Monday, 16 December 2019



1. To be optimistic is good, to be realistic better.

2. The solidarity of the nation is paramount. It must be achieved without pandering to the vanities of the many or the not so many.

3. A nation that neglects its civilisational background goes to ruin in due course. Whither are we headed?

4. Vandalising is a tribal art originating in the German Vandals but perfected by our brethren when they resort to civic disruption.

5. The civic disruption we witness today is criminal in content and antithetical to national interest.

6. My loyalties must lie here and not elsewhere, and I must not lie about it. Let this be the nationalistic resolve of all Indians.

7. A country cannot become great if it is thought of as matter. India secular must revert to being India spiritual.

8. Think, my friends, think. Reverence for God cannot be when the brain cannot conceive of ideas and respond accordingly.

9. Let not the image of God without hold you so that you forget the God within.

10. The idea of eternal India gradually emerges from the tumultuous resolutions of the times. The Sanatan Dharma triumphs yet again.

11. Hindus must practise daily meditation and chanting of the divine mantra. Daily study of the Geeta is incumbent upon them as well.

12. The daily study of Swami Vivekananda's works is binding on every patriotic Hindu. Chant loudly Swamiji's Svadesh Mantra off and on.

13. Weakness camouflaging as reverence cannot save your culture, O Hindu. Strength must be manifested in real terms.

14. See the dictionary meaning of the word 'secular' before forming your judgement and formulating principles thereof.

15. ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতা আবার কি ? সে তো অধর্মেরই নামান্তর | সনাতন ধর্ম ভাবুন, বুঝুন, জানুন |

16. সম্বোধনে হিন্দুস্তান বলতে পারেন আর হিন্দুরাষ্ট্রতে এত আপত্তি ? সনাতন ধর্ম তো সকলেরই ধর্ম |

17. সনাতন ধর্ম হল অধ্যাত্মবিজ্ঞান | তাই সনাতন ধর্মই এদেশের প্রকৃত ধর্ম | বাকী সব মতমাত্র, পৌরুষেয় অভিজ্ঞতাজাত |

18. Secular is spiritual? Oxymoron.

19. Communists quoting the Constitution reminds one of E.M.S. Namboodiripad talking of ripping it from within the Parliament.

20. এমন মানবজন্ম, কী বৃথা তার ব্যয় !

21. যে গাছে বসে আছো, সেই গাছই কাটছ | সমূলে বিনাশ রোধ করবে কে ?

21. With some people persecution of others fuels their own life-force.

23. আর কত অত্যাচার সইবে সংস্কৃতিবান মানুষ ? দুর্বৃত্তের দৌরাত্মে জীবন বিষময় |

24. আর কটা দিনই বা বাঁচব ? যেকটা দিন আছে, মাতৃভূমির সেবায় ব্যয়িত করি, এই মনস্কামনা |

25. First insult, then offer coffee. A nice deception, nicer self-delusion !

26. Self-restraint is the prime duty of the civilised. Barbarians resorting to violence, civic and domestic, must be resisted though.

27. মাতৃভূমির জন্য যদি কিছু না করতে পারি তো পুণ্যভূমি ভারতবর্ষে জন্মানোর সুযোগ কি আর পাবো ?

28. স্বামীজীর ভাবাদর্শ বিরাট ও আপাতদুর্জ্ঞেয় | সনাতন ধর্মের প্রমূর্ত বিবেক, তিনি অবশ্যই চেয়েছিলেন তার অভ্যুত্থান |

29. The defence of Hinduism has begun. Now none can resist it.

30. Amidst the tumult of the forces of ignorance, a civilisation is rising yet again from the nation's subliminal consciousness.

31. So many internal enemies,so many traitors within wreaking havoc with impunity! Seems we are yet to learn the lessons of patriotism.

32. Our division is our undoing, the recurring cause of our loss of freedom. There are too many traitors plotting our destruction.

33. When the enemy strikes from within, the citadel falls.Moral corruption has tainted our intelligentsia, a woeful lack of character.

34. Send the thunderous chant of Vande Mataram rolling through the length and breadth of the country. Love the motherland,worship her.

35. First the motherland, then the motherland and then again the motherland. What else? There is no room for self.

36. It is good to be in the opposition but to oppose the good of the motherland is blasphemous indeed.

37. The symptoms are out. Patriotism and its perversion are perceivable by all and sundry in the polity. The disease spreads.

38. The medicine works. The ulcer heals. The signs are there for all to read. Interpret well.

39. I alone am true and all else is false -- this bigoted religious stance is bound to make it intrinsically violent.

40. It is not good enough to die for the nation. One must live for the nation and make it live, too.

41. Millions die fruitlessly each day when the harvest of life is not yet reaped.

42. The death of the martyrs I honour, but let us live to fulfil their unfulfilled dreams, their aspirations for a renascent India.

43. The Indian civilisation is asserting its rise in the teeth of oppressive resistance. The Vedas have sounded the clarion call.

44. Perfidious political parties working against national interest seek to secure power by perverting the understanding of the masses.

45. Who will resist the rise of the Sanatan Dharma yet again? Indian civilisation is on the march once more.

46. Can Ramakrishna be resisted, Vivekananda violated? Impossible. And so is the thwarting of their universal spiritual thrust.

47. Strength has to be in the blood, vigour in the veins for valour to manifest in patriotic terms. Such is the kshatriya spirit.

48. Is the motherland a clod of earth that it cannot be worshipped?No, it is the Eternal Mother veiled in earthly terms. Vande Mataram!

49. Behind the earthly India there is a subtle divine India which yogis can see. That is our real motherland and that alone we worship.

