Monday, 2 December 2019



Today's businessman -- what will he understand of the grand kshatriya tradition of our motherland? He knows only how to make profit even at the cost of his country's interests. Shame on such commercialisation of culture ! Shame on such corruption in representation of our historical truths !

The businessman of today has but Mammon for his God and wealth, well-begotten or ill, as his capital incentive in life. What care he of national interest when all that matters to him is gold. Values count little and ideals he has sold for a pittance. His soul is mortgaged to securing sales proceeds even if that means selling the motherland. To contemplate the common weal is heresy to his heritage of self-seeking by fleecing the consumer.

The capitalist today is the king without culture, the beggar with his invisible bowl and the pioneer of every practice that reduces the middle classes to leading the morrow's mass mutiny for revolutionary reversal of things.

Today, the businessman is the boss and he pollutes the ancient culture with his capitalist corruptions even as he pollutes the physical environment with it. But, tomorrow, the masses will rise and be the sole arbiter of things. Will that raise culture? No, assuredly not. The proletariat will lower culture to its nadir and the cycle will reverse only then.

Till then must we endure this gross commercialisation of culture? Well, the onus is on us to determine our future course of things. We can in our individual capacities contribute to national culture even if that amounts to adding but a water-drop in the vast ocean of civilisation. Else, we can en masse contribute to this corruption of culture by our indiscriminate submission to the copper coin. The odds are even as yet and the outcome depends on our choice, although, there is the steadily declining trend, this precipitation of pristine culture, this gravitation of every refinement unto its grosser, coarser end.

May good sense prevail ! Vande Mataram !

Written by Sugata Bose

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