We have to save our Sanatan Dharma not only from the aggressive advances of proselytising religions like Christianity and Islam but we have to save it no less from our own terrible neglect of it. The failure to practise what we preach, the failure to even learn enough about the fundamental precepts and principles of our eternal Vedic dharma and our utter indifference towards the study of our heritage language, the divine Sanskrit, has cost us dearer than we dare admit. This must be redressed if we care at all to survive as a civilisation.
Mere tall talk about the glory of our spiritual civilisation without substantiating it with facts and figures, data and analyses, and mere indulgence in criticising other faiths and their proselytising practices will not do. Much more than that is necessary for the flourishing of our Vedic culture. Affirmative steps will have to be taken in the direction of studying and propagating our dharma, and engaging in the negative action of destructive criticism only will boomerang on us in the long run, for the life of an entity lies in its sustained propagation in much the same manner as the maintenance of a species. And it is in this context that we must make the necessary amendments to our way of living and incorporate our dharma as an inalienable and integral part of our life and living. Only then may we be absolved of the sin of the neglect of our dharma that we have thus far subjected it to. In it lies our welfare for the hour and in it lies our welfare for the morrow that hearkens us from the unborn womb of futurity.
Vande Mataram !
Written by Sugata Bose
We have to save our Sanatan Dharma not only from the aggressive advances of proselytising religions like Christianity and Islam but we have to save it no less from our own terrible neglect of it. The failure to practise what we preach, the failure to even learn enough about the fundamental precepts and principles of our eternal Vedic dharma and our utter indifference towards the study of our heritage language, the divine Sanskrit, has cost us dearer than we dare admit. This must be redressed if we care at all to survive as a civilisation.
Mere tall talk about the glory of our spiritual civilisation without substantiating it with facts and figures, data and analyses, and mere indulgence in criticising other faiths and their proselytising practices will not do. Much more than that is necessary for the flourishing of our Vedic culture. Affirmative steps will have to be taken in the direction of studying and propagating our dharma, and engaging in the negative action of destructive criticism only will boomerang on us in the long run, for the life of an entity lies in its sustained propagation in much the same manner as the maintenance of a species. And it is in this context that we must make the necessary amendments to our way of living and incorporate our dharma as an inalienable and integral part of our life and living. Only then may we be absolved of the sin of the neglect of our dharma that we have thus far subjected it to. In it lies our welfare for the hour and in it lies our welfare for the morrow that hearkens us from the unborn womb of futurity.
Vande Mataram !
Written by Sugata Bose
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