, when raising another becomes synonymous with lowering oneself in one's own esteem. What a perverse culture we are precipitating into when mediocrity rules the roost and the people pose as connoisseurs, indiscriminate critics deluded into hyperestimation of their scholastic sense!

Sugata Bose @Asis Bhattacharyya : Thank you. But kindly affirm after reading to keep the reader-writer communication going.

Sugata Bose @Prabirda (Prabir Khan) : The first step to conversion. This is the surreptitious plan of the Christians and their affiliates which lost us Gora at a later point and on our side Gouridi (Bachchhuda's wife) to the fold of Christianity. Many more on our side. The whole family of Putul Mashi (mother's maternal cousin). My students born of Hindu mother, Christian father; Christian mother, Hindu father; Hindu father, Muslim mother -- all converted to Christianity and Islam. However, in the cultural context this is inevitable and even welcome provided the Christian priests and nuns, and the Muslim clerics do not thereafter convert Hindus using trickery, deceit, inducement and force. 

Hindus must awake to Swamiji's call, to Shankaracharya's exhortation, to the thunderous roar of the Vedic Rishis. 'Svadharmey nidhanam shreyah paradharma bhayaavaha.'

This slow and imperceptible infiltration of the Hindu mind with mild doses of Christian concepts could prove counterproductive as well for the evangelical Christians as they unwittingly tend to vaccinate Hindus against eventual capitulation before this alien Semitic doctrinaire cult. But thus far we have somehow lost our numbers and continue to do so which is why a solid grounding in the Sanatan Dharma is what is required beyond natural consumption of the indigenous culture from festivals and peroodic ritual worship and allied practices. Generations of Hindu children must be brought in the purely rational-spiritual light of the Advaita Vedanta in its essential philosophic content and in its multifarious religiocultural derivatives which are the lifeblood of the nation. 🕉 

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Yes, and it is there in the post. Moreover, the Vedic Dharma in all its comprehensiveness does include the Vedangas as well which circumscribes our culture and civilisation at its roots and makes allowance for its evolution through the tide of times, ever including such developments also within its ambit by virtue of its first inclusion.

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : Great grandfather's great grandson! Perpetuation of greatness! He needs a dose of Galwan medicine alongside our troops to come to reason. But one thing must be said about him. He is quite a bubble-tank of self-embarassing ideas which has kept him alive in the public imagination. His humour knows no bounds even as Congressmen try to make limiting sense out of it. Quite a character in a lacklustre world! [Reference to Rahul Gandhi]

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : I think P.V. Narasimha Rao has been thus neglected because the Babri Masjid was demolished during his tenure as Prime Minister. It must be the Muslim appeasement policy of the Congress that has caused this distancing of it from the visionary leader. Of course, this could be the minor reason, the major one being Shree Rao's phenomenal success in careering India forward economically which image of his, if bolstered further, would compromise the decadent dynasty's faltering position, a perverse feature which has since spelled the party's doom. Narasimha Rao's memory had to be erased thus, his achievements as Prime Minister minimised in the public imagination at a personal level and recognised only, when the need arose, as the collective achievement of the party. This sort of jealousy, envy and like low attributes have always vitiated Congress politics with its ring-leaders being the Gandhi-Nehru combine and running down to later generations of Congress politicians who from inception not only marginalised Netaji and the armed revolutionaries for freedom but such stalwarts as Syama Prasad Mookerjee, Lal Bahadur Shastri and so many others that even forced Congress to split in halves, Mookerjee though being not a member of the Congress as such but a Minister in Nehru's cabinet nonetheless. The deaths of Mookerjee and Shastri under dubious circumstances have shrouded the Congress sky with dark clouds of destruction that are now raining down fire and brimstone upon them, and yet they do not rectify course. On 15 August, 1987 the CPI stalwart Hiren Mukerjee had written in his famous post-editorial piece in 'The Statesman' that the Congress party was dead. How prophetic it has proved to be and how perceptive he was in his pronouncement, especially at a time when the Congress under Rajiv Gandhi held an unprecedented electoral sway over the nation with nearly a four-fifth majority in the Lok Sabha! Unfortunately, lessons are not learnt by fools so easily which perpetuates their misery and, thus, are blotted out of history the degenerate descendants of every once-powerful dynasty. So shall it be the fate of those who had made India their private property and like expert puppeteers made sycophantic politicians dance to their finger-beats. Narasimha Rao will live on in resurrected India's history as a visionary of the first order while these frothy claimants to position and privilege will not even survive as historical footnotes in the advancing tide of times. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Ranita Indic : All hypocrites these so-called civil people are. The terrorists, the fanatics and the criminals are downright truthful about their doctrinaire or ideological stand. No hypocrisy there.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : আমার এ লেখা হতাশাব্যঞ্জক নয় | তা যদি হত তো ক্রমান্বয়ে লিখে যেতে পারতাম না | এ আমার মানুষের চিন্তাশীল রচনার প্রতি ক্রমবর্ধমীন অনিহা সম্বন্ধে উক্তিমাত্র | বৌদ্ধিক স্তর দ্রুত নিম্নগামী, এইমাত্র উপলব্ধি ও অভিব্যক্তি |

