[Photo: Sir Jadunath Sarkar]
ধীরে ধীরে টানুন বায়ু ;
বাড়বে তাতে পরমায়ু |
2. Enrich your life's experience instead of loading your life with commodity.
Do not be drunk with desire so much that you forget that you are drunk. Life is for higher purposes, the highest being Self-realisation (Atmajnaan). Let not materialism so consume you that your values are founded on it and you forget the very purpose of your transmigratory earthly existence. Drunk, yes, but measure for measure! May Sri Ramakrishna grace all with the anti-intoxicant of his divine love!
কিছুই নেই আমার | শরীরটাও ফেলে যেতে হবে | ওই নামটুকুই আছে একমাত্র সম্বল -- ইষ্টমন্ত্র | তাও কি ফেলে যেতে হবে ? না, তা হবে না | পথের দিশারী হয়ে যাবে তা আমার সাথে চিরসাথী হয়ে, গুরুরূপী, ইষ্টরূপী বাণীমূর্তিসম |
5. Netaji died in a planecrash at Taihoku on 18 August, 1945? In a Siberian gulag in the 1950s? In Faizabad on 16 September, 1985? Thereafter in the Himalayas? Continues to live on in Jnan Gunj in the Himalayas or elsewhere?
Why was U.S.A. not tried for the war crimes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
7. Daring 16 year old girls, Santi Ghose and Suniti Choudhury, who on 14 December, 1931, assassinated the notorious British Magistrate Charles Geoffrey Buckland Stevens of Comilla for his atrocities on Indians. This was 91 years ago this very day. [14 December, 2022 - date of post]
8. Mediocrity masquerading as brilliance these days. Such is the degeneracy of the times. Professors leaving online messages unpunctuated, improperly punctuated, using lower case where upper case ought to be and with terrible gaps between word and word and word and punctuation mark. Then what of the commoner? Precision, perfection and punctilliousness seem to be now relics of a distant past.
9. The spilled blood of the revolutionaries, their mutilated, molested, martyred forms, their supreme sacrifice at the altar of freedom must not be allowed to go in vain by our irresponsible attitude towards our motherland. Vande Mataram!
10. There is nothing to talk about. There is everything to realise.
11. Ambition is the death of peace.
12. Professor, punctuate.
13. He who is slipshod in his doings cannot attain to perfection in this life.
প্রাতঃস্মরণীয় মহাপুরুষ মহেন্দ্রনাথ দত্ত | অগ্রজ স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ, অনুজ বীর বিপ্লবী ও নৃতত্ত্ববিদ ভূপেন্দ্রনাথ দত্ত | রত্নগর্ভা জননী ভুবনেশ্বরী দেবী, পিতা মহৎপ্রাণ বিশ্বনাথ দত্ত |
15. Avoid the rush of life. The calm worker achieves the most.
16. We need neither patriarchy nor matriarchy. We need equiarchy.
In progressive obliteration of the lower self lies real self-assertion, the spontaneous natural thrust of the higher self in equal progressive terms till the highest Self, the Atman, is reached whose omnipotence becomes irresistible. Such are the Mother's children who manifest power that way, for the good of oneself and for the good of all.
18. I write a lot and many have called me a rightist. So, I hereby dub myself a 'writist'.
19. বৈরাগ্যের পূর্বাভাস পূর্বজন্মের স্মরণ |
20. One laughs to behold human folly. That is the easiest way to overcome tension arising out of slights and insults daily laden at the forefront of personality.
21. The coffee I drink I have dubbed 'Konomotey Koffee', that is, coffee made for me somehow, a diluted milky version, a la kindred of tea.
22. Philosophy is the rationalisation of intuitive vision.
23. The greater the concentration, the greater the success.
24. বিজ্ঞাপনের জলে যদি চরিত্র প্রতিনিয়ত ভেজে, তাহলে কি আর শ্রদ্ধাগ্নি প্রজ্বলিত হয় ?
