1. A vast life has preceded us, a vast life lies ahead, in between is this brief flicker of terrestrial experience, a window unto infinity.
2. Indian civilisation, much wounded but refusing to capitulate before the tyranny of the times gone by and that of the back-stabbing of the current devotees of pseudo-liberalism and its ilk, must reaffirm its pristine principles of affirmative living in the light of the Vedas. Otherwise, its days are numbered and its location fixed among the dead civilisations of the past. Shall such a destiny be ours? Upon your action today of the defence of the dharma lies the fate of future India.
3. Do not denigrate the braahman out of your current propensity to exhibit sympathy for the shudra / Dalit. That is suicidal for our civilisation which is largely the gift of the braahman. Rather, as Swamiji says, bring the Vedas to the door of the shudra, educate him in the spiritual culture of eternal India that speaks of the glory of each and every human soul, despite the social abuse of millenia that he has suffered consequent on the exigencies of the times. Upon the harmonious development of the four varnas that distinguish Hindu society lies the prospects of prosperity of future India in every sphere.
4. True 'varna vibhajan' or the division of society along lines of the varna is a natural order that is in vogue in every society across the world. It is only that it is not recognised to be so.
The Hindus, supremely intellectual and spiritually conscious that they are, have carried it to its logical extreme but have committed the grossest sacrilege of its original spirit by making it a divisive social mode rather than the mode of social harmony that it was originally intended to have been.
What is needed today is not the abolition of the varnas -- for that can never be as the varnas are naturally existent and cannot not be artificially done away by force without causing calamitous changes to our continuing spiritual culture with which the varnas are so intimately linked -- but their reorientation towards their original intent. So must the braahman study, the kshatriya defend, the vaishya trade and the shudra labour, but each one must do what he does as honourable exercise of his soul towards the eventual goal of Self-realisation. In this no work and no varna is to be deemed higher or lower but all are to be recognised as interdependent organs and their respective functions of a single organism, the viraat Hindu samaj (vast Hindu society). This is a horizontal order in equality and not a vertical one in its opposite. Also, heredity must play no more than nominal role in this order and inter-varna transference as per attributes of the person ought to be possible.
How all this may eventually translate in a huge Hindu society of modern times is to be cogitated on but it is to be brought about by comprehending the deeper implications of the 'varna vibhajan' and affirmatively acting on it. Perhaps, we need the advent of great Acharyas for implementing this gigantic task. Till then let us mutually respect each other, beholding each one as divine and, so, equal before man and God.
5. Hinduism must conquer the world. Otherwise, we will be finished as a civilisation. For stagnancy is bound to breed the virus of death and expansion is the only way out of it.
Written by Sugata Bose
1. A vast life has preceded us, a vast life lies ahead, in between is this brief flicker of terrestrial experience, a window unto infinity.
2. Indian civilisation, much wounded but refusing to capitulate before the tyranny of the times gone by and that of the back-stabbing of the current devotees of pseudo-liberalism and its ilk, must reaffirm its pristine principles of affirmative living in the light of the Vedas. Otherwise, its days are numbered and its location fixed among the dead civilisations of the past. Shall such a destiny be ours? Upon your action today of the defence of the dharma lies the fate of future India.
3. Do not denigrate the braahman out of your current propensity to exhibit sympathy for the shudra / Dalit. That is suicidal for our civilisation which is largely the gift of the braahman. Rather, as Swamiji says, bring the Vedas to the door of the shudra, educate him in the spiritual culture of eternal India that speaks of the glory of each and every human soul, despite the social abuse of millenia that he has suffered consequent on the exigencies of the times. Upon the harmonious development of the four varnas that distinguish Hindu society lies the prospects of prosperity of future India in every sphere.
4. True 'varna vibhajan' or the division of society along lines of the varna is a natural order that is in vogue in every society across the world. It is only that it is not recognised to be so.
The Hindus, supremely intellectual and spiritually conscious that they are, have carried it to its logical extreme but have committed the grossest sacrilege of its original spirit by making it a divisive social mode rather than the mode of social harmony that it was originally intended to have been.
What is needed today is not the abolition of the varnas -- for that can never be as the varnas are naturally existent and cannot not be artificially done away by force without causing calamitous changes to our continuing spiritual culture with which the varnas are so intimately linked -- but their reorientation towards their original intent. So must the braahman study, the kshatriya defend, the vaishya trade and the shudra labour, but each one must do what he does as honourable exercise of his soul towards the eventual goal of Self-realisation. In this no work and no varna is to be deemed higher or lower but all are to be recognised as interdependent organs and their respective functions of a single organism, the viraat Hindu samaj (vast Hindu society). This is a horizontal order in equality and not a vertical one in its opposite. Also, heredity must play no more than nominal role in this order and inter-varna transference as per attributes of the person ought to be possible.
How all this may eventually translate in a huge Hindu society of modern times is to be cogitated on but it is to be brought about by comprehending the deeper implications of the 'varna vibhajan' and affirmatively acting on it. Perhaps, we need the advent of great Acharyas for implementing this gigantic task. Till then let us mutually respect each other, beholding each one as divine and, so, equal before man and God.
5. Hinduism must conquer the world. Otherwise, we will be finished as a civilisation. For stagnancy is bound to breed the virus of death and expansion is the only way out of it.
Written by Sugata Bose
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