1. We have to create national mental volume, deeper spaces for the flourishing of subtle thinking along the grain of our civilisation.
2. Wear the mask to save your lungs. Do not step outside unguarded to inhale this cancerous air. The long-term effect is fatal.
3. The national population grows alarmingly at 1.19% or 16 million a year as of now. Whither are we headed?
4. Why condemn all the leaders of the Congress for the Partition but spare Jinnah and his Muslim League, the real culprits who did it?
5. Simplicity is a difficult art, the perfected flow of purity.
6. Royalty lies in restraint.
7. Never does a princess uproarious laugh ; softened smooth is her velvet touch.
8. Royalty claims not profit. Royalty rules through giving.
9. Seeks the beggar, never the saint. Brimful the sage lavishes love.
10. Study the Semitic scriptures beyond the name
Before saying that all faiths do speak the same.
11. Study the scriptures beyond the name
Before saying all faiths do speak the same.
12. The Semitic religions / the religions of Abrahamic origin are as follows :1. Judaism2. Christianity3. Islam.
13. Of the three Semitic religions Judaism is non-proselytising while Christianity and Islam are proselytising faiths.
14. Proselytising monotheistic faiths have historically been the most violent. And the tradition continues to this day.
15. Religions that convert are inherently intolerant, compulsively violent. Beware of any who invites you to leave your Hindu Dharma!
16. We must keep our temples clean. Why must God dwell in unhygienic circumstance?
17. Commercial culture is eating into our vitals. Each one of you make sure that you manifest manliness. Give up effeminacy completely.
18. Come on man, read Vivekananda and manifest manhood. Do not drag in effeminacy even in monasticism. Be men !
19. India now is precariously bottom-heavy. The brahman and the kshatriya culture has literally vanished. Vaishyas rule us to our ruin.
20. Hindus are losing the demographic war waged against them by their converting cousins. No God can save us for we choose to sleep.
21. Is there not a single woman in India who can give birth to a man? We need such viranganas who can mother veer putras, veeer putris.
22. Must we all sing and dance and recite poetry till, debilitated to extinction-limits, we simply disappear as a race?
23. How is it that 25% of the population of India forced Partition on the motherland while 75% remained impotent? Reflect and respond.
24. The Hindu is weak because he does not do his spiritual practices regularly. A minute's prayer somehow performed is not enough.
25. It is the collective will that builds a nation. But we are such a fragmented polity. How will we succeed in building our country?
26. See how Hindu influence has diminished over the last 1400 yr across Asia. If we do not now awake, we'll be wiped out here as well.
27. It is a long-drawn campaign, a veritable war, this conversion of the Hindu over centuries till there is no more Hindu left.
28. The moment you qualify to be able to serve the motherland, do not settle abroad to make your life while your brethren weep poor.
29. If this country has to rise, we need to discard Gandhian weakness and adopt the strength of the warrior Krishna.
30. What sort of a republic we've become is evident from the TV show in its name every night. The babble n the rabble-rousing anchor!
31. To me the country is God incarnate. To you?
32. If Ministers are depending on men and women of their merit to run the nation, we are doomed.
33. I want to see a few robust Bengali industrialists rise from the dust of the sickening politics that has ruined the youth here.
34. I did not know that we had so many Jinnah-loyalists in India. No wonder so few blame him for Partition.
35. Madam, O oblivious one, you who say that you do not know as to who I am, to you I say, "You will not know me till you know yourself."
36. I am not here to appease apologists but am here with the flaming sword of awakened consciousness to defend the Sanatan Dharma.
37. A lady admonishes an RKM monk and that, too, in erroneous terms. Has she forgotten her station in life, lost all sense of propriety?
This ascription of 'The Holy Trinity' on Thakur-Ma-Swamiji is a curious Christian admission of an altered kind into our fold with strange connotations that bear no significance to the Sanatan Dharma beyond the entertainment of puerile fanciful notions redolent of a preposterous ignorance about Christian parlance.
Written by Sugata Bose
39. A devotee with scant knowledge of Ramakrishna lore dares lecture a monk of proven erudition by cherry-picking passages from it. Shame !
40. The way a lady 'devotee' has talked offence to a Swami today has shamed the lot of us who earnestly respect him.
41. We may have altercations, verbal duels, debates and discussions with RKM sadhus, but to insult them? Never such a damned privilege.
42. How do Hindus say that all religions speak the same thing when no other system other than the Sanatan Dharma speaks of Brahman?
43. I find it baffling to see the ignorance among Hindus about the principles and practices of Abrahamic faiths that so threaten us.
44. How many Muslims have been converted by the Hindus in the former's 1300 yr stay in India? And how many Hindus have they converted?