এই ১৭ জন [১৬ জন নয়, যেমনটি বলা হয়] হলেন শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণের সাক্ষাৎ সন্ন্যাসী পার্ষদ | কয়েক দশক যাবৎ তুলসী মহারাজকে [স্বামী নির্মলানন্দকে] অনৈতিহাসিকভাবে বাদ দেওয়া হয়েছে নিম্নে প্রদত্ত প্রতিকৃতিতে নির্দিষ্ট তালিকা হতে অপ্রকাশিত অথচ আণুমানিক কোন কারণে | আজও তাই তুলসী মহারাজ ব্রাত্য সংঘের দৃষ্টিতে রামকৃষ্ণপার্ষদরূপে | আপনারা কিন্তু এ ভুল করবেন না | তুলসী মহারাজ শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণের সাক্ষাৎ সন্ন্যাসী পার্ষদ -- এর যথেষ্ট তথ্যগত এবং আইনসিদ্ধ প্রমাণ আছে |
স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ, শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ, শ্রীমা সারদাদেবী;
স্বামী ব্রহ্মানন্দ, প্রেমানন্দ, যোগানন্দ, নিরঞ্জনানন্দ;
স্বামী রামকৃষ্ণানন্দ, সারদানন্দ, অদ্ভুতানন্দ, শিবানন্দ;
স্বামী অভেদানন্দ, অদ্বৈতানন্দ, তুরীয়ানন্দ, অখণ্ডানন্দ;
স্বামী ত্রিগুণাতীতানন্দ, সুবোধানন্দ, বিজ্ঞানানন্দ, নির্মলানন্দ |
26. The character quotient [C.Q.] of our citizenry needs to be raised if we are to emerge as a global power beyond just titular terms ascribed to us by foreign countries for their own strategic interests. Self-indulgence is bad, in our case suicidal considering the bulk and range of problems besetting our polity. Thus, man-making, as Swamiji envisaged, must be our top priority and it can only be done by raising the average C.Q. of the nation.
27. The lap of a mother is never too small to fit a child.
28. Reading Swamiji it seems his mind was simply unlimited.
29. Renunciation is the lifeline of religion. Where nothingness is, there the Lord abides.
30. Be not under the control of any. Assert your freedom every moment. That is the way to blessedness.
31. গাম্ভীর্যগুণটি আজকাল অধিকাংশেই বিলুপ্ত | চপলতার, লঘুচিত্ততার যুগ চলেছে | ভাবের গভীরতা ধারণে অক্ষম আজ অধিকাংশই |
🕉 হিন্দু!
🕉 Hindu!
🕉 हिन्दु!
33. My estimation lends you your earthly might. Here I withdraw my estimation and your earthly might is gone. Now who knows whether you are mighty still or not for I am bound by my microcosmic perception and there is no way to know whether there is a macrocosm beyond me or not.
34. When long-lost kith and kin return to our ambit with new discoveries about their lives galore, joy abounds breaking bounds. Such a moment has hours back been. 🕉
35. When you hurt another, you unknowingly hurt yourself. Every person is your own self in a different guise.
36. He who can give love for hate given attains to perfection. Such a one is rare indeed.
37. It would have been good if B.R. Ambedkar had been the first Prime Minister of independent India. How do you respond to this posthumous proposition?
38. ভোগ না থাকলেই ভক্তি |
39. দেশে থাকো আর বিদেশে থাকো, দেশকে ভুললে চলবে না | ও যে দেশদ্রোহিতা হবে |
40. My child, never forget that you are the infinite Atman. All power lies within you. It is but waiting to manifest. Aver that you are free and you shall be free. No chain can bind you, you the transcendent reality which nothing can contain. Shake off all appendage and resolve to your pristine status. Zero in to God which you secretly are but are as yet unaware of.
41. Hindus, unite in the defence of the Dharma! Cast aside petty differences and cast in thy lot to protect, preserve and perpetuate the Sanatan culture, the civilisation of the Vedas.
42. What a strange contrast Shivaji Maharaj bears to Mahatma Gandhi! Follow Shivaji and save the nation from cowardice and compromise.
43. কার জন্য লিখি? কে বা পড়ে?
