Sunday 8 December 2019



There is a threat to our culture that ever lurks if we do not understand the fundamental principles of our dharma and those of the enemy that have in-built programmes of subverting it at every stage till they establish absolute mastery over us.

Knowledge is power and, thus, we have ever to remain vigilant about every move of the adversary even as we gather facts and truths of our civilisation in every phase of its historical evolution thus far. If we are to survive as a nation rooted in our Vedic culture, we must take our guard now and start learning what the dharma of our forefathers was and what our legacy therein has been.

Here Swami Vivekananda can be an active guide. His 'Complete Works' are the manual of the Sanatan Dharma in modern terms and must be our text-book for the study of our dharma.

In Vivekananda we have not only the defence of our dharma against proselytising cults but in him we have also our national ideal in modern terms manifest for all Hindus to follow and attain enlightenment thereof in the precepts and realisations of our dharma.

Vande Mataram !

Written by Sugata Bose

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