Thursday, 5 December 2019



We must never imagine that the danger to our motherland's sovereignty is gone. The danger ever lurks, silently waiting to strike. Every moment we must be vigilant to defend our freedom. A thousand year slavery we have overcome and that, too, at a terrible price, the dismemberment of our motherland. We must never allow such a dastardly deed again, we must never forget the lessons of history. Else, we will lose our independence once more.

Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom and eternal vigilance we must maintain. An enlightened citizenry can best preserve freedom. For such a polity to come into being, we must as a nation first achieve 100% literacy. This should be the prime prerogative. Along with it a national culture of martial discipline and valour is the call of the hour. This debilitating cinematic culture of paralysing song and dance, this self-seeking sensate cheap culture evident in the advertisement of products which appeals to base passions, this penchant for personal gain at the cost of the nation's interests, this inability to effectively combine and do cooperative work, this clamouring hoarse over television programmes for popularity and profit, this selling the motherland for monetary gain by covetous capitalists, this keeping the masses perpetually in penury, this back-stabbing one's own country from within, this utter lack of transparency of politicians and businessmen, all this must go before our motherland rises united and strong in self-defence and in the efficient discharge of her divine commission to the world.

Unto that end we must measure our steps, unto that destiny must we advance. Strength we must acquire to achieve the goal, not cheap sentimentality exhibited in a plethora of song and dance, poetry and performance before the prying eyes of the camera with the sole aim of satisfying our lower desires oblivious of the higher purposes of life and living. This relentless pursuit of strength in every sphere of our individual and collective life, this personal cheer in common welfare, this undying endeavour to achieve perfection in whatever discipline we undertake, these shall be the bricks on which we shall build our national edifice. For this we must give these effeminate aspirations that are so eating into our vitals, all this commercial corruption and their concomitant evils that we are daily importing from the West and, mixing our weaknesses with it, are injecting it then into the national nerve to cripple its manhood for good. This we must not allow. Strength, truth and purity -- let these be the watchwords of our national development.

Vande Mataram !

Written by Sugata Bose

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