Wednesday 25 December 2019



We are agitating about inconsequential things while the planet in all earnestness dies. Where shall our agitations be when life on earth has ceased?

Now is the hour when fight we must this degrading environment which will annihilate all of us. The planet heats up alarmingly and we are stranded still past the eleventh hour, just minutes before our doom.

Afforestation is the key. Massive planting of trees is the crying call to regain the lost environmental balance. Simplicity of living along lines of spiritual restraint is the altered human mode whereby this degeneration of the environment may be checked and the planet restored to its former health.

Human greed has no end save in self-destruction. Corrosive commercialisation has eroded the earth seemingly beyond repair. The prospects are grim and we are ominously close to extinction as a species much like many a species that have been wiped out of the face of the earth owing to our rapacious exploitation of the earth's resources. Now the hunter will be the hunted, the victor the victim.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Antpur Ramakrishna Math surroundings.

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