50. Defending the Hindu civilisation I consider it my foremost duty for it is necessary for the preservation of the whole world.

51. Superstition is not religion, strength is.

52. Hindus must study their religion first before they rush in to criticise its principles.

53. Liberalism is toxic when it defends intolerant cults and their fanatical followers.

54. The regeneration of Hinduism has been on since 788 CE, the year of the advent of Adi Shankaracharya, and the process is still on.

55. In the hour of crisis none else but Thakur will be there for you. Remembering this hold on to him in your memory ever.

56. Every moment chant your Ishta Mantra for the welfare of the motherland. 1.36 billion gods and goddesses seek security from it.

57. The life of a nation lies in the strength of its masses. Do not pervert them from their pure allegiance to the motherland.

58. Spreading misinformation is a crime. Distortion of facts, purposeful misinterpretation and misleading people is condemnable.

59. Only the brave are patriots. The rest are parrots.

60. If there is a crime on earth, it is to hate humanity.Monstrosity is not religion, humanity is.

61. These conflicting currents arising in the nation will have to synthesise into a grand harmony, the glorious future India.

62. Unto enlightenment must belong the present, not to age-old inertia. Advance unto Truth for unto it the future beckons.

63. Plant trees. Save the world.

64. We are blessed to live in a sunny country. Now let us keep the air clean.

65. নিজে শূণ্য হতে পারলে পূর্ণ হওয়া যায় |

66. অন্তর্মুখীনতাই আধ্যাত্মিকতার লক্ষণ |

67. To be detached seems to be the best way to live well and to work well, too.

68. Profit, thou constant drain from the pockets of all to the purse of the few ! Scientific theft !

69. Ideas ! ideas ! Flood the world with ideas. Let men think.

70. Take not the purity of the masses but fill them with glorious ideas of the invincibility of the Spirit.

71. মাতৃভাষায় কথা বলতে কষ্ট হয় আমাদের উচ্চবিত্ত সমাজের ছেলেমেয়েদের | সদাই ইংরেজীতে কথোপকথন | হায় দুর্ভাগা দেশ আর জয় মে'কলের জয় !

72. 2+3=6 ; 2×3=6 Both are right, right? Depending on belief. যত মত তত পথ! Have we reduced Ramakrishna to this?

73. The difference between Hindus n Indian Muslims is imposed n superficial. Deep within it is the same Indian civilisation flowing.

74. The narrower the religion n the more fanatical it is, the faster it spreads. Science, but for its utility, would have been rejected.

75. When was the Buddha Jayanti celebrated last in Kolkata with all the pomp and show? When will it be celebrated thus in the future?

76. Birthdays of the Avatars need to be fixed in the calendar for convenience of mass annual celebration, birth-tithi notwithstanding.

77. 25 December we all know is Christmas Day. How many know when is Janmashtami next or the Buddha Purnima or Ramakrishna Jayanti?

78. GOI, by declaring 12 Jan as the National Youth Day, has fixed Vivekananda Jayanti on the calendar.Likewise, let us fix it for all.

79. When will we be a trifle more intelligent in responding to posts on Facebook?

80. Hinduism, to spread, must consider fixing the birthdays of Avatars in the calendar. Only then will the world be better aware of them.

81. Be more intelligent. Foolishness is neither the sign of patriotism nor of spirituality.

82. Pictures are nice, personalities nicer but principles are the nicest. Meditate on this and amend your stance.

83. My heart bleeds to see my countrymen's fallible sense of reasoning, my anger mounts in impatience to watch their callousness. Om!

84. You have to Google-search the birthdays of your Avatars but you well know the birthday of Christ. Why? Do you not know?

85. Give up the superficial practice of Hinduism and awaken to the challenges that stand in the path of its effective propagation.

86. I am but an insignificant foot soldier of the Master's Grande Armee but units united must make our march irresistible.87. যদি শান্তি চান, কথামৃত পড়ুন |

88. Were it not for Swamiji, mine would have been a life lost in early youth.

89. We accept Christ but we reject the Church for the two, as यतिराज पुरी has so well amplified, stand in contradiction to each other.

90. GOI must celebrate Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi b'day and Netaji b'day as per the tithi, following the almanac, right?

91. Hindus are doomed if they persist in their fanciful ideas about proselytising Abrahamic religions attempting their destruction.

92. The massive ignorance of the Hindus in regard to the content of the sacred books of the Abrahamic religions amazes me.

93. We have a ruinous lack of sympathy for our fellow beings. Culture is plummeting to its nadir.

94. Weak scriptwriters and their paralysing dialogues! Romance of a debilitating kind reduces kshatriya valour to commercial capital.

95. Ritualistic worship is no worship at all. Where love is, there the Lord dwells.

96. Lies have no place in strength that manifests as spirituality.But falsity from the enemy must be met with intelligent use of words.

97. Our kshatriya heroes have been serially depicted as vegetarians. What a historical lie it is to suit the producer's dietary habit!

98. সাধু তিনি, যিনি সদাপ্রসন্ন, যাঁর ব্যবহার প্রসাদসম, প্রসাদোপম | তাঁর স্মিতহাসি, সস্নেহলোচন, আশীর্বচন -- এই তো সম্বল সর্বসাধারণের |

99. সম্পূর্ণ অহংশূণ্যতা এক নির্বিকল্প সমাধিতেই সম্ভব | বাকি কথা বাগাড়ম্বরমাত্র, অসাংবিধানিক, অশাস্ত্রীয় |

100. ভক্তি আর কি ? ভগবানে ভালবাসা |

101. ভালবাসা আর কি ? একত্ববোধ |

102. Politicians stir up emotions to confuse you. Stay calm. Let the heart and the mind settle. Study more to read into their intent.

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