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : না, না, তা নয় | সংস্কৃতি নিম্নগামী | ঊর্দ্ধচেতনা, উচ্চচিন্তা ও পঠন ক্রমশই কমছে | এই নিয়েই আক্ষেপ, ব্যক্তিগত বিফলতা নিয়ে নয় যদিও আপাতদৃষ্টিতে তা মনে হওয়া অস্বাভাবিক নয় | শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুরও কাশীপুরে শেষসময়ের সামান্য পূর্বে একইরকম আক্ষেপের সুরে বলেছিলেন, "কারে বা বলি? কে বা শোনে?"

Sugata Bose @ঘোষ বাবু : গভীরে চিন্তা করলে তাৎপর্য বুঝতে পারবেন অবশ্যই | সব কিছুই কি বিশদভাবে বলে দিতে হবে? তাহলে স্বকীয় চিন্তা দাঁড়ায় কোথা?

Sugata Bose @Swagata Tintin Banerjee : I remember having said so to you distinctly even today. Thank you for reminding me once more. Reminiscences are never insignificant. May Thakur-Ma bless you ever and evermore!

Sugata Bose @Chandan Mondal : I tried hard to tag you with the second series of observations of Swamiji on Islam but somehow could not manage it. Some technical glitch it seems. May be it will be restored to health soon. However, I have posted it as a separate comment. You may go through it there if you wish.

Sugata Bose @Chandan Mondal : Succeeded in tagging you to the separate comment. That is what I meant. See how perceptions differ and discussion goes awry in consequence. Misapprehension seems to be the order of the day when patience runs low and understanding touches rock-bottom. Communication in common intercourse is a difficult art these days when people approach conversations with preconceptions and without sparing themselves the time and occasion to conceive the context of such.

Sugata Bose @Satyanand Bhattacharjee : Men have different proclivities, propensities and predilection owing to the varied combination of their cerebral perception and analytical cells. This is in the order of things as per the varied distribution and organisation of organic matter that eventually go about to determine personality and present perceptions, ever amenable to further modification and evolutionary development. Hence, perceptions differ. Moreover, there are those who wear tinted glasses that allow them only to view history along narrow sectarian lines which is the lot of many of the so-called modern secularists who are materialists to the core and contradisposed in their dealings to everything that pertains to the Sanatan Dharma and culture. These generally are the rebel and, dare I say, retrograde children of the Mother who have made it their vocation to stand in opposition to everything that tends to unite the Hindus against attacks from the proselytising Semitic religions, the communists and the like. However, that is their view and may they prosper in their cultural predicament till they wend their way back home, prodigal sons that they are. 

History, past and present, philosophy at a deeper functional level and civilisation in its evolutionary mode, all point to the aggression which Islam, Christianity and European colonialism have unleashed on the Hindus here in Bharatvarsha which has cost the lives of tens of millions of Hindus, the honour of their women, the desecration of their Dharma and the plundering of their wealth, and the impulse to overcoming such bondages thrust on this pristine civilisation which needs must rise yet like the Phoenix from the ashes. This is the struggle. On one hand the attempt to strangulate the Hindu religion and culture with traitors galore within lending a perfidious helping hand and on the other the resurrection of the Sanatan Dharma despite it all. I belong to the latter category. If you do not belong there, you are welcome too.

Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : See how particular I am about pruning even a write-up and never casual about it. Everything deserves one's perfected attention and labour of love tending to bringing about a like perfection in execution. Such is the standard of excellence that a rising civilisation must maintain. Else, it will be a fanciful dream, an exercise in futility.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : বিষাদে সাময়িক আধ্যাত্মিক অন্তঃস্পর্শ | এই বিষণ্ণতা স্থায়ী হলে চৈতন্যোদয়ের ঊষালগ্ন উপস্থিত হয় যার মধ্যাহ্নে পূর্ণজ্ঞানের প্রকাশ |

Sugata Bose @Chandra Kumar Bose : Sri Ramakrishna used to derisively say, "কলকাতার লোক হুজুগে |" ["The people of Kolkata are prone to sudden bursts of frothy enthusiasm."]

Sugata Bose @Aniket Subhash Bose : Good one. Banglas or Hanglas?

Sugata Bose @Aniket Subhash Bose : Yes, I understood. My way of inserting the 'or' was faulty. I should have written: 'Banglas the Hanglas'. I hope you understand.

Yes, the thronging on the morrow hangs on as well when the Hanglas will turn temporary Christians of only the perverse order and not the devout one.

Sugata Bose @Aniket Subhash Bose : Muslims are specifically told by many of their clerics not to participate in Christian festivities. It is the magnanimous Hindu, and now the self-obvious pleasure-seeking ones, that so go gaga over Christmas -- tree, Claus, cake, wine, music, dance et al.

Religious harmony? A distant dream. These frothy propensities of pretenders to cultural cohesion may please the puerile but not the people in the opposite camp where they keep plotting the downfall of our Sanatan culture by slow injection of proselytising material into the heart of our perverted polity, pertinently, the privileged upper echelons of society who then pass on the vices to the strata below. Fortunately, the teeming millions are in the rural regions and are as yet much more protected from these vices through poverty and consequent lack of exposure to Western culture. But the evangelical Christians are hard at work even there, as in fringe Punjab and in mainland Kerala. Many have been and many more are religiously being converted to the Christian faith through inducement, fraud and even force in places. There these Babus of Bengal -- who keep preaching pretentious interfaith harmony which is a one-sided capitulation of the Hindus to Semitic religious dominance -- do not speak up, for these ones are fundamentally flawed in their estimations about the dangers from these Semitic cults despite such historical reverses that the Hindus have had to endure on account of that. This is, perhaps, born out of ignorance of their own culture, groomed as they are in Christian schools, colleges and later abroad in Christian universities. The cake has replaced the 'payesh/payasam' on birthdays, 'Mummy-Papa' displaced 'Ma-Baba/Mataji-Pitaji' securely enough, and like aberrations abound everywhere in the sociocultural sphere. Our individual efforts are necessary to counter this cultural challenge to which Bengali Hindus are especially prone, silly and superficial as they are.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : কিন্তু বিষাদের অন্তর্মুখীনতা ও আধ্যাত্মিকতার অন্তর্মুখীনতা তো একই মাত্রার নয় | মূল রচনায় আধ্যাত্মিকতাকে অন্তর্মুখীনতার পারিভাষিক বলা হয়েছে | আশা করি তাতে আপত্তি নেই | দুঃখ তো আধ্যাত্মিক অন্তর্মুখীনতার প্রাক্কালে অনুভূত হয়ে থাকে যখন জগৎ সংসার ক্ষণভঙ্গুর, এই মর্মে প্রতীত হয়, ও নিত্যস্বরূপ ঈশ্বরানুভূতির অভাবে কোন যথাযথ সমাধান পাওয়া যায় না | বৌদ্ধদর্শনেও প্রথম আর্যসত্য এই ত্রিসংসারময় প্রসারিত দুঃখ যা চৈতন্যের পূর্বাভাস বহন করে আনে |

আপনি লিখেছেন, 'বিষণ্ণতাও মানুষকে বাহ্যত অন্তর্মুখী করে তোলে |' এখানেই তো গোল সমাধান হয়ে গেল | বাহ্য অন্তর্মুখীনতা কি যথার্থ অন্তর্মুখীনতা ? তাহলে মূল রচনার প্রতিপাদ্য বিষয়ের সাথে কোন সংঘাত নেই আপনার মন্তব্যের |

Sugata Bose @Arunangshu Mandal : Thank you. Your posts, though, are unique on Facebook. Such humour, my God, as you display, is a treat for all of us.

Sugata Bose @Merry Christmas, Anoushka!

Be great, Anoushka, and forever be devoted to your parents who have shown you the light of life.