44. হিন্দুরা খুব শ্লোক ঝাড়তে পারে | বিধর্মী দেশের সর্বনাশ করছে আর এরা গীতার শ্লোক ঝেড়ে, স্বামীজীর বাণীর আংশিক উদ্ধৃতি করে, অপব্যাখ্যা করে, বিধর্মীর শাস্ত্রের প্রতি অজ্ঞান-উদাসীন থেকে, যারা স্বধর্মের রক্ষায় ব্রতী, তাদেরই হেয় প্রতিপন্ন করায় উদ্যতখর্গ | বিনাশকালে বিপরীত বুদ্ধির উদয় হয় | কিন্তু হিন্দুর বিনাশ তো সহস্রাধিক বছর চলছে | এ দুর্বুদ্ধি তার কবে দূর হবে? কবে মিত্রকে শত্রু আর শত্রুকে মিত্রজ্ঞান বন্ধ হবে?
45. অন্তর্মুখীনতায় স্থিত হলে বৈরাগ্য স্থায়ী হয় | নইলে সাধু মানযশখ্যাতির দাস হয়ে পতিত হয় |
46. আধ্যাত্মিকতার অপর নাম অন্তর্মুখীনতা |
47. যে ভুল করে শেখে, সে জ্ঞানী | যে ভুল করেও শেখে না, সে মূর্খ | আর যে ভুল করেই না কোনদিন, সে হয় ভগবান নয় জড়বস্তু |
Never waste money. Cut desires, cut expenditure, save more for self-security and for social welfare. Limit your personal pocket to bare minimum for 'simple living and high thinking' to be possible. This is the dharma today in a world vitiated by crass commercialisation and the wanton play of desire.
Written by Sugata Bose
Photo: Ahalya Bai Holkar of revered memory who had consecrated her life to the preservation of the Sanatan culture. Her philanthropy extended to the whole of India. We owe a lot to her tireless efforts in the resuscitation of our Vedic culture and civilisation.
What a brilliant, brave boy was Shivaji's son Shambhu Raje! His later royal career was likewise. A worthy successor to his great father.
50. Trickster Aurangzeb.
এইসব গান্ধীবাদ, রবীন্দ্রবাদ, নেহেরুবাদে দেশ সুঠাম, সুদৃঢ় হয়ে দাঁড়াবে না | চাই শংকরবাদ, মহারাণা প্রতাপবাদ, গোবিন্দ সিংবাদ, শিবাজীবাদ, বিবেকানন্দবাদ, রাসবিহারীবাদ | চাই ক্ষাত্রবীর্য ও ব্রহ্মতেজের যুগ্মপ্রকাশ, মহাশক্তির আরাধনা, মহাশক্তির উদ্বোধন | অভয়মন্ত্রে দীক্ষা নিয়ে মৃত্যুঞ্জয়ী বীর হতে পারো তো ভবানীমায়ের ভক্ত, দেশমাতৃকার উদ্ধার ও রক্ষাকল্পে বলিপ্রদত্ত রুধিরাআহুতি |
52. নিজেকে ভোলার নাম আধ্যাত্মিকতা | ঈশ্বরের নিয়ত স্মরণ আধ্যাত্মিকতা | ভগবানে পূর্ণ শরণাগতি আধ্যাত্মিকতা |
How for a thousand years we, Hindus, were regularly insulted, humiliated, taxed and persecuted in every way as kafirs [infidels] by the Muslim rulers! And then came the Europeans to plunder and impoverish us till we were reduced to destitution. Now that we are free at last, ought not we to love our countrymen and make our motherland a heaven on earth till all our earthly vanities in unearthly realisation are sublimated and freed from their limiting bounds?
Written by Sugata Bose
Photo: The boy Shivaji under the nurturing care of his valorous mother Jijabai, even as the Divine Mother Bhavani graciously looks on on Her chosen one.
Shivaji was the founder of Hindu nationalism which is the unfolding future of India.
We must suppress the softer side of devotion now and manifest the valorous aspect of it. Jai Jagadambe!
Hindu royal emotions are measured in their expression. Loud laughter, profusion of tears, excessive hilarity, low levity -- these are pedestrian attributes, properties of the proletariat, and are not exhibited by royalty.
