Wednesday 25 December 2019



We cannot appease to build our country. We cannot oppose each other to build our country. We must coordinate our efforts, synchronise our wills, cooperate and conjointly labour to rebuild our motherland from the ruins of her historical dreams, the ravages of the past which have reduced her to a relic of her pristine attainments, her sublime civilisation lying in tatters.

Onerous is our task, weakened our strength owing to infighting between our forces, yet, victory shall be ours if the will be there. And Mother India being gracious, we will attain our goal of enthroning her high where she once sat supreme civilising the peoples of the world.

The current situation is precariously tilted against national interest as the Hindu civilisation is being threatened from all sides, from within and from without. Global agencies work hand-in-hand with internal agencies of disruption, of perversion of the national spirit, of subversion of the government of the day using every falsity and camouflaging of truth that there can be.

Written by Sugata Bose

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