45. Those that spread lies about religion with their supercilious superficial talk, how many of you have thoroughly read the Quran?
46. Chronicling history is not spreading hate. Hindus behold the whole of humanity as divine. Love is the unifying link of all men.
47. We have to find common bonds, cross-cultural linkages, the unity of all of mankind. But for this we need the philosophy of the Vedas.
48. Asaduddin and Akbaruddin's Owaisi's great grandfather was a Hindu who converted to Islam. His name was Tulasi Ram Das ji.
49. Aftab-e-Sitar Vilayat Khan's ancestors were Hindu Rajputs. The maestro himself had a Rajput name, Kahan Singh. His father Enayat Khan had the name Nath Singh. Vilayat Khan composed bandishes under the pseudonym, Nath Piya.
50. Allauddin Khan's great great grandfather, Siraju,was a Hindu. He embraced Islam to become Sams Fakir. His father, Dinanath Dev Sharma, was a saintly figure.
51. It is not always good enough to show humanity the path but times are when it becomes necessary to pull humanity out of its rut.
52. Quoting Swamiji to establish your narrative of religious pluralism must be comprehensive n not cherry-picked. Indulge not in lies.
53. I thank all those who regularly read my posts and help me spread the message that I wish to convey. My respects to all of them.
54. Hinduism must conquer the world. And vigorous propagation is the call of the hour to save humanity from fanatical cults.
55. In 1993 Samuel P. Huntington had predicted the clash of civilisations in his like-named book. We are now in the midst of it.
56. Evil will always win if foolish interpretation is made of goodness that makes it impotent to combat evil.
57. The only hope for humanity lies in RK Mission sending hundreds of missionaries across the world to preach the Sanatan Dharma.
58. 'Phir meethha jhuthh! Phir meethha jhuthh!' -- Be careful of sweet-tongued pseudo-liberals and their sharp-tongued siblings.
59. এত আত্মঘাতী, মূর্খ এই হিন্দু জাতি, নিজেরই ক্ষতিসাধনে তৎপর | কে বাঁচাবে একে?
60. The Catholic Church in India is playing a cunning game of politics under the garb of promoting religious harmony. Beware of Bishops !
61. Let my readers be strong-nerved who can face the revelations of history square on and not weaklings who cower in fear. Jai Bharat!
62. Happy New Year to all my sisters and brothers across the wide world !
63. Hindu-Muslim unity? Only Ramakrishna is the hope.
A very happy New Year to all my readers, relatives and friends across the globe. It is also the Kalpataru Divas in the Ramakrishna tradition. My greetings and good wishes to all on that count, too.
65. Who would have prayed to God ever were He not the Reserve Bank of the Universe? Sages alone contemplate Him in love unconditional.
66. The righteous are truthful, simple and ever restrained. Purity adorns their every endeavour.
67. Evil ever resorts to lies, pretence and lowly desire. Purity is absent in all evil endeavour.
শুভ কল্পতরু দিবস !
আজ যদি ঠাকুর-মা-স্বামীজী ফিরে আসেন অতি দরিদ্রের ছদ্মবেশে ভিন্ন অবয়বে, কে জানে ক'জন ভক্ত সাহায্যের হাত বাড়িয়ে দেবেন তাঁদের রক্ষাকল্পে ?
রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
This Kalpataru Divas let us give something to the living Ramakrishna in the guise of the distressed and the dying rather than routinely begging from Thakur for blessings we do not deserve.
70. মানুষ আশার বাণী শুনতে চান | তাই বলি, আপনারা কেউ নশ্বর দেহ নন, অবিনশ্বর আত্মা, মৃত্যুহীন, অনন্তের পথিক |
71. মৃত্যুকে ভয় কিসের ? স্বামীজী তো আমাদের জন্ম হতেই মায়ের জন্য বলিপ্রদত্ত বলে ঘোষণা করেছেন | তাহলে কিসের চিন্তা, কিসের শঙ্কা ? মাভৈঃ!
72. নববর্ষের প্রারম্ভে বলবীর্য কামনা করি ঠাকুরের কাছে যাতে প্রতিবেশীর সঙ্কটকালে সমর্থরূপে পাশে দাঁড়াতে পারি |
73. যুবক যুবতীদের কাছে আমার আহ্বান -- আপনারা সুশিক্ষিত হোন, সংস্কৃতিবান হোন ও দেশমাতৃকার সেবায় জীবন উৎসর্গ করুন |
74. দেশের কল্যাণ যিনি চান, তিনি নিজ কর্মে যত্নবান হন কারণ বিন্দু বিন্দু কর্মের যোগেই বৃহৎ ভারতের কর্মযজ্ঞ সম্পাদিত হয় |
75. স্পষ্ট দেখা যাচ্ছে, মানুষের ইচ্ছায় কিছু হচ্ছে না | নেপথ্য হতে মহাক্রিয়াশীল শক্তি ক্রীড়াপুত্তলিকার ন্যায় মনুষ্যসমাজ সঞ্চালন করছেন | यन्त्ररूढ़हानी माया |
76. The whole country must be vigilant. We must not fight with each other and so weaken that we capitulate before the enemy.