57. 'কুর্ণিশ' নয়, 'অভিবাদন' | ভাবের দাসত্ব ভাষায় প্রকাশিত 'কুর্ণিশ' শব্দের অপপ্রয়োগে | 'অভিবাদন' স্বীয় মর্যাদা বহনকারী সম্মানসূচক, সঠিক অর্থবহ, সংস্কৃত শব্দপ্রয়োগ, ভাষার মাতৃমূল হতে উৎপন্ন |
The amount of atrocity the Sikhs suffered at the hands of the Mughals resulted in their transformation into a manifestly martial race which saved the Sanatan Dharma and the Sanatanis [Hindus] from obliteration. We ought to be reverent to the ten Sikh Gurus, especially to the last of them, the great Guru Gobind Singhji, who founded the Khalsa. It was Guru Gobind Singhji and Chhatrapati Shivaji who put paid to the hopes of the complete Islamisation of India. Vande Mataram! 🕉
P.S. The fifth Guru Arjan Devji was tortured and killed by Jahangir. The ninth Guru Tegh Bahadurji was tortured and killed by Aurangzeb. Chhatrapati Shambhuji was tortured and killed by Aurangzeb. Guru Gobind Singhji's two youngest sons, namely, Sahibzade Zorawar Singh [9 years old] and Sahibzade Fateh Singh [7years old] were bricked alive by Aurangzeb's Governor of Sirhind, Wazir Khan.
ছড়ার ছড়াছড়ি ... ১
মেসেজ ডিলিট করলে পর
টুক করে দিল কেটে,
ছেঁটে দিল বারতা |
যদি বাবা পড়ে ফেলি,
সেই ভয়ে সারো তা?
রচনা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
ছড়ার ছড়াছড়ি ... ২
কাল যদি কল করো,
হবে তবে কথা |
শুধু শুধু ওয়াট্স্যাপে
হয় কি সে যথা ?
রচনা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
ছড়ার ছড়াছড়ি ... ৩
যোগের মূলে বিয়োগ,
গুণের মূলে ভাগ |
জলেতে নাম লেখা,
শেষে নিরঞ্জনে রাগ |
অর্থ বোঝা চাই হে,
নইলে, কালের বলি ছাগ |
রচনা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
62. Raga Anandikalyan/Nand by Ustad Vilayat Khan and Ustad Ali Ahmed Khan.
Hindustani music at its sublime best. The slow tempo, the gradual unfolding of the bashful raga leaves the heart blushing, the ears throbbing with the pulsations of bliss, the nerves rushing currents of tingling love.
As the sitar and the shehnai have merged to make music here, so must we commingle cultures to sound the symphony that is Svadesh.
63. The proselytising priests and the converting clerics are like frogs in a well [kupamandukam] inviting other frogs to join in till they all stink as brother frogs in the stagnation of the killing waters.
64. The Hindus are the most spiritual people in the world. To convert them to Islam and Christianity is blasphemy.
65. If you want to serve the Sanatan Dharma and Svadesh, study Swami Vivekananda.
66. বৈরাগ্য মানে কি? নির্গুণে স্থিতি |
67. Sycophancy is a disease that afflicts the self-seeking man in a position inferior. When there is a positional rise, it modifies itself to inducing the same in others.
68. Vivekananda awakened manhood amongst Indians. Gandhi and Tagore emasculated the land in non-violent and soft cultural terms.
69. How long will you sing and dance and with trembling voice recite poetry? Awake to a sense of manhood and learn self-defence, fencing, riding, archery, shooting and behaving like martial men? In it lies the defence of the Dharma, in it lies the security of the Hindu race.
যা তাণ্ডব চলছে বাড়ীর ঠিক নীচেই, যদি এই শব্দগোলার আঘাত সহ্য করে বাঁচি তাহলে একটু পরে জানাব 'শুভ কল্পতরু দিবস' | আপাতত বুক দরাম্ দরাম্ করছে |
71. শুভ কল্পতরু দিবস !
Shubha Kalpataru Divas !
72. Happy New Year but a tough beginning amidst the sound canons that are being fired! Quite a warlike occasion!
73. শক্তিমান হও | পৌরুষ প্রদর্শন করো |
74. Why did the Muslim rulers vandalise our temples, sully the images with cow-slaughter in the sanctum sanctorum and smear its entrails on the body of the deities before demolishing the structure itself and using its materials to build mosques there? Read the Islamic history of India and come to conclusions.
