Saturday 28 December 2019



Does Islam accept Hinduism as true? Does Christianity do it either? Then, O Hindus, why spread the lie that all religions in essence speak the same thing? Why remain in ignorance about the real intent of these religions that are by doctrinaire compulsion enjoined to convert us 'idolatrous infidels' to their fold and, so, destroy for good our civilisation of the sages and the saints, of the Avatars and the Acharyas, and of our peoples and our pilgrimages?

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Swami Vivekananda, the Condensed India, a figure much quoted to suit ends but whose flaming message of the resurrection of Hinduism is slapped in others as damned bigotry by the ignoramus liberals who form opinion and pronounce judgement about Hinduism and Hindutva without even engaging in deep study of the dharma that still remains the only hope of survival for a sinking humanity.

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