77. Our borders will have to be secured both at the periphery and well within the country for there are foes beyond and deep within.
78. Re-conversion to Hinduism is inevitable as one advances in the spiritual path. The Sanatan Dharma is man's eventual spiritual destination.
79. আজ সন্ধ্যায় জানাই সকলকে অভিবাদন | আসুন, দেশ গড়ি |
80. Work in the name of Netaji. Do not demand holiday in the name of the hero who was the embodiment of karma yoga.
81. তমোগুণকে দূর করতে হলে কর্ম চাই | কি হবে ছুটি নিয়ে নেতাজী-গান্ধীজী-স্বামীজীর নামে ? বরং, বীরবিক্রমে কর্মসম্পাদনে উৎসাহী হতে হবে |
ছুটিরও ছুটি চাই
কর্মযোগের প্রতিভূ, নেতাজীর নামে তাঁর জন্মদিনে ছুটির দাবি ? আর কত ? আলস্যবিজড়িত বাগারম্বরপ্রিয় ব্যক্তিপ্রবর, এবার সারা বছরটাই তাহলে নানান মহামানবের স্মৃতির উদ্দেশ্যে ছুটি ঘোষণা করা হোক, কি বলেন ? অলসের আবার স্বদেশপ্রেম !
রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
83. ' জাতীয় যুবদিবস ' এসে পড়ল | যুবকযুবতীরা উঠে পড়ে লাগুন ' স্বামী বিবেকানন্দের বাণী ও রচনা ' পাঠে |
84. ব্রহ্মচর্য ব্যতীত বললাভ হয় না | স্বামীজীর কন্ঠে ধ্বনিত ভারতাত্মার এই শাশ্বত বাণীই হোক যুবসমাজের আলোকবর্তিকা |
85. প্রতিমুহূর্ত কর্মব্যস্ত যিনি পরার্থে, তিনিই যথার্থ স্বদেশপ্রেমী | যে সকল রাজনৈতিক নেতানেত্রী কর্মের বাধাস্বরূপ, তাঁরা স্বদেশবিরোধী |
86. যুবক নরেন্দ্রনাথের বৈশিষ্ট কোথায় ? অখণ্ড ব্রহ্মচর্যপালনে |
87. আমি আহ্বান জানাই যুবসমাজকে, " আপনারা স্বামীজীকে আদর্শ মেনে এগিয়ে চলুন | রাজনীতির কুচক্রে মহামূল্যবান যৌবনটি হারাবেন না | "
88. If you want to build character, study Vivekananda.যদি চরিত্রগঠন করতে চান, তো স্বামীজীর বাণী ও রচনা পাঠ করুন |
89. Population mounts, pollution mounts. Whither are we headed?
Our days are gone. It is now your day, O youth of India. Celebrate this 12th January in a manner befitting of the occasion. Disappoint not.
91. A large section of the Bengali youth has got perverted from what would otherwise have constituted spirituality in them. Politics!
92. Here thou art standing as the embodiment of the Divine and it is for me to fall at thy feet and worship thee. Glory unto man !
93. The National Youth Day approaches. My heart leaps up in joy even though my hour of youth is long gone. Yet, the excitement persists.
94. Let another Ranganathananda arise from among the youth to relocate Vivekananda in mass consciousness. Arise India !
95. Vivekananda remains unto America 'the gift unopened', so said Eleanor Stark. And what have we done with this gift unwrapped and laid bare but then set aside?
96. Janmadin shubha hok ! Adarshey anupranita hawo aaro o Swamiji-Netajir aalokey pathparikrama kore dhanya hok jeebon tomar, Diganta !
97. What Bengal thinks today, India has thought yesterday.
98. এসে গেল ' জাতীয় যুব দিবস ' | যুবসমাজে উৎসাহ দেখতে চাই এই দিনটির যথাযথ পালনে | এখনই শুরু হোক | জয় স্বামীজী !
99. Spiritualise the whole world, pollution will be reduced.
100. যুবসমাজের কাছে আহ্বান -- 'জাতীয় যুবদিবস' উপলক্ষে কিছু সেবামূলক কাজ করুন | শুধু সমারোহে কী হবে ?
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