Bengal's greatest poet was Michael Madhusudan Dutt. Swamiji considered him a genius whose epic poem 'Meghnadbadh Kabya' he ranked as better than any contemporary European poetry of the same genre. The sustained high quality of composition that Madhusudan produced ranks him above all other Bengali poets.
76. How dare they with divine sanction daily address us as kafirs! We are the true emblems of the only God that lives, the Brahman transcendent and immanent. All else is the material mind's puerile imagination.
77. What we need now is not soft sentimentality nor silly devotional show but valour to combat the proselytising enemy.
78. स्वधर्मे निधनम श्रेयो परधर्म भयावह ||
Better to die following one's own dharma for it is terrible to embrace an alien one.
79. Spiritual expansion we are often told about. But what we in practice behold is expansion along contracting lines.
80. সনাতন ধর্মের সেবা ও সংরক্ষণই আমাদের জীবনের ব্রত হ'ক | স্বদেশ ও স্বধর্মের সেবাই আজ শ্রেষ্ঠ আরাধনা |
81. We must feel enthused to earn and earn well but never by exploiting others which generally is the natural corollary to one's economic well-being in a capitalistic world of ruthless economic exploitation.
82. Why do you all only address your comments to the photograph or picture appending a post? Why not address the content of the post itself?
83. Why post emojis by way of comment instead of sparing yourself a moment to make a worded observation?
84. One must have high hope, good cheer and plenty of energy to work out one's destiny.
85. What is the ultimate aim of Christianity and Islam with regard to the Hindus?
86. The inability to remain topical in commenting on a post and rather expressing only that which one's mental preconditioning compels one to do is symptomatic of the common currency.
Comments :
Shankar Kumar Chatterjee @Sugata Bose : Did I see Shashi Tharoor run for cover?
Sugata Bose @ Shankar Kumar Chatterjee : Lo! There I have spotted him, peeping from behind the bushy beard of Pappu. Now we can catch him even in concealment.
87. I am not a secular person in material terms. I am a universalist along Vedantic lines. Proud to be a Hindu. 🕉
88. Spiritual assimilation ought not to be absorption into our Sanatan fold inimical theological systems modified to our convenient imagination of its true intent and end. That has been our folly in regard to Christianity and Islam thus far, and that must be dispensed with hereon. Else, such charity towards proselytising cults that aim at our civilisational demise will precipitate our end.
89. Christian charity towards the Hindu is aimed at his/her conversion. This is the underlying inspiration, principle and game plan of all Christian philanthropy in India. Why does the Church convert?
90. India's foundational civilisation is that of Hinduism or the Sanatan Dharma. Hence, whether you like it or not, the truth is that India is a Hindu Rashtra in unwritten terms. So, where lies the problem in officially declaring it as such?
91. Do not be superficial flimsy Hindus. Be sincere adherents and brave defenders of the Dharma.
92. The Sikhs have been the bulwark for the Hindus against historical Muslim oppression. Sikhs are modified Hindus with a privilege-free kshatriya spirit.
93. Hindus, unite! Rise above petty differences to integrate your body politic in defence of the Dharma. 🕉
94. Anybody insulting Hinduism will be instantly unfriended. For abuse of our Gods and Goddesses, our venerable ones and our objects of adoration, they may be blocked as well. The days of insulting Hindus are over. Due response will follow without fail. 🕉
প্রহারেণ প্রাপ্তি -- পতিঃপরম !
96. Unless you read the Islamic trilogy of the Qur'an, the Hadith and the Sirah, your delusion about Islam will not leave you and your confusion will continue.
97. Why advertise charity? Work must be done in silence even in this day and age of instant communication. Noble work will in course of time speak for itself. It will gather its own votaries and needs no blazoning.
98. Confused Hindus, wake up! Shed cowardice, stop passive piety and stand up in defence of the Dharma.
99. Islam and Christianity have historically spread through violence. Never forget this aspect of their 'spirituality'.
100. There is no substitute to hard work. Brilliance is unproductive in the absence of diligence.
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