Sugata Bose @Sujoy Mukherjee : সুসমান্তরাল | Good parallel.

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : Please mention that the quotation is from the lips of Swami Vivekananda. People are gullible enough to confuse its authorship otherwise.

Sugata Bose @Ranita Indic : Very well written. Thanks. Especially the meaning of 'Barodin' which is used to denote Christmas had always intrigued me but had never been clear till you clarified it today. I now understand. Thank you.

One moment please. Winter Solstice denotes the shortest day and longest night on the 22 December of the year. I understand that the Romans for reasons of holiday and historical convenience selected 25 December for the celebration of this occasion and later by continuance of the tradition even that of Christmas, the day finding parallels in other ancient traditions such as that of the Mayans. But the point I wish to raise is why has it come to be called 'Barodin' instead of 'Chhotodin' as it ought to have been? Else, it ought to have been called 'Baroraat'.

Sugata Bose @Paul Partha : সবই বলে দিতে হবে? তাহলে বোধ কোথায়? লেখাটা পড়ে তার মর্মার্থ অনুধাবন করুন, প্রাতঃস্মরণীয় এই বালকদ্বয়ের ন্যায় আত্মজীবনগঠনকল্পে ও স্বধর্মরক্ষার ব্রতাবলম্বনে পৌরুষদৃপ্ত হ'ন | তাহলেই এইসব অবান্তর প্রশ্ন মনে উত্থাপিত হওয়ার অবকাশ পাবেনা ও রচনার মূল বিষয়টি উপলব্ধ হবে |

Sugata Bose @Tufail Chaturvedi/Sardar Raviranjan Singh : With tears we will not mourn but with valour remember.

[Ref. Zorawar Singh and Fateh Singh, Guru Gobind Singhji's youngest sons, the episode of them being bricked alive by Wazir Khan, Governor of Aurangzeb Alamgir on 26 December, 1704.]

Sikhism is an offshoot of the Sanatan Dharma. Sat Shree Akal derives from the Vedas.

Shree Krishna addressed Arhun as 'Mahabaho' (mighty armed) in the Geeta. That 'Mahabaho' of Bharatvarsha, of the Sanatan civilisation, over the last several centuries has been the Sikh community.

Sugata Bose @Tufail Chaturvedi : These [reference to ex-Muslims] are brave souls who are bringing about the gradual demise of their forsaken faith. One by one the bricks are being dislodged. The structure in accordance is being undermined and its eventual collapse being hastened. It is but a matter of time before the Sanatan Dharma is reestablished in the whole of the subcontinent. 🕉

Islam is one and is based on the trinity of scripture, namely, the Qur'an, the Hadith and the Sirah.

Sugata Bose @Ayan Choudhury : Superb rejoinder. But you will not get a response. Posts to the same old tune will appear the next day and the day after and the following day, unchanged in character, unrelenting in shallow presentation of our religion and culture, till frustrated you will stop responding to such incorrigible individuals who will never learn but will pursue the same line of dogmatic thinking which masquerades as liberal secularism. These people do not understand the character of the nation, are not in resonance with the spiritual pulse of the country, are floating on the surface with superficial observations which they wish the masses to swallow but fail miserably in their endeavour. Your copious posts thus are good for us who find nourishment in such but will fail to make any mark on men who have a set agenda of self-proclamation in the name of saving the nation. Swamiji will fall flat on their ears and yet you will see them quoting his name to suit their exigencies of the hour. How of many of these after all have read Swamiji or care to do so?

Sugata Bose @Ayan Choudhury : Correct. Muslim participation minuscule in the freedom movement, maximum in the motherland's mutilation.

Sugata Bose @Goutam Ghosh : Opportunists [Appu (Kamal Hasan) and Pappu (Rahul Gandhi)] in open opposition to a Hindu renaissance in the political sphere. Facing upto the truth that will consume them if they thus persist. Alarmed at the prospect and making post-propositions.

Sugata Bose @Khalid Umar : Superb piece in every sense of the term, from heartfelt reverential tribute [sraddhaa] to Modiji's departed mother [ Heeraben Modi] to a slap on the face of the world-looters for their extravagant ill-affordable pomp and show posterior to the passing away of the British queen. [Queen Elizabeth]

Sugata Bose @Sujoy Mukherjee : হিদেকি তোজো জাপানের রাষ্ট্রপ্রধান ছিলেন না, ছিলেন নিপ্পন [জাপান] সরকারের প্রধানমন্ত্রী | সম্রাট হিরোহিটো ছিলেন রাষ্ট্রপ্রধান |

পাহাড়পর্বত ডিঙিয়ে সম্ভবত আসেননি নেতাজী ও তাঁর সামরিক বাহিনী ভারত মহাসাগরস্থিত আন্দামান ও নিকোবার দ্বীপপুঞ্জে | মনে হয় নৌযোগে এসেছিলেন জলপথে |

সেলুলার জেলে অশ্রুবিসর্জনহেতু জাপান সরকার আন্দামান ও নিকোবার দ্বীপদ্বয় আজাদ হিন্দ সরকারের হাতে তুলে দিলেন, এ তথ্য নয়, কল্পনাবিলাস | ২১ অক্টোবর, ১৯৪৩ সালে সিঙ্গাপুরে [তৎকালীন নাম, সিওনান] নেতাজী আর্জি হুকুমত্ আজাদ হিন্দ সরকার যখন গঠন করেন ও জাপানসহ ৯টি [অন্যত্রশ্রুত ১১টি] স্বাধীন দেশ তার স্বীকৃতি দেন, তখনই সংজ্ঞাগত কারণে অপরিহার্য হয়ে পড়ে এই সদ্যজাত সরকারকে ভারতের কোনো ভূমিখণ্ড প্রদান করা | এইমত জাপান সরকারের সাথে নেতাজীর চুক্তি সাক্ষরিত হয় | জাপানের অধীনে তখন ভারতের একটি অংশই ছিল -- তা হল আন্দামান ও নিকোবর দ্বীপপুঞ্জ | সেইমত ঠিক হয় যে তা হস্তান্তরিত হবে আজাদ হিন্দ বাহিনী সেখানে পদার্পন করলে | সেই শর্তানুযায়ী তা পালন করা হয় যথাসময়ে যদিও দ্বীপপুঞ্জের রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ ও বিচারব্যবস্থা সবই নিপ্পন সরকার নিজের হাতেই রাখেন | আজাদ হিন্দ সরকার শুধু কিছু পৌরকর্ম সম্পাদনের ভার পান |

দাঁড়ি দেওয়ার অবকাশ পাননি লেখক তাঁর দ্রুতগামী লেখনীর বিপ্লবপথে নিরন্তর অগ্রসরহেতু |

Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : Legacy of theocracy of a vicious type. Time to resist with all force all such dastardly imposition that thwarts freedom.

Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : Legacy of theocracy of a vicious type. Time to resist with all force all such dastardly imposition that thwarts freedom. 

Tribalism continues to this day and terrifies people with the sword. Reason has no access in such conditioned cranial opacity. Evolution will take time, compounding matters worse. It is hoped that relative disadvantage arising out of being left way behind in progressive terms by developing nations will force such theological strictures to lose their stranglehold on their subjects. Submission will then give way to critical thinking and selective adherence to doctrine that may perchance be compatible with humanistic modern-day living should replace the current dogmatic following of core corrosive principles. If not, then wholesale rejection of faith, doctrine, dogma, practices et al will follow.

Human evolution cannot be stopped at any rate. But, situated as a savage in modern garb that such men are, it is unlikely that such an evolutionary transformation will take place overnight. Therefore, resistance must be built up over fast-developing communication networks by exposing these bigots and the content of their bigoted texts for vaster humanity to become aware of such inhuman principles and practices. Then alone will humanity be relieved of such barbarism going on for centuries in the name of God and Man.

Sugata Bose @YouTube Ex-Muslim Channel : True it is that the female brain is smaller in size and mass than the male brain on account of the female being of smaller physical stature, but the brain to body mass ratio of woman is actually on an average higher than that of man. This categorically proves that by no means may woman be considered to be of inferior intellectual capacity than man.

Sugata Bose @Goutam Dutta : Oh, you are the descendant of Michael Madhusudan Dutt? My regards to you on that ancestry count.

Sugata Bose @Shusobhan Charit : Oh, the glorification of Meghnad and Raavan by Michael Madhusudan Dutt in 'Meghnadbadh Kabya'? That is poetic licence, depicting a character from its strong point from an altered perspective, here, that of valour and unrelenting resistance amidst terrible personal and racial tragedy. Swamiji highly commended such a depiction at a time when India, suffering colonial subjugation, required such a valorous spirit of resistance to rise in defence of her right to freedom.

Sugata Bose @Manasi Basu : হনুমানজী স্থিতপ্রজ্ঞ, তাই প্রজ্ঞায় অচঞ্চল, একই থাকবেন | কিন্তু মানুষ অবিদ্যার বশবর্তী, তাই বাসনাসাগরের ঢেউয়ে উত্থান পতনের মধ্যে আন্দোলিত হতেই থাকবেন | জয় শ্রীমহাবীরজীর জয় !

Sugata Bose @Parag Sarkar : Read the Qur'an, the Hadith and the Sirah, and you will be able to comprehend the core content of Islam. Then read Islamic history in all its bloody expansion throughout the world, no less India.

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : অর্থোপার্জন শ্রমের দ্বারা আর আতিথ্যের আগে অতিথির কাছ থেকে অর্থ দাবী করা, নচেৎ আতিথ্য হতে তাঁকে বঞ্চিত করা -- এই দুইয়ের মাঝে অন্তর আছে | তাই নয় কি? সৎভাবে অর্থোপার্জন এক আর অসদুপায় অবলম্বন করে তা করা আর এক | অতিমাত্রায় অর্থাসক্তিও কাম্য নয় | তা চারিত্রহানিকারক | বিশেষত, সন্ন্যাসী প্রতিষ্ঠানের শতবর্ষব্যাপী উচ্চ ত্যাগের আদর্শ, আতিথ্যপরায়ণতার মহান ঐতিহ্য ধুলায় মিশিয়ে দিয়ে বৈশ্যবৃত্তি অবলম্বন, বিষয়ের আপাত আবশ্যকতাহেতু, আধ্যাত্মিক অবনমনের অবশ্যলক্ষণ | এ বিষয়ে ভবিষ্যদ্দ্রষ্টা স্বামীজীর সাবধানবাণী আছে যা তাঁর অনুগামীরা হেলায় উল্লঙ্ঘন করছেন |

Sugata Bose @Parag Sarkar : I am not that Sugata Bose. I am this one.

Sugata Bose @Arunangshu Mandal : But what about enjoying temporary pride then?

Yes, advancing years and shrinking strength, shrivelling form and perishing pride.

Sugata Bose @Biswadip Biswas : People do not address the content of a post and accordingly comment by way of response. They choose to write whatever pleases them as per their preconditioned mind, either completely off-track with reference to the post or by selective response to a part of the post alone without bothering to read carefully enough as to where in the post proper the answer to their query may have been embedded already. This, alas, is the common disposition which has thus far gained increasing currency. Very few perceptive readers there are and fewer responders. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Pushpenda Kulshrestha : 4.3 million Bengalees died of starvation in the British-induced Bengal Famine of 1943, according to recently released British estimates. So, Pushpendraji, not thousands, as you said, but millions of Bengalees died of starvation thus. In his film 'Ashani Sanket' made on the Bengal Famine of '43 Satyajit Ray has estimated it at a minimum of 5 million deaths.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Yes, of course. You are dead right in that. I was talking about the bigger picture in total terms. 'Until Hindusthan from Cape Comorin to the Himalayas embraces the religion of Christ' -- this mission has thus far failed. Hence.

P.S. However, the Empire has gone and, yet, the proselytisation goes on with unabated vigour with the heathen Hindu being converted to the only 'true' faith, Christianity ✝️, to save him from infernal fire and secure him a sure seat in Paradise. Hindus sleep on this perfidious plot as is characteristic of them and ensure yet that the failed dream of the Reverend finds fulfilment in the future. Ours is to awake our besotted brethren from their inebriated state. To that end we must conjointly work. May the Mother arm us in not only courage of conviction but also in conducting practical programmes that call for valour! Those of us who are intellectually endowed by the Mother's grace ought to emerge now as 'bauddhik kshatriyas' [intellectual warriors] in defence of the Dharma. Vande Mataram! 🕉

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Yes, I know. I was being India-specific to avoid dilution of the Hindu consequence and the Hindu cause arising out of it amid the generalisation of the phenomenon worldwide.

