Thursday, 5 December 2019



Do not touch with the hem of your garment even anything that is paralysing and weak. Crush all infatuating weakness that drags the soul down. Let strength manifest in every movement of your life. Let the vigour of the soul conquer all pretensions to piety, all masking of sensuality in the garb of artistic aspiration and all carnal compulsions seeking social expression in cultural costume.

The blood of the race requires a vigour that can combat global consequences but which is being daily sapped by a decadent dose of commercial contamination that manifests itself in the apparel of virtue, freedom, enlightenment and liberation from archaic practices but which in essence is a compromise with sense-culture of a suicidal kind. This we must be conscious of as we take our guard in building our nation.

The capitalists are ruining the land with their poison injections in the bloodstream of the people. The gullible masses, long used to tyranny and torment at the hands of their feudal masters, are falling easy victims to these enemies of the nation who apply commercial corruptions for securing profit irrespective of the spiritual damage they cause thereby to the populace. These are our adversaries and them we must counter by rejecting their inebriating advances. Weakness must be shunned and strength, pure and simple, without any cultural or carnal pretension, manifested in every phase and segment of the national life.

Vande Mataram !

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Sikh Guru, victim of Aurangzeb's tyranny for resisting mass conversion of Hindus and Sikhs to Islam, father of the tenth Sikh Guru, Gobind Singh, martyred brutally by Mughal imperialism so much so that it initiated the protracted Sikh military struggle for liberation from Mohammedan rule in India which eventually struck the death-knell of the Mughal empire.

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