Wednesday 7 December 2022



It's a brilliant piece of writing. Comprehensive, catholic and cogent, the essay stands erect by its sheer strength of character, content and context, encapsulating beautifully the fundamental feature of Netaji's life and message.

Chandra Kumar Bose, you sometimes rise to sublime heights of self-expression -- sincere, articulate, ardent and idealistic -- that make you worthy of a grand lineage, not your familial one in this incarnation but that of the vaster family of progressive man through the unfolding movement of time. Would it were that you would remain at such a splendid height and not get embroiled in petty politics of the day!

I have always admired such sublime, soulful, self-expression in you and written copiously in appreciation of such in the past. Today, you have redeemed yourself yet again to elicit this spontaneous approbation. I only hope that the dirt of the day does not drag your naturally idealistic being down into the morass of mundane pursuits that plague the politicians, be they in their electoral element or otherwise in life's larger meanness that stifles progress  of personality and perpetrates evil. Yours is a blessed being that will surely stay clear of such pitfalls and make of life a golden occasion for the fulfilment of its highest purpose, God-realisation.

Study Swamiji more diligently and emerge a beacon in this dark sea of delusion. It is not easy to inspire anyone with the higher principles of life unless one lives the life oneself. You have the power within you to do it and be a conduit for the greater good of society. Only you will have to forget the self to do so, that is, merge your being in the great being of the nation. It cannot be done merely by messaging without intense feeling, a throbbing palpable love for the motherland that must surcharge your entire being. Do it and you can as well be a force for the greater good which needs must come into being in the foreseeable future of our coalescing nationhood.

My good wishes and bountiful prayers to Sri Ramakrishna for your well-being. May the God of India's destiny (Bharatabhagyavidhaata) take you into His leading! And who is He? Why? Condensed India -- Swamiji. Vande Mataram! Jai Hind!

Written by Sugata Bose 

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