Christianity, according to a recent erudite estimate, has been historically responsible for the deaths of 380 million people with Islam following next at 275 million. Hinduism is last in this list, having been responsible for the death of 0.43 million. I cannot vouch for these figures as such but accept them as reliable indicators of the relative proportion of the killings conducted by followers of the faiths. By all accounts Christianity leads the genocide list. And why did the religion ✝️ of the 'Prince of Peace' [Jesus Christ] cause so much horror? Because it is an exclusive monotheistic faith, that is, a theocratic dictatorship, whose fundamental emphasis is on expansion of influence by conversion of the infidel which made it the ideal tool for imperial expansion in the hands of kings, the Church itself colluding with the rulers in such expansionist designs and, worse still, for centuries itself becoming the imperial instrument of political oppression in the guise of 'saving souls'.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Ex-Muslm] : True it is that the female brain is smaller in size and mass than the male brain on account of the female being of smaller physical stature, but the brain to body mass ratio of woman is actually on an average higher than that of man. This categorically proves that by no means may woman be considered to be of inferior intellectual capacity than man.

Sugata Bose @Prabir Bhattacharya : Can you once utter the above words about Islam ☪️? Would you dare to do so? Do you have the guts to do it? You know the consequence that will necessarily befall you. So you dare not and choose the soft target of Hindu scripture and social practice. Come on, be a man and show your mettle in a like censure of Islam using the very same words. Brother, you value your security too much to do it. You very well know that you can demonise the Hindus and Hinduism 🕉 with impunity. Hence you proceed to exhibit your cowardice thus. Come on, shake off this cowardice and be a man. Wield the sword of criticism against Islam too in exactly the same manner. If you can, I will deliberate with you. If not, remember, I do not engage with cowards. It is a shame to even respond to your perfidious observation, your pronouncedly anti-Hindu stance which is a betrayal of our cause from a fellow Hindu, if I may dare call you so. Purify yourself and return to the Dharma. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : Superb! No amount of thankfulness is enough to show our gratitude towards you, Suvadeep, for the grand posts you keep presenting before us, culling them from diverse sources, all highlighting the glory that was India and cautioning us against the dangers we face from alien ideologies and their execution against us. You seem to be an inexhaustible source of pertinent findings that make us aware of what our prophetic predecessors have said about our imperatives for the defence and development of our civilisation. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Shusobhan Charit : ত্যাগের মাধুকরী প্রথা অতি পবিত্র ও আধ্যাত্মিক শক্তিপ্রদায়ী | 'ভবতি ভিক্ষান্ন দেহী মাতা' -- আদি শংকরাচার্যের গৃহস্থের অঙ্গনে এই প্রার্থনা তারই সনাতন সাংস্কৃতিক প্রতিফলন | স্বামীজী সেই পরিপ্রেক্ষিতেই ভিক্ষার কথা উত্থাপন করেছেন |যতিরাজের ভিক্ষাবৃত্তি ও সামান্য ভিক্ষুকের ভিক্ষাবৃত্তির মধ্যে আকাশ পাতাল প্রভেদ | একটি সর্বত্যাগীর আভূষণ ও অপরটি বিষয়হীনের জীবিকা নির্বাহের আত্যন্তিক আবশ্যকতা | প্রথমটিতে মুক্তি ক্রীড়ারত ও দ্বিতীয়টিতে বদ্ধতা জর্জরিত |

স্বামীজীর বই দীর্ঘ কয়েক দশক পড়লে তার মর্মার্থ যথার্থরূপে উপলব্ধ হয় | ন্যূনতম কয়েক বছর পবিত্রতা অবলম্বনে তো পাঠ একান্ত আবশ্যক | নচেৎ, মনের ধন্দ দূর হবার নয় | 'স্বামীজীর বাণী ও রচনা' শ্রদ্ধাসহকারে সম্পূর্ণ পাঠান্তে ওই অবস্থা হবে একরকম অনেক নিম্নগ্রামে যার সম্বন্ধে ভগবান গীতায় বলেছেন, তখন 'ভিদ্যতে হৃদয়গ্রন্থী ছিন্দন্তি সর্বসংশয়া |' ['হৃদয়ের গ্রন্থী মোচন হবে ও সর্বসংশয় বিদূরিত হবে |'] চাই বিবেকানন্দপাঠ |

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Sachwala] : Career compulsions concern our countrymen more than patriotic purpose. True its that Sachwalaji is an erudite in the Islamic scriptures. His erudition and diction are of a high order. His articulation, delivery, diction, pronunciation are